19th-Century France (1815-1914)

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20 January 2006


Bernardy, Francoise de. Son of Talleyrand. London; Collins, 1956. Biography of Charles de Flahaut, Talleyrand's illegitimate son by Adele de Flahaut. Hardcover, a little pencil underlining in first few pages, else good w/dj. OP; $15.00

Bierman, John. Napoleon III and His Carnival Empire. NY; St. Martin's, 1988. 439 pp. Bibliography, notes. Hardcover, near mint w/dj. In print in paperback at $14.95; $15.00

Billington, James. Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith. NY; Basic Books/Harper Colophon, 1980. 677 pp. From the French to the Russian Revolution. Extensive notes. Large trade paperback, light wear & creasing to wraps, else very good, clean. OP; $15.00

Binion, Rudolph. Defeated Leaders: The Political Fate of Caillaux, Jouvenel, and Tardieu. NY: Columbia UP, 1960. 425 pp. Hardcover, good w/dj. $10.00

Burns, Michael. Dreyfus: A Family Affair, 1789-1945. NY; HarperCollins, 1991. 576 pp. A history of six generations of the family of Alfred Dreyfus. 16 b/w pages of photos, extensive notes & bibliography. Hardcover, small water stain on top edge of page block, text unaffected, else good w/dj. OP; $12.00

Carpenter, Scott. Acts of Fiction: Resistance and Resolution from Sade to Baudelaire. Penn State, 1996. 172 pp. "Carpenter shows how the restructuring of society in postrevolutionary France (1795-1869) triggered a variety of narrative attempts to come to terms with social, political, and epistemological shifts. While identifying four modes of writing in works by Sade, Balzac, Nerval, and Baudelaire, Carpenter studies the entanglements of literature and history, demonstrating how narratives were used to re-engineer the cultural imagination." Notes, bibliography. Trade paperback, new. In print at $18.95; $6.00

Chapman, Guy. The Dreyfus Trials. NY; Stein & Day, 1972. 282 pp. With bibliography, some illustrations. Hardcover, very good w/good dj. OP; $15.00

Cobban, Alfred. A History of Modern France. (3 volumes complete) Penguin Pelican, 1961, 2nd edition. Volume 1: 1715-1799; Volume 2: 1799-1945; Volume 3: 1945-1962. Pocket paperbacks. Vols 2 & 3 in good condition; Vol. 1 has broken apart but no pages are missing. $6.00

Corbin, Alain. Village Bells: Sound & Meaning in the 19th-Century French Countryside. Columbia UP, 1998. 416 pp. "One of France's most original historians, Corbin has set himself the task of documenting the 'culture of the senses' in 19th-century France." Translated by Martin Thom. Extensive notes. hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $70.00; $12.00

de Stoeckl, Agnes. King of the French: A Portrait of Louis-Philippe, 1773-1850. NY; Putnam, 1957. 308 pp. With bibliography, some illustrations. Hardcover, very good w/fair dj. OP; $15.00

Evans, Martha Noel. Fits and Starts: A Genealogy of Hysteria in Modern France. Cornell, 1991. 268 pp. Extensive bibliography. Hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $32.50; $4.00 NOW $1.00

Freedeman, Charles E. The Triumph of Corporate Capitalism in France, 1867-1914. Rochester, NY; U of Rochester Press, 1993. 147 pp. Extensive notes & bibliography. Hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $75.00; $6.00 ...NOW $2.00

Heer, Friedrich. Europe, Mother of Revolutions. NY; Praeger, 1972. 369 pp. Hardcover, light wear to edges and corners, else good, no dj, text clean. OP; $22.00

Hemmings, F.W.J. Culture and Society in France, 1789-1848. Leicester UP, 1987. 342 pp. Extensive notes & bibliography, some illustrations. Trade paperback, light wear to wraps; a bash near the foot of the spine has left a dent in the book that carries through the page block, but only as a minor cosmetic flaw. Overall very good with clean pages. Scarce in the US. $18.00

Herold, J. Christopher. Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame de Staël. NY; Bobbs-Merrill, 1958. 500 pp. Bibliography. Hardcover, good, no dj. OP; $4.00

Hoffman, Robert L. More Than a Trial: The Struggle Over Captain Dreyfus. NY; Free Press, 1980. 247 pp. With extensive notes & bibliography. Hardcover, very good w/shabby dj. OP; $15.00

Hutton, Patrick H. The Cult of the Revolutionary Tradition: The Blanquists in French Politics, 1864-1893. U of California Press, 1981. 218 pp. Many illustrations, extensive notes & bibliography. Hardcover, mint w/dj. In print at $42.50; $12.00

Junot, Laure Permon, duchesse d'Abrantès. The Memoirs of the Duchess of Abrantès, 1830. London; John Hamilton, n.d. (ca. 1930). 219 pp. A selection from Mme Junot's memoirs having to do with the last years of the Restoration, and the July Revolution, roughly 1826-1830. Introduction by Louis Loviot, translated by Gerard Shelley. Hardcover, light dampstaining to cloth, front hinge bad, else good/no dj. OP; $17.00

Kadish, Doris Y. Politicizing Gender: Narrative Strategies in the Aftermath of the French Revolution. Rutgers, 1991. 197 pp. "Kadish explores the intriguing links between gender and politics in the literature and painting of the French Revolutionary period and its aftermath in the 19th century. She uncovers the common cultural patterns that recur in such diverse French and English narrative and pictorial works as David's 'Marat assassiné' and Dickens's 'A Tale of Two Cities.' She also pays special attention to women writers, highlighting their active participation in the production of political meaning in both the private and public spheres." Extensive notes. hardcover, new w/dj. OP; $3.00

Laver, James. The Age of Illusion: Manners and Morals 1750-1848. NY; David McKay, 1972. 197 pp. Many illustrations, notes, extensive bibliography. Hardcover, very good w/good dj. OP; $17.00

Madelin, Louis. Talleyrand: A Vivid Biography of the Amoral, Unscrupulous, and Fascinating French Statesman. NY; Roy, 1948. 320 pp. Hardcover, wear at all edges & corners, else good/no dj. OP; $12.00

Martet, Jean. Georges Clemenceau. NY; Longmans, Green, 1930. 366 pp. Transcript of conversations in 1927-28 between Clemenceau and the author. "Mingling autobiography with biography, Martet, Clemenceau's secretary, achieves a three-dimensional portrait of the Tiger's deeds, sayings, and thoughts. He tells of the events that will always be peaks in history: the American Civil War, the Siege of Paris in 1871, the Commune, the Dreyfus Case, the series of international demonstrations at the beginning of the century and their ominous sabre-rattling, and above all, the making of the World War and the making of Peace." Hardcover, some edgewear and a small dent with torn cloth on rear board; else good, pages clean. Currently reprinted in trade paperback at $36.95; $25.00

Mayer, J.P. Political Thought in France From the Revolution to the Fourth Republic. London; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1949 (revised ed.). 142 pp. With extensive bibliography. Hardcover, occasional pencil underlining, else good, no dj. OP; $15.00

Merriman, John M., ed. Consciousness & Class Experience in Nineteenth-Century Europe. NY; Holmes & Meier, 1979. 261 pp. 11 essays (7 on French topics) by Tilly, Sewell, Merriman, Gay, others. "The wealth of insight and empirical data afforded by the social sciences is brought to bear on the tumultuous social changes in 19th-century Europe. As Merriman observes: 'Bourgeois, revolutionary, and rebellious, the 19th century in Europe was a period of intense change: in it the economic, social, and political structure of the continent was fundamentally altered.' The development of industrial capitalism and the growth of the centralized state cut deeply into traditional patterns of work, leisure, and allegiances. With old ways of thinking and living under assault, new strategies and identities emerged to meet the challenge of a rapidly modernizing world. The major theme of this book is the change in Europe's collective consciousness during the 19th century, how people perceived change in their lives and work, and how they responded to it." With extensive notes, bibliography. Hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $39.98; $12.00

Orieux, Jean. Talleyrand: The Art of Survival. NY; Knopf, 1974. 677 pp. Notes, bibliography. Hardcover, occasional pencil markings & underlining, else very good/no dj. OP; $20.00

Rothney, John. Bonapartism After Sedan. Cornell, 1969. 360 pp. Extensive notes & bibliography. Hardcover, very good w/fair dj. OP; $17.00

Sampson, R.V. The Discovery of Peace. NY; Pantheon, 1973. 205 pp. "Why do men continue to kill other men in organized warfare? In this brilliant sequel to his 'Psychology of Power,' Sampson attempts to answer that question. . . . He continues his analysis of a society that rests on violence and the competition for power, a struggle that leads to war . . . . Sampson goes back to the era of Napoleon to begin his analysis, seeing in the Europe exhausted from those major wars a parallel to our own times." Extensive notes. Hardcover, very good w/vg dj. OP; $15.00

Sand] The Intimate Journal of George Sand. NY; John Day, 1929. 198 pp. Edited & translated by Marie Jenney Howe. Hardcover, some wear to all edges & corners, page block good, overall fair. No dj. OP; $15.00

Sandars, Mary F. Louis XVIII. NY; James Pott, n.d. (ca. 1920). 384 pp. A scarce biography of an uncommon subject. hardcover, binding worn & tattered at head & foot of spine, some repair to inner front hinge, ink inscription on flyleaf; pages very good & clean, some uncut. No dj. OP; $20.00

Sieburg, Friedrich. Robespierre The Incorruptible. NY; Robert M. McBride, 1938. 307 pp. Hardcover, good, no dj. OP; $15.00

Sigmann, Jean. 1848: The Romantic and Democratic Revolutions in Europe. NY; Harper & Row, 1973. 352 pp. One of the "Great Revolutions" series. Hardcover, very good w/good dj. OP; $15.00

Silverman, Willa Z. The Notorious Life of Gyp: Right-Wing Anarchist in Fin-de-Siècle France. Oxford UP, 1995. 325 pp. "Providing a fascinating window in the deep-seated anxieties and political turbulence of turn-of-the-century France, 'Gyp' is the story of a woman writer whose passionate energy, cynicism, and cruelty left an indelible impression on her age." With extenisve notes & bibliography. Hardcover, very good w/vg dj. OP; $17.00

Simeone, Nigel. Paris: A Musical Gazetteer. Yale UP, 2000. 298 pp. A guidebook designed for travelers interested in exploring the historic musical sites of Paris, including composers' Paris addresses, favorite meeting places, & graves, plus information on concert venues, libraries, etc. Many photos. Trade paperback, new. In print at $19.95; $10.00

Stearns, Peter. Revolutionary Syndicalism and French Labor: A Cause Without Rebels. Rutgers UP, 1971. 175 pp. With extensive notes & bibliography. Hardcover, near mint w/vg dj. OP; $20.00

Stendhal (Henri Beyle); Jean Stewart & B.C.J.G. Knight, translators. The Life of Henry Brulard. Minerva Press, 1968. 348 pp. Stendhal's fragmentary autobiography, including his marginalia, scribblings, sketches, etc. Trade paperback, some wear & soiling, pages clean, overall good. OP; $12.00

Taine, Hippolyte. Notes on Paris: the Life and Opinions of M. Frederic-Thomas Graindorge. NY; Henry Holt, 1875. 372 pp. Hardcover, wear & tear to cloth consistent with age; pages clean. $20.00

Tournoux, Jean-Raymond. Sons of France: Pétain and de Gaulle. NY; Viking, 1966. 245 pp. With bibliography, some illustrations. Hardcover, very good w/shabby dj. OP; $15.00

Wertheimer, Edward de. The Duke of Reichstadt. London & NY; John Lane, 1905. 463 pp. Biography of Napoleon's son, a.k.a. the King of Rome. Illustrations, extensive notes. Hardcover, ex-library copy w/usual markings, stamps, pocket; binding very worn, interior hinges bad, spine cloth split & beginning to detach. Text block good overall, clean; adequate reading copy of a scarce biography. OP; $25.00

Woloch, Isser. The New Regime: Transformations of the French Civic Order, 1789-1820s. NY; Norton, 1994. 536 pp. "In this wide-ranging study of three turbulent decades in French history, Woloch sets forth a fundamental reassessment of continuity and change in revolutionary and post-revolutionary France." With bibliography and extensive notes. Trade paperback, new. In print at $16.95; $9.00


Bainville, Jacques. La Troisième République: Avec un complément sur les années 1936-1940 par Jean Ratinaud. Paris; Fayard, 1935 (appears to be a later printing, 1950s or 60s). 322 pp. Broché w/dj, near-mint condition. $10.00

Barrière, Pierre. La Vie Intellectuelle en France: Du XVIe Siècle à l'Epoque Contemporaine. Paris; Albin Michel, 1961. 635 pp. Bibliography, general index. broché, two small tears to wraps, else very good. $10.00 ...NOW $2.00

Las Cases, Count. Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène: Suivi de Napoléon Dans l'Exil par O'Meara, et du Séjour du Dr. Antommarchi à Sainte-Hélène. Four volumes; may contain only Las Cases' account, and O'Meara and Antommarchi may be in additional, missing volumes. Paris; Garnier, n.d. (mid to late 19th cent.). 500-600 pp per vol. Hardcover, ½ cloth with marbled boards; hard wear consistent with age to all edges & corners, pages yellowed, but books are intact and seem to have no missing pages; a serviceable reading copy. $28.00

Massot, Jean. La Présidence de la République en France. Paris; La Documentation Française, 1977. 234 pp. Notes, bibliography, graphs. Trade paperback, wraps worn & creased; pencil underlining, markings, & notes in text; fair only. $8.00...NOW $1.00

Suarez, Georges. Briand. ODD VOLUME. Paris; Plon, 1938. 468 pp. Volume I only, 1862-1904. Broché, some pencil & ink underlining/markings, usual wear & tear to wraps, else good. $7.00...NOW $1.00

Abbreviations & glossary


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