Love and Human Remains Slash


Come Be My Teddy Bear  David/Kane. Rating:  NC-17. Answer to Peja’s Teddy Challenge: a male in a relationship gets to wear a teddy.


Gypsy In His Soul  David/Kane. Rating: R. Part of PLRB series. This is in response to Peja's wedding challenge: a ring, rice, a satin pillow and a stripper. Twas the night before David and Kane's wedding...


Kiss Me, Kane  (WIP)  David/Kane. Rating: NC-17. Sequel to Sweet Dreams. Love is grand, but life goes on. David wonders if he can overcome
his fear of auditioning and Kane still has some issues with the green-eyed


Sweet Dreams  (3/00)  David/Kane. Rating:  NC-17. Sequel to Poor Little Rich Boy. David and Kane plan to live together, but as with all brand
new relationships, there are issues that will need to be ironed out.


Poor Little Rich Boy Series:  (12/99)   David/Kane. Rating: NC-17. Warning: Kane is 17 when the story begins, but he turns 18 during the course of the series.


Poor Little Rich Boy  (Section 1: Parts 1-16)

Poor Little Rich Boy  (Section 2: Parts 17-End)