Current Thoughts Page

My Thoughts Page More Thoughts Pet Peeves
My Sports Page News of Interest
Vegan Link Misanthropic B.

  • Groundhog's Day (Feb. 2)
  • First Round Of "Super" Primaries (Feb. 3)
  • Valentine's Day (Feb. 14)
  • President's Day (Feb. 16)
  • Mardi Gras (Feb. 24)

    This website has various purposes, including telling people about myself and getting hits from "Reboot" fans, but a primary purpose is to tell my thoughts on various issues. There is a separate set of pages regarding reviews; this page links up to pages setting forth my views (along with a few helpful links) on various issues, sports (mainly NY baseball and football), current events, and some of my personal pet peeves. Not enough people check out these pages, and I know some are of interest to only a few, but if you do check them out ... feedback is well appreciated.

    "In my opinion the Establishment Clause should be construed to create a strong presumption against the display of religious symbols on public property. There is always a risk that such symbols will offend nonmembers of the faith being advertised as well as adherents who consider the particular advertisement disrespectful. Some devout Christians believe that the creche should be placed only in reverential settings, such as a church or perhaps a private home; they do not countenance its use as an aid to commercialization of Christ's birthday." [Justice Stevens, see Xmas link.]
