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Journal Archives for July 2003

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For the majority of July, I was in France!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003: No tengo dinero!

Well, I just checked my bank balances, and it's not good. I seem to have less than I thought I did, and the credit card I'm planning on surviving on is, well, approaching its limit. I have about half of the money I need, and there's no way in hell I'm going to earn what I need before I leave. Not to mention, I'm going to Davis on the 8th, and Frisco on the 9th, and that's going to be expensive. I hate feeling broke! What happened to all those times when I had money to burn! Maybe I should take out another loan or something here, in order to make sure that when I'm in Spain I won't have to worry about going broke, literally. I know I could pay off debts when I start working in January, but in the meantime, I don't have money, my parents don't have money, my sister--HA! I'm seriously considering selling off my AAL stocks. Then I won't have to worry about money at all. But then I lose out on that account, and all its potential. It's been steadily climbing all summer; I'd hate to cash it out and have it shoot back up above $30. Maybe I'll wait until the fall or something. Or there's always Katie's horse?? God, that would be so fucking nice. Wish me luck. 3:49pm

Monday, July 28, 2003: On returning from France

First off, the Travels will be updated soon, but I have to edit my journal some.

The real point of this essay has to be my completely mixed feelings since I landed. I don't know what I feel, and it's insanely frustrating. My last day in France didn't end as I wanted it to, so I feel like, well, odd. Somewhat unfinished. I said my goodbyes, but all the same. And now, I'm back at the car wash, so I know some of what I'm feeling is related to the "I was in Nice this time last week"--so humbling feeling. I just went right back into my life, and it's like I haven't accepted that the vacation is over. It's so irritating--I was living the high life and now I'm back on me head. I really don't want to be.

My other thing is California. I called him this morning, and we talked for an hour. Nice chat, and we confirmed when I'm going over (the 8-10). He's very excited, but I'm just nervous that I'm using him, that I'm not going to live up to his expectations, that I am or am not going to have my fun. It's upsetting and annoying, and not helping out my feelings of frustration.

To help myself somewhat with this my frustration, I'm starting a list of all the things I want to do before I die, or before I turn 30, whichever.

  1. Become a wine connoisseur
  2. Go to stunt driving schoo
  3. Visit Greece
  4. Visit Australia, Tokyo
  5. Have a suit custom-made (preferably in Hong Kong)
  6. And, last but not least, be comfortable in restaurants where the appetizers start at $30, and in the bar on the corner with the guys

So, that's a small list of the things I want to do. The last one is especially important to me, my ultimate self-actualization. Wish me luck. 5:00pm

Monday, July 14, 2003: I'm updating!

I know, this probably should be in the Travels section, but I wanted to put it up here just so you all wouldn't think I'd totally abandoned it. I'll post the whole journal when I get back, but for now this'll suffice.

Been having much fun over here, albeit mostly in English. This'd better not happen in Spain, 'cause I really need to learn Spanish. Anyway, my troupe is in Biarritz today, sunbathing under an overcast sky, so I'm here in Pau, on Bastille Day, with little to do and nothing to see. Shit, and I think I missed "New York District" too! Oh well, what I really need is to see if I can buy something in case my guys don't come back and I have to make dinner (I have no food of my own right now). C'est très joli! Well, I'm outta internet time, but this has been fun, no?? 5:39pm

Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Oh my god, was last night fun. We four went over to Julie's family's house, and sat and talked and drank 60-year-old cognac all evening! Holy shit, 60-year-old cognac. It was a bottle the grandmother had saved during the war, and they just served it to us! C'est incroyable! But the conversation was lively and entertaining, from politics to the franc/euro conversion. I even gave my US$10 to the grandma, who paid me back for the bill. That was a nice exchange, in my opinion--got usable money now. Cannot express how much fun I had.

Now I'm back in the computer lab. The other three are at the gym, and I'm thinking I should join them, but I also need to go see my host mom and let her know everything's going great. Also need a shower, since I woke up 20 minutes before class starts, and it takes 15 to walk there. That was entertaining; I probably stink to high heaven. So, it's off the computer and off to the house for some refreshing before we all go back to Julie's house tonight to buy train tickets for the end of July and more hanging out with the family. Yippee! That's sorta what I wish I'd asked for/gotten. C'est la vie. I should go see how fun M.Mme Boix can be. 4:41pm

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

I'm sitting here in the University's computer lab, next to Rob who's checking out the Running of the Bulls information. Getting settled in, but the journal I'm keeping at home just ain't gonna get on the internet until I get home. I'm planning on adding pictures as well, so it oughta be très interesante. Fiona, I hope all's well. Please get happy now! Well, dinner is just me and Rob tonight, as Julie's hostmom invited Amanda to dinner, so we're going to go to a café in town, as opposed to getting drunk in his room like last night (the four of us drank 5.5 bottles of wine--boy did we have fun!) That's all I got for now. 4:17pm

6/24. Day 2 in Paris and having a blast. Only have 2 min left, but YAY I'm here!!

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