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Spotlight On...Heyteach

From thanking the efforts of active members to posting health tidbits in the Soapboxes, Heyteach's presence is visible in every corner of KnowPost.

Parables, notable quotes and wise anecdotes all seem to find their way into her writing. And when a crisis comes around, there is no one better to have by your side than Heyteach. Her logical, sound advice and kind sentiments could help even the most troubled souls.

As our #1 member approaches the phenomenal milestone of 10,000 questions answered, let's take a look back at some of the answers that have helped put Heyteach in the number one spot!

Heyteach on insurance:
You really aren't fighting a battle about whether the medical community admits FMS exists--it does. You're fighting a battle with an insurance company that does not want to pay--lower profits for them.

Heyteach on the meaning of life:
Who are we? Children of the God who loves us. Why are we here? To love and serve the Lord and fulfill His purpose. Is there really a God? Yes. If nothing else, consider Pascal's wager (he was a mathematician): either there is or is not a God. If there is no God, living your life as though one existed can't really hurt you. If there is a God, you will wish you lived your life as though He existed...

And men:
Overwatering and freezing would be problems. If they're way out of their natural areas of growth, I would not be surprised to find they are susceptible to parasites that would not normally be present in their native areas.  Just kidding, that was about a cactus.

Heyteach on self-improvement:
I would, however, consider sitting down, one-on-one with people I respect who I feel know me well and say to them, "I am interested in improving myself. I personally think I need to be more x or less y or some such. Given what you know about me, can you make some suggestions on how I can do that?" I think that's a lot less threatening to the other party, and as you're in control and saying you want to make changes in that area, they are likely to feel you're not going to be offended when they respond.

Heyteach on KnowPost:
I'm here less than two weeks, so I don't have a great deal of history to go on. It seems that "philosophical" questions have the best potential. Right now, for example, we have "What is the meaning of life?" When one person answers that question, there is still an infinity of possible answers left....Why did I answer this question? It aroused my curiousity and I was hoping some thoughts I enter might spark more comments which would give me a better sense yet for the community.

Heyteach on knowledge:
I've got my Mensa card, so according to the way academics define intelligence, I've been "certified." I, however, do NOT think that SAT scores are a good description of intelligence....I think a high SAT score is encouraging for a student planning to pursue academics in the traditional sense. However, "not doing well" on the SAT can be attributed to a variety of other factors and to me, is no "proof" that the person lacks intelligence. To me intelligence includes the ability to learn new information, to make use of that information (apply it), to evaluate it, and to express that knowledge to others.

Heyteach on education:
As a college teacher of 15 years, I have some experience in education. I have successfully taught "unteachable" students (as in people with IQs of around 70) because I do not believe they are unteachable....I do find they are slower in learning and may need more individual time and more creative approaches, but I think a good deal of "IQ" concepts are a load.

Heyteach on the afterlife:
I hope I don't "need" an NDE [near-death experience] to get my act together, but it seems a small price to pay to get the upper floor in eternity!

Heyteach on freedom of speech:
First, I don't think everyone is entitled to say everything that crosses their mind. A sense of respect for other's feelings and the open, accessible nature of the site should be considered. I read a great example once when someone said they were in a store and someone lit up a cigarette. The clerk told the person there was no smoking allowed. "It's a free country and you sell cigarettes," was the surly answer. The clerk intelligently replied, "It's not your store and there are laws. We also sell toilet paper, but we don't expect you to use that in public either."

Heyteach on the scientific method:
The "social sciences" are pretty "iffy" as it is to begin with (don't write me hate mail, I have a grad degree in the field as well. There is a lot of slop passing for science out there, especially in social sciences.

On sexuality:
Whether one could measure such an ephemeral concept anyhow is irrelevant to everyone's life. The morally stunted will run to the "research" and "justify" their inability to keep a zipper up (and that goes for the women too). Those who know better will shake our heads in disgust and hope we can impart some sense of decency to those we are closest to.

Is there anything she won't answer?:
There are a few categories I like better than the others: the "deep philosophical" ones about religion or government (frequently Pahlavan questions it turns out!); creative, offbeat ones like "what perfume scent are you"; ones calling for funny responses; advice questions on most any topic--look out Ann & Abby; and science/health questions I know the answer to!

Don't you dare rate her one star:
In the abstract, the thought of killing another does not appeal to me. However, at times, based on certain particularly heinous crimes, the urge does rear its ugly head!

Heyteach gets tough:
I think under the right circumstances I can kill--and in some, I fear, just like T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) be able to say, I like it. Now THAT is a scary thought.

Be afraid. Be very afraid:
If I pull my gun, I'm willing to kill. I'm a good shot, but I'm not sniper quality.

Congratulations Heyteach!
Personal comments below...

You have touched the life of every single KnowPost member. We would be hard-pressed to find a person who hasn't answered one of your 622 questions, received one of your 10,000 answers or read one of your 829 Soapboxes.

You have comforted those in need, offered information to the confused and even put a few people in their place! It is rare to find someone who has such warmth and kindness who knows when it's time to take a stand on important issues.

As you reach the incredible milestone of 10,000 answers posted, all of KnowPost would like to thank you for making such a positive contribution to our community! You are a mentor, confidante, advisor and friend and we appreciate all that you have done for us!

Thank you Laurie!


Its always heyteach
at the top of my long list
She's a smart sapling.

Laurie is the Tiger Woods of KnowPost. We are not even playing on her golf course. She's got the KnowPost thing down cold. She's so prolific it's scary, and what's even more incredible is the quality and range of her answers. I don't know where she finds the time, because I spend in excess of 70 hours a week here and she is pulling ahead of me daily. She also keeps us informed and entertained with a wide array of interesting and informative soaps. All in all, in every way, Laurie has earned her #1 spot at KnowPost. Congratulations Laurie, on hitting the 10,000 mark!

Heyteach, Laurie,

I would like to thank you for the contact and the dialogues and debates we have experienced with each other during the past year and more. I have relished your answers to my questions. I have enjoyed so many of your kind and informed answers to so many seekers of both information and support. Your heart is kind and your are most responsive.

It is nice to have you in my world.

Thank you.
Ray Johnson,


Congratulations on your 10,000th answer! Your dedication and loyalty to your fellow KnowPost associates has been an inspiration to us all! Thank you for allowing us the privilage of knowing you!

Laurie has been much of the life, breath and personality of KnowPost. She is so well read, intelligent, always ready to help and always ready to praise somebody else here when they have accomplished something important. She also posts many, many items from newspapers, scientific papers, etc. Items that most of us would normally have not found, but is of great interest to us. She is so generous with her time, her knowledge and her heart. She is one of the first friends I made at KnowPost and I am so happy and proud of the fact that we remain close friends today and I hope always. I cannot think of enough words to praise her for all she has done for all of us, but I am proud to have her as a friend. To me, she really should be known as "The Queen of KnowPost". Nobody else is more deserving.


Congratulations on a magnificent effort on reaching 10,000 answers. Not only have you answered so many but you have maintained an excellent score throughout. This shows a high degree of sincerity.

For me the most outstanding answer you gave to one of my questions was:

Thanks so much.


Heyteach took time out from her busy KnowPosting to cmail a special condolence message to me when she learned of a loss I suffered recently. Our Laurie has a special talent for sending a helpful note where it's needed most -- whether in soaps, questions, answers or cmails. Thanks for being here, heyteach.


dear heyteach:
thanks so much for all your contributions to knowpost!! congrats on the 10,000 answer mark!!


Since joining KnowPost 5 months ago, I have not only enjoyed reading Laurie's posts but have learned much along the way. Laurie's answers are always full of knowledge and experience and she is certainly a huge asset to the site. It is a joy to talk with her both privately in ceremail where she shows great humour, but also in the soaps where her wisdom flows just as freely as in her KP answers.



You can count on Laurie to give a well-rounded, solid answer to just about any question. I love her 'down-to-earth-ness'. I wish I had a pal like her to drink coffee with on a regular basis! Congratulations Heyteach! It's nice to know you in this modern-day way!

You've put far more than your share into Know?ost. How you've got the energy, time or effort, I have no idea. I know where you've got the smarts from, and I'm glad you're using your intelligence to help us all out.
Your efforts to show how to lead the way by doing, not talking, is exemplary, as usual.
Thank you. I know you've helped me out.
After I get my magic wand, (sorry, but I'm going to shortstop it at least once for myself), I'll pass it along to you, and you can fix everyone elses troubles. I hope you'll leave a little magic to use for yourself, tho. You're almost too giving. Someone is going to be the lucky recipient of your love and caring. They have no idea just how lucky they're going to be.


I want to join the masses at KP in congratulating You, Laurie, on this incredible achievement!

Laurie, wonderful! You soar beyond the limits! Heyteach, amazing!



You are one of the reasons I've hung around KP for so long. I do love KP, but it just wouldn't be the same without you. When I first started browsing KP, back before I became more social, I noticed your answers right away. You always give well thought, in- depth answers. You are very honest, even when its not what the asker wants to hear. You are even willing to research to get an answer for someone in need. When I'm rating answers I can always recognize a Heyteach answer before I've even seen your name.

You helped keep me sane when I thought I was going to be pregnant forever. You offered information and support. I appreciate your occasional ceremails just checking in to see how I'm doing. Those mean so much to me. Its nice to get ceremails directing to me information you thought I might be interested in. I know you do these things for others here at this site and that is what makes you so amazing.

There was a time when you thought about leaving the site. As I told you before I don't think I could have stayed around if not for you. I love KP but I was so busy trying to get used to Joey. I didn't have time to interact with the members of KP. I couldn't answer questions or keep up with the soaps. I was losing motivation to log on. If you had left I wouldn't have stayed around much longer. I'm grateful that you decided to stick it out.

Congrats on reaching 10,000. I look forward to seeing you reach 20,000. ;0)

Love, AmyLeigh


From one teacher to another - congratulations! (and keep going)

Dear Laurie,
congratulations!! 10,000 answers that is awesome.. I am impressed..
I think you have touched every one of us on kp and we are all grateful for your kindness and your endless generosity of time and effort you have given all of us..
I have written you and asked you questions and advice and you were always there with a good answer and good advice and I thank you . You are a kind sweet lady and I wish for you happiness and good health. God Bless and Thanks for being you!


Thank You.

A big hug and heartfelt thanks for all the advice, information, scoldings, concern, and entertainment that constitute your 10,000 answers. To a wonderful woman who gives so much of herself to others. Laurie, congratulations on the BIG 10,000. WE LOVE YOU!!

Way back in June of '99, when I was a newbie here, I had a real need to identify poison ivy & to understand the mechanism & control of it's allergenic oil. At the time time, I thought myself an accomplished web searcher, but kept running into dead ends. Throwing my pride to the wind, I posted my Q. Within an hour I received an outstanding response, complete w/ several exceptional websites. Between the respondent's pseudonym & his answer, I established in my mind a clear picture of a bespectacled, dark-haired, middle-aged, highschool science teacher - or possibly college professor - from Connecticut. Indebted, I ceremailed this guy, thanking him for his outstanding A & commented that he had obviously had to deal w/ this matter in the past. He responded saying, in effect, he had not previously researched the subject, but simply enjoyed knowledge. I WAS HOOKED ON KP. Having since read 100's of his As & checked out his profile, I now know him to be a deepthinking, principled, exceptionally knowledgeable, cute little smiley-faced 2-year-old girl from somewhere in Arizona. I can think of no other on this site who can tackle the spectrum of Qs so adroitly as she. Truly she is a woman of character, intellect & empathy. Impressive indeed. Wish that I could struggle just 1/2 as successfly w/ life's difficulties as does she. With regard to KP, any A, soap or ceremail posted by heyteach is well worth reading. Without heyteach my activity on this site would be greatly diminished; I particularly value her responses to my personal concerns.

BIG THANX heyteach !!!



Congratulations, Laurie!

WOW!! What do you say about someone who has taught us so much, laughed with us, cried with us and loves this site so much that she has actually answered all of these questions? Positive answers, interesting answers, informing answers, answers that make us think! Thank you Laurie. You've been a great friend and a great inspiration. Good Luck on your next 10,000! We all know you'll do it!



I would just like to say thank you for all of the answers you have provided for my questions. You have given me some wonderful advice and you have really made a difference in how I think about and view the world around me.

Congratulations on 10,000 answers!!

I remember my first meeting with Laurie way back in July of 1999. I was new to KP and was posting questions like mad and she answered one I had asked that went something like this - If a person from the 15th century was magically transported to the 20th century he/she would eventually die - what do you think would be the cause of death? heyteach's answer intrigued me enough to send my very first ceremail and you can't imagine how thrilled I was when she actually answered! She was the first KP'er I "spoke" to way back then and we've been schmoozing ever since. Laurie is well known in my household - I often tell my husband something she has said or share a c-mail with him. She has helped me more than she will ever know with some personal struggles I have been going through with my daughters. Because I've printed many of her c-mails and shared them with my husband, he has been a recipient of her encouraging words as well.

Laurie, you're by far the smartest woman I know, online AND off. You are one of the few people on KnowPost I would love to meet in person - I know we'd become friends! Thank you for being you, Laurie! Congratulations on answering 10,000 questions! Maybe we should re-name the site to KnowTeach or TeachPost....:)
Deb aka GreyEyes


Dear heyteach,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a magnificent effort achieving 10,000 answers. You are royalty in the knowpost community.

Nick from Australia

What could I possibly say about Laurie that somebody else hasn't already said better? Just that for me she is a compass; a guiding light so to speak of rationalism, compassion, and intelligence. She has set a standard here that most of us would love to emulate. In short she's one smart cookie and I love her & love to read her prose.



She was one of the first KPers to welcome me, and to make me feel as if I really belonged here.
Over the past five months, I've come to "know" her, in that I can tell with about 75% accuracy if she's the one asking/answering a question. This is a testimony to her consistency, which is just one element of her sweet character.
I'd say the other most important element of heyteach's character is her persistent decency. She can disagree with you mightily, but she never carps, calls names, natters, or snipes. (Sounds like a law firm -- "Hello, Carp, Natter, and Snipes, How can I help you?")
She is the first one there, when a bran-new KPer hesitantly sticks a toe into the water. She yells, "Come on in! The water's fine!"
That's how I was welcomed to KP, and largely because of Laurie, not a day has gone by in 5 months that I didn't "check in" for at least 1/2 hr. every day. (More often, for three hours! LOL.)
This site inspires loyalty and friendship, and Laurie is the Chief Ambassador.

Laurie, I'm glad to have you as the matron of KP. Thanks for your contribution to the site, your friendship, and the love you have to give. The only thing larger than our wealth of knowledge is your heart. Congrats on reaching 10000!


When I first became involved with KP I noticed that HeyTeach was a most prolific contributor to this site. At that time she had about 2000 answers. And now look at her! What a fantastic record. Her answers run the gamut from A to Z and back again. I have had the great good fortune to have corresponded with her on different subjects and she is always so kind (even when I made errors) and so generous with her advice and logical answers. What a wonderfully knowledgable person she is. It has been an absolute privilege to have had her friendship and I hope it continues forever. HeyTeach, you are an inspiration to everyone. Thank you for your wit and knowledge. I count you as a wonderful friend. I have learned so much from you. Hugs forever.

In my time here I've come to consider you one of my 'cyber-aunts.' I hope it's enough of a tribute to be 'related' to a nut like me!! And if that's not enough...I have $74 and a little gold cup with your name on it! (As soon as I find the label-maker, that is.) ;)


Heyteach was one of the first people here that I ceremailed. She and I had a few very interesting conversations, and she was one of those who first made me fel welcome here. Since day one I have looked for, and looked forward to her responses and her opinions. Even those I did not agree with were interesting, and no one can state a case better than Laurie. Congratulations for this acomplishment, Laurie.. and I will look forward to the next 10,000.


heyteach ;) whee-ha! you made the big one!
i have enjoyed and in some cases profited by your answers and good sense. thank you for being a knowposter!

Dear Laurie,
Congratulations on 10,000 answers! A magnificent accomplishment made even more valuable by the quality seen in your responses. Your answers are ever knowledgeable, compassionate and honest! Keep up the good work. You are a KnowPost icon for all to see and admire!


Thank you for each and every one of your 10,000 answers Heyteach!
We hope to see many more to come!

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