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Jennifer Uyen Nhi's Dreaming World ~Jennifer~ I am a student and my birthday is July-15. My goal is I want to graduate from University next year.

Heather's Homepage ~Heather~ Hi! I am 22. Attending Texas School of business. Some of my hobbies and interests are: Computers,crafts,rubberstamping,listening to jazz and soft rock, movies, making webpages, surfing the net, penpalling, shopping and traveling.

Welcome ~Deanne~ My name is Deanne Burton. My birthday is on March 22. I live in a small community called Robert's Arm. It's in the small province of Canada, called Newfoundland. If you look for Newfoundland on the map, it's the most easterly island in Canada. There are no McDonald's, Tim Horton's or Walmart here. The closest one's are an hour away, in another community! I am a mother of 2 boys named Alexander (age 6) and Nathan (age 3 1/2). I've been married for just about eight years. We have a little black mutt named Zach. I am a teacher and am presently teaching grade 2. Next year I will not be teaching, however. I am going to miss it. I lost my job because of government cutbacks to education. When that happens, the ones with the least seniority is given the "boot" , and guess what, I got the boot! I only have eight years teaching experiences. I enjoy playing with the computer, tole painting and quilting. My boys are my life! They like bike riding and playing computer games. They love being outdoors and helping their dad in the back garden.Next year Alexander will be in Grade 2.He enjoys reading and watching anything on TV that is about the "Titanic". Nathan will be in preschool. He totally loves listening to his mom read stories to him. Franklin and Arthur are his favorite TV and storybook friends. My husband, Todd works with his father and they have a construction company.They work with the backhoes, dumptrucks and loaders.

Tamnbri's Homepage ~Tamnbri~ I am 27 years old, I have been married for 9 years and I have got two great kids, a boy 8 and a girl 5. They are the lights of my life. I work full time in the deli section of a grocery store which isn't all that great but it pays the internet bill...*s* I am totally addicted to my computer and I tend to be on here alot. My ICQ # is 1830189.

Lori's Spirit Guide ~Lori~ My name is Lori Clark. I reside in southeastern Iowa. I'm 37 years old. My full time "real" job is as a warranty administrator for an Auto Dealership. My "hobby" is doing intuiutive readings for people and offering them guidance with their lives. So, I put together my web-site in order to spread the word about spirit guides and/or guardian angels. :-)

Chozen's Home Page ~Chozen~ Married 20 yrs this year, two teenage homeschooled daughters ages 13 and 15. Christian , Hobbies: web sites, web graphics. Love computers and the net of course! Love God most!

From the Heart of Dixie ~Dixie Lady~ I am engaged ( to my ex-husband of 32 years *S*) We have two grown sons and the older one is a Chiropractor in Tennessee, married and has two children. Cala is 10+ and Christopher is 7 months. I am a native of Florida but lived in Connecticut with my man until he retired and we moved back to Florida for the sun and year round fun *S*. We play golf, travel and belong to the Loyal Order of the Moose which provides a lot of fun things to do, such as Darts, bingo, dances etc. My favorite thing to do is work on my home page, meet people and talk to them on ICQ and to help people when ever I can.

The Cloninger Family ~Arthur~ When I first began my home page, it was intended to be a simple one, to tell everyone about our family. However, it later grew to be more than that, and is now a love story that is just beginning to be written and is far from finished. The more I began to write, the more I remembered, and thus, the more I wrote, and that cycle continues. My pages tell of the love that my wife and I have shared for over 42 years and of our life together and of our wonderful and unique family. God decided early in our married life that we would not have children born of our union, but later let us know that He had another family in mind for us. As a result, we have a son, three daughters and seven wonderful grandsons, as well as a granddaughter. Their stories have really yet to be told, but their turn will come later. There is a lesson here in that two people can love one another, overcome adversities and retain the love at the level of that love's youth. Love is everlasting for those that will it to be so.

Donna's Home on the Web ~Donna~ I am a divorced mom with two boys and two girls ages 21 - 16 - 10 - 6 the boys are older and the girls the younger. I work at KFC as a manager and have been with the same store for almost 19 years. I enjoy working on my home pages and reading poems surfing the internet and talking with people from all over the world.

Friends and Family on the Web ~Cindy~ I am 36, married 11 years as of the 20th of June 1998. I have one daughter,Kristian who is ten and has been raised on the computer. I love working on my webpage and spend way too much time doing it. I am never satisfied with it and am always making changes. There always seems to be a new link to add or some new java thingie that I want to try.I also love to get others started with their own web sites and have wrote a site dedicated to helping people do just that.I am just getting into the web ring thing and I am hoping to meet alot of other web addicts this way.That is why I want everyone to visit often. It may be a totally new place the next time you see it.

Romance of Life ~Connie~ I'm a single mother of two sons--age 21 and 17..You can find me on ICQ as "Red" and geocities chat room 40"s as "angel46". I work full time as a Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit and also teach most of the community wellness programs such as Weight Control, Aerobic Exercise, and Diabetic Education. I enjoy reading, gardening, collecting, writing, cooking, and camping. Please stop by and visit my home pages to find out more about me, my kids, and the "loves" of my life. You'll always find something there new and fun.. I'm am now working on icq greeting pages and holiday pages.

Welcome to Gina's Creation ~Gina~

An Angel Comes Home ~Maria~ My name is Maria also known online as AnglsWink. I live in the Big Apple and I am happily married 5 years this October. I am a Sunday School teacher for the youth in my church and along with my hubby, we are their counselors by the Grace of God. My hobbies are collecting porcelain dolls, Precious Moments(anything), and crystal figurines. I sing at my church and I am the singing instructor there also. I have just discovered the world of computers and I am fascinated by it. My web page is dedicated to my two angels who are now in Heaven watching over me. If you want to, let them touch your heart visit my page and sign the guest book.

AngeLady^ ~Allison~ Hello, my friends call me Allie. Hehehe they wanted up to include our birthdate...mine is July 27 19?? hehehe I am a single lady after many years of being a corp. wife. I am still and always will be my kids mom. I am so very lucky to have three wonderful and loving sons..even tho they are grown. I am so happy with my life, I am discovering the nice things about myself! Giving myself permission to be "who I really am" and not what someone else thinks I am. I would love for you to visit my homepage, give any comments you have and leave a word or two for others to share. My page is always under beware and wear your hardhat! I hope that my page will inspire, help and get better with time!

Lisa's Livingroom/Parlor ~Lisa~ I'm Lisa. I live in New York with my husband David and our precious daughter Kayla. Pleae visit my cyberhome away from home. The decor is Victorian, the look I'm trying to achieve in my own home also. I love 'meeting' people from all over the world and being able to share the things that I love with them. Everyday I learn just a little more about web page building and a bit more of my heart goes into the page. I look foward to your visit to my 'home' :)

On Angell's Wings !!! ~Kay~ (Screen names)... Angell Kis Bienvenido...Wilkommen....Benvenue....Failte.....Welcome to my page. I am the mother of two daughters (my favorite job of all) as well as a high school Spanish teacher (another very rewarding career) who loves all things artistic and expressive. That's why I found doing my page to be quite a release of creative juices which allowed me to weave, with words, a tapestry of all my favorite things: like fine art, poetry, inspirations, gardening, dining & cooking, travel, culture, education, pc fun and freebies...along with a peek at my family and garden. If I had to choose but one word to describe myself it would be "eclectic"....I feel that word encompasses who I am and what I'm all about. Please know that I extend a warm invitation to all of you to come and escape the turmoil of the day with a visit to On Angell's Wings ! I'll be looking forward to seeing you there !

Mike's Island ~Mike~ "Hi, my name is Mike. My hobbies are riding my bicycle, watching a lot of rental movies, and mostly of all, spending huge amounts of time using my computer. I'm so attached to it. My best friend is Pierre, my pet bird. I'm asian and I can speak Vietnamese and Chinese. Umm....I'm thinking. Oh, I know. I like to take pictures of my family's events. Meaning trips to places or barbequeing outside. My birthday is October 31. Yup! That's right, on Halloween. Well, I guess that's it."

Families of the Net ~Tammi Fosburgh~ My name is Tammi. I am a mother of three children Jai age 9 Tannah age 6 and Jasmine 5. I am married to the most wonderful husband in the world Philip age 26. I live in N.H. I'm a Stay at home mother and love it. I am a dedicated housewife and enjoy my time with my children and husband. My hobbies include computer hehe thats about it. I have my own webring Families on the Web you can check that out at I think I told you all the good stuff about me. You don't really wanna know the bad do you? hehe nah there is no bad. (*S*)

Expressions From the Heart ~Jennifer~ Where there is Faith, there is a chance. There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart....Pursue those. I love Impressionist art, museums, poetry (reading it), intelligent conversation, dining in/out, reading, travel, kids. I am a Medical Secretary/Outpatient Transportation Coordinator. And I love creating home pages for others. Personal Quote: If the people we love are taken from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them! "Once someone makes it to my heart, he will find that there lies a paradise...a special love that only exists in me." Cheri , and don't let it go.

Jone's Place ~TinaJ~ Im a stay at home mom of 2 and would like to meet new people . I like to sew, cook, garden, read, webpage design.

angelbleu's Home Page ~angelbleu~ Hi, my name is Lynn/angelbleu. I am 55 years old , married and a mother of a (cringe) 36 year old daughter. I still feel 35 but the math does not compute. I own a ceramic/gift shop so I am able to work out of my home. My hobbies are yard bird watching, needlework, working in my flower gardens, and computer....not necessarily in that order. I am a channel co-founder on IRC so besides my own homepage I do a website for my channel. I love doing web-pages and now am enjoying making my own graphics. I am a member of LOTH and the Garden House.

Tribute to Elvis ~Judy~ I'm married for long time to my wonderful husband. we have four children two married two still at home. We have two grandchildren who live far way in Ms we only get to see them twice year, we love them very much. I have last years pics of them on my page. I have some some good chocolate recipes on my other page. Check it out hope to sign all your g-b and get to know all, I will answer all.

~t-bear's~ Toy Box ~t-bear

Bookmark Bertha ~Ray R~ It gives me great to help others in anything. I have come to see myself in others also, and I believe the most important goal is to have PEACE OF MIND !!!

Reege's Place ~Regina~ I am a mother of three, ages 6, 2, and 6mon. I love dolphins and my family and friends. I would love to have everyone come look at my page. And I have to give credit when credit is due. Thanx to my best friend in the world dee. For all her help in making my pages possible.

Sunset Paradise ~Cyndi~ I was born and raised in Louisiana, but got to Texas as soon as I could. ~smiles~ I've been living in Corpus Christi since 1985. I love the ocean, and Cool Sunsets as you'll see when you visit Sunset Paradise, a site for the spirit, a place to rest, be entertained, and stimulate thought. You can click the sunset thumbnails and get a lake applet view. Visit my world and see what I love about life and please sign my guestbook, so I can visit you too. I'm glad to be a part of the Friendly Hearts/Loving Souls webring! Love & Light to all!

My Oregon Homepage ~Ray~

The World Of Lady Suzanne ~Lady Suzanne~ I love to design my own background sets and graphics, and of course love the computer. I also love dogs and horses.I am a stay at home mom, and love just taking care of my home, and doing the simple things in life. I love to skate, see goodmovies, and cook, and care for my family.

Sites-R-Us ~Bobby~ I'm a University of Arizona student who is studying Computer Science. If I get lucky enough, I might become the next Bill Gates. =) hehe

Friends Testimonies ~BornFree~

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