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Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 20:57:11 -0500 (EST)
From: "anarchist"
Subject: god and the godless

I read the message stating that Manson was a "deversion, and not truly the antichrist. My respose is that you are all wrong. The message that Manson is conveying is that we are all our own Gods and antichrists. The conversion is a personal spiritual transformation. we are all antichrists because we are incapable of becoming true christians. It was not christ who spread christianity, but people who came after him doing antichristian acts in the name of christianity. examples of this are the Salem witch trials, the crusades, and the Spanish inquisition. The people and organizations who have forced Christianity upon unwilling peoples are truly responsible for the spread of the religion. In short, Christianity is a direct result of Antichristians. As far as Manson being THE antichrist, he is if he believes he is. To paraphrase his autobiography: "If you truly believe that you are the center of your own universe, and you want to destroy the universe, all it takes is one bullet." In closing, some people need to get their heads out of their asses and try listening to what Manson is saying rather than assuming that they know what he is all about. I appreciate your website and I appreciate what you are trying to do. Manson himself has stated that the antichrist does not exist, except for in the mind and spirit of the individual.

Thank You.

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