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* 31 Days....*

Waahhh... yaye! i put everything back up and stuff, Im cooolll... hehehe but yeah I know I know.. those pictures are COMMING I tell.. they are they are! They'll be up in a jiggy! heehehehhe I'm soooo slacking off at work right now working on my homepage =p but hey this is no normal work, it's intern bitchwork! hahhah makes a difference you see!ooohh so I have this URGE to sign up for fricken Xanga page now.... b-but I dun wanna succumb to the fad if you know what I mean.... sooo yeah...but I have to say it's very tempting.... Blahh...MUST get the Jay Chou CD!! MUSSTTT! It's soooooo gooood MMMmmMMMmmm heheheh umm... sign my guestbook... please? =)


Profile *Update June 2002*

Dedications *Updated June 2002*

My So Called Life.... *Updated on on heading of page*

My Songs *updated June 2002*

In memory of Joanne Wong *April 2002*

aKDF Wonderland.... *July 2002*

Random stuff *July 18th 2002*

aim s/n: Babyberriez