La Femme Nikita Slash

 Fair Warning  (11/99)  Birkoff/Declan. Rating: NC-17. This is my first attempt at writing slash fanfic. Birkoff discovers a hidden side to the new top cold op in Section. Warnings: First time. AU, for certain. No spoilers, though. Lots of angst, however.

 Fair Play  (11/99)  Birkoff/Declan. Madeline/Operations.  Rating: NC-17. PWP, plain and simple. Well, maybe not so plain or simple....Warning: Possibly, if contemplation of Madeline as a sexual being scares you. It scared me.  

 Irish Coffee and Sticky Buns  (11/99)  Birkoff/Declan. Rating: NC-17. PWP. A touch of angst to fuel things, but otherwise, no warnings.

 Whiskey Promise  (11/99)  Birkoff/Declan. Rating: NC-17. Declan is forced to leave Birkoff, and Birkoff discovers just how much he has to lose. Warnings: AU. No spoilers. Major angst. Occasional wit.

Mission Silk  (12/99)* Birkoff/Declan.  Rating: NC-17. *Originally conceived as PWP, this story lay in WIP limbo for over a year. Finally completed as of 6/01.  Lingerie is meant to be worn next to the skin…

 You Belong To Me  (6/00)  Davenport/Birkoff. Rating:  NC-17. Davenport returns from a mission gone south covered in blood; Birkoff is more than slightly distraught. Warnings: Spoilers for Abort, Fail, Retry, Terminate and Up the Rabbit Hole.

Behind Blue Eyes  (7/00)  Jim/Blair. Michael/Birkoff. Rating: NC-17.  Crossover with The Sentinel. How far would Section go to discover the secrets of the Sentinel? Some people will use any means necessary…

 The Little Comm Op Who Cried Wolfe  (7/00)  Operations/Hillinger. Rating: NC-17. Hillinger screws up once too many times and Operations decides a little discipline is in order. Warning: First time, spanking, age discrepancy. It's my AU, welcome to it. (Wow, this is almost as long as the whole story!)  One last warning: If the idea of Ops having sex with *anyone* gives you the creeps, you have our sympathies.

 It Can't Happen Here  (7/00) Michael/Walter. Rating: NC-17. Written by Silk and Tinnean. This story is AU. It takes place approximately twenty years ago in Section's history. It presupposes that Walter was then the "Michael" of his day, a Level 5 field op, and it starts on the day that Michael was recruited into Section. In this story, Walter, not Jurgen, is Michael's trainer. The rest follows from there. In other words, this is not canon.  

 The Air That They Breathe  (8/00)  Birkoff/Davenport. Rating: NC-17. Birkoff’s got a secret admirer. How’s he going to deal with it when he finds out who it is?  

 Can't Get Enough of Those Sugar Crisps  (10/00) Jason Crawford/Mick Schtoppel.  PWP, plain and simple. No spoilers per se.  

 Snap, Crackle, Sizzle  (10/00)  Jason Crawford/Mick Schtoppel. Sequel to Sugar Crisps. PWP, with a little humor and an even tinier bit of plot.  

 Dark Approach  (10/00)  Jim/Blair. Michael/Nikita. Rating: NC-17.  Crossover with The Sentinel. Jim takes a secret meeting. Blair follows. What he discovers changes everything between them.  

 Under Lock and Key  (10/00)  Greg Hillinger/Jason Crawford. Rating: NC-17. Hillinger mourns the loss of Birkoff. Warnings: m/m, angst, h/c, spoilers for Season 4 LFN, especially Abort, Fail, Retry, Terminate.  

April In Paris  (10/00)  Clark Palmer/Michael Samuelle. Rating:  NC-17. Crossover with JAG. Both Michael and Clark are involved in missions that have gone south and are given some downtime. Warnings: This happens before Nikita was recruited to Section and explains, to my satisfaction anyway, why Michael was so reluctant to become involved romantically with her. Contains some references to m/f sex.  

We Only See What We Want To See  (10/00)  Clark Palmer/Michael Samuelle. Rating: NC-17. Crossover with JAG. Sequel to April in Paris. What happens when a Section One cold op and a DSD agent get involved, unknowingly. Warnings: These events occur before Nikita was recruited to Section. m/m, language. 

When The Music's Over  (11/00)  Clark Palmer/Operations. Rating: NC-17. Crossover with JAG. Push comes to shove, Section-style. A sudden lack of manpower leads to Operations’ comeuppance at the hands of a self-styled rogue CIA agent. Warnings: m/m, kink (dom/sub, light whipping), rough sex, bad language, spoilers for bits and pieces of Season 4 LFN.    

Eat 'em And Smile  (2/01)  Michael/Davenport. Rating: PG. Davenport stops trying to kill Michael and decides to act on that *other* impulse. Spoilers for Season 4. Part 1 of the In Command Series.

Never Let 'em See You Sweat  (2/01) Michael/Davenport. Rating: R. Davenport takes advantage of Michael's conflict. Spoilers for Season 4. This story is a sequel to Eat 'em And Smile. Part 2 of the In Command Series.

Lick and a Promise  (2/01)  Michael/Davenport. Rating: NC-17. Davenport thinks he's in command. But Michael shows him how it's
done. This is a sequel to Never Let' em See You Sweat. Part 3 of the In Command Series. Warnings:  Set at the end of Season 3/beginning of Season 4 for those who need to be aware of spoilers. Occasional bad words.

No Easy Way Out  (2/01)  Michael/Davenport. Rating: NC-17. Michael needs to be in control. Davenport realizes that the path of
least resistance is not always taken by the weak. This is a sequel to Lick and a Promise. Part 4 of the In Command Series. Spoilers for Season 4.

True Lies  (2/01)  Michael/Davenport. Rating: R.  Michael reveals a secret longing to Davenport. This is a sequel to No Easy Way Out. Part 5 of the In Command Series. Spoilers for Season 4.

For Your Eyes Only  (4/01)  Michael/Davenport. Rating: R. Davenport offers Michael something that Nikita can never give him. This is a sequel to True Lies. Part 6 of the In Command Series. Spoilers for Season 4.

Remix  (5/01)  Birkoff/Davenport. Rating: NC-17. Davenport really wants Birkoff, only he isn’t gay. Or is he? This is part of The Air That They Breathe/ You Belong To Me universe.

The Keeping of Secrets  (5/01)  Michael/Davenport. Rating: PG. Michael realizes that he wants to accept what Davenport has to offer. But is it too late? This is a sequel to For Your Eyes Only. Part 7 of the In Command Series. Spoilers for Season 4.

Push Comes to Shove  (5/01)  Michael/Davenport. Rating: R. Michael realizes that he may have to make a difficult choice. This is a sequel to The Keeping of Secrets. Part 8 of the In Command Series. Spoilers for Season 4.

Make A Wish  (6/01)  Declan/Birkoff. Rating: NC-17. Declan and Sey reminisce about the last time they were at the Wishing Bridge. Warnings: m/m. Notes:  This is set in a different AU from previous Dec/Sey stories. References to Love Thieves series.

Wish Come True  (6/01)  Declan/Birkoff. Rating: NC-17. Warnings: m/m. This is a sequel to Make A Wish. Notes:  This is set in a different AU from previous Dec/Sey stories. References to Love Thieves series.