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Members WebRings

This is a page of webrings that our members
here at Friendly Hearts run and/or own. Please
take a peek at them and join as many as you want. *S*

Wee Hearts & Wee Souls
A spin off of FHLS...for our younger ones,
ages 15 and younger. These sites have children
related items, and/or are childrens sites.

Souls Haven ~ A Ring of Thoughts Shared
Come visit and join - We are a Ring of writers
who share our original thoughts (Journal), poetry,
prose, essays, or short stories on our site....
or share others credited work.

Families on the Web
Families on the Web Mission Statement:
Our purpose is to provide support, ideas,
love, and advocacy for the Children and to
all Families on the Web, in an environment that
is free from criticism and judgement. We offer a
place to share our joys and sorrows, daily trials and
tribulations and to network together for the
betterment of ourselves, our family members and
Families on the Web members.

White Horse Peace Trail Winners Ring
(You must enter your web-site in the
"Peace Trail Compition" & win at least one
award to become a member.)

Earth Circle
Stop by & visit & apply for membership if you
feel your site qualifies.

Web Creations From The Heart Web Ring
Have you joined?

Memories Are ForEver
A dedication ring to those who have passed.

Buddies N Pals
A Ring for buddies and pals on the net

The 4ever Friends Webring
Wouldn't you like to make some new friends?

The Official Foxy Lady Webring
Are you a foxy lady? We are all foxy ladies because its a state of mind.

Advices Webring
Welcome to this new webring!
Do you have a homepage, in which you offer free
help or advices to others? - So, you might join this
webring. Do you need help or advices? - Maybe soon
there will be enough helping oradvicing pages and people
in this webring. Until now these helping pages are in
this webring: Help on travelling / hitchhiking, trains
and more Dating: Searching for the ONE? Looking for THE
Job? Au Pair Jobs/Au Pair Girls Suzie's and Dan's Teen
Advice Page WWWorld"advice,Collectors page By the way:
The left picture in the webringcode has been made in
Delphi, where took place the famous antic Greeceoracles.


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