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The "Battle" Against Christians

Please do not take offense to this page. I am only trying to clear things up here.

I recieved the following message recently. I have also posted my response to the message, in an effort to try to clear some things up.

Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 10:32:52 -0500 (EST)
From: "Brak"
Subject: about the christians

Please correct me if i'm wrong, but you seem opposed to all christians. It is widely supposed that Marilyn is the antichrist, but this is not true. I have known Satan personally and he is not the type to create a person so controversial or seemingly obvious. but he does like a good diversion. Because so many people believe that marilyn is the antichrist then they have already started resisting him, we have established that he is not, so while they are resisting him (a convenient diversion) then the true antichrist can sneak in and take over. y'unnerstan? Back to my thoughts about the fight against christianity. Not all of them are bad. I am a christian myself. I know some other christians that are smart enough to see things as God would want us to. And in God's eyes Marilyn is just like the rest of us. In fact, Marilyn himself once said that he was just trying to get everyone to be good christians. I'm not against what you're doing here, just telling you to watch out and not condemn people automatically because they are christians.


My response to the message was:

Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 13:12:31 -0700
From: "anti me"
Subject: Re: about the christians
To: "Brak"

Hello! Hmm, it seems as though you misjudged me. I am not against Christians. I happen to believe many Christian beliefs and read the bible as well. However, I believe that the Christians that are protesting Marilyn Manson, and banning them, are wrong. He is in no way trying to be the Antichrist. He is only a man who enjoys making music. I believe that his widespread fame has scared people. This fear has caused them to participate in protests and bannings. Anyway, the God that Christians believe in is the same God that created Mr. Manson. This would not be if he were indeed the Antichrist, or destined to become one.

It is also funny to hear Christians thinking that Mr. Manson's music promotes things such as: killing, suicide, rape, drug use, Satanism, or anything else. If people actually took the time to understand their words, and find a meaning in them (that isn't evil), as their fans do, then the band wouldn't be controversial at all. There are so many bands out there now that could do what Manson does. Some of them do. But Marilyn Manson seems to be the only one with so much controversy.

The point is, I feel all of it is wrong. People are too stubborn to TRY understanding. Parents don't sit down with their children to speak to them about why they like the music. Christians don't take the time to think of some good for the band.

~MansoN RamireZ~
The Angel of Sodom

I have recieved some responses regarding this topic. If you wish to read them, please visit the following link.

Click Here For Responses.
