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updated: April 19, 2007

The family of

Bernard Rubright and Marie Christian Lauderbach


Obituaries of Mary C. Dorman, Obituary of Daniel Dorman


Unidentified Photo's

New Information




Tombstones of Mary C. and Daniel Dorman

Williamsport Cemetery, Washington Street, Williamsport, Pennsylvania

Bernard Rubright died in Maryland and his grave has not been found.

The tombstones in this cemetery were tipped over. A special THANK YOU to Jill's  husband Tom and the two neighbors that helped to upright the stone! 


    These would be the original immigrant ancestors from Germany to the United States. I believe I may have found the immigration date and ship records at Immigration lists. The record found lists a Bernhard, Carl, Caroline and Christine Rupprecht arriving in the port of Baltimore October 7, 1846, port of departure was Bremen, place of origin was Rudigershagen, and Bernhard's occupation is that of a weaver. No ages are listed, but the names coincide with the family and census records from the children indicate the date may also be correct. I don't know when or how the name Rupprecht changed to Rubright.

Four children were born to this union, Charles Andrew, Caroline (Mary C.), Peter C., Christopher Adam.

    Settling in Jarrettsville, Maryland, Bernard died April 8, 1850 and is buried somewhere in Maryland. Marie (also known as Mary C.) then married Daniel Dorman and had one known child, Henry O. Dorman. Another child, Fred may have also been born to this union, but was an infant death. Cemetery records and small tombstone in the family plot lead to this conclusion. This needs further investigation.

    Around 1859, the Rubright/Dorman family moved to Williamsport, Pennsylvania and became well know citizens of the community. Directory listings from 1867-1876 list Daniel's occupation as laborer and teamster, 1877-1879 as a clerk and 1879-1880 as a brick manufacturer.

    All of the son's were in the brick manufacturing/contracting business and dry goods. They built hundreds of the buildings in Williamsport.

    Marie died July 14, 1879 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania and Daniel died March 9, 1880 also in Williamsport. They are both buried in Williamsport Cemetery on Washington Boulevard.



Obituary for Marie (Mary C.) Dorman

Gazette & Bulletin- Williamsport, Pa

July 15, 1879

Death of Mary C. Dorman

Mrs. Mary C. Dorman, wife of Daniel Dorman, died yesterday, aged 67 years, 8 months and 4 days. The funeral services will be held at Wilson Street Church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the interment will take place at Williamsport cemetery, Washington Street. Deceased is the mother of Charles A. Rubright, Christopher Rubright and Peter Rubright



Another obituary found in a family bible of Charles A. Rubright

There is no name or date of paper, just a clipping pasted into the bible

Death of Mary C. Dorman

Mrs. Mary C. Dorman, wife of Daniel Dorman, died yesterday, aged 67 years, 8 months and 4 days. The funeral services at Market Street Evangelical Church of which Mrs. Dorman had been a long faithful member, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and the interment will take place at Williamsport Cemetery, Washington Street. Deceased was the mother of Charles A. Rubright, Christopher Rubright, Peter Rubright, also Mr. Harry O. Dorman and Mrs. Mary C. Keiffer. The deceased lady was beloved by her family and was held in high esteem by all who knew her for her gentleness and grace of character.



Obituary for Daniel Dorman

Gazette & Bulletin- Williamsport, Pennsylvania

March 9, 1880

The funeral of Daniel Dorman, who died this morning, aged 65 years, 9 months and 20 days, will take place from the residence of J. E. Keefer, No. 115 Franklin street, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock

New Information

I am pleased to announce I have located a new family member in Germany that has traced the Rubright/Rupprecht family back several generations. His name is Mike Rupprecht. We are in the process of exchanging information. I will update my site more when I have all the new information. To see Mike's site go to :

Johann Bernhard Rupprecht


Mike Rupprecht

So glad we met!! Thank you for all your hard work.


Census records

Newspaper Articles




Unidentified Rubright Photos


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