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Series Description- Rattlesnake Den
Colubrid Snakes

Smooth Green Snake
Smooth Green Snake
Opheodrys vernalis
Bradford County, PA

    Other snakes are usually seen at Rattlesnake Dens before the Rattlers themselves.  Most commonly seen are the Smooth Green Snake, pictured above, the Redbelly Snake, and Ringneck Snakes.  Garter Snakes are moderately common and the less common species, but certainly more sought after are Eastern Milksnakes, Northern Black Racers, and Black Rat Snake.  Copperheads and Timber Rattlers may share Densites, but the Copperhead is usually restricted to more open areas, often in lowlands.  These two species are most often found together on their summer ranges.

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Eastern Milksnake
Eastern Milksnake
Lampropeltis t. triangulum
Bradford County, PA