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The Students List as it grows.....

  1. DBTRNHSS School Home Page
  2. First email sent out looking for our Former Students
  3. First detailed reply sent out first responders
  4. A Brief history of myself - SS Vasan

  1. S. S. Vassan, Bethlehem PA, USA. 1973-1981 6th standard to 12th standard. Computer Consultant in US. Has committed 120,000 towards the building fund.
  2. N. Ramprakash, San Jose California, USA. 1973-1979. 6th standard - 12 th standard. Computer Consultant in US. Has already paid Rs. 100,000/- towards the building fund.
  3. K. Rajendran, M.Sc. Currently working as a zoology teacher and Asst. Head Master at the school. A committed teacher and a dedicated member of the former students association.
  4. .. I want this list to grow in thousands and thousands of entries.. Let us make it happen gentlemen. I AM PROUD OF MY SCHOOL... AREN'T YOU..? I OWE ALL MY SUCCESSES, MY LIFE AND BREATH FOR MY SCHOOL...