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Home Bonsai Log Bonsai History About The Book The Mini Bonsai Kit Bonsai Seeds Multimedia


weekly update and special noticed of what i have done with the kit to make the site and make the tree live! Links of pictures i have taken with my web cam and also on some spacial occasions have a link to a small movie Low level quality but perfect for webpage information.

Date Description Links/images/clips
May 1st, 2004 Hey everybody, no much to report for now well. I found a way to get better images produced with my digital usb web cam. wish it was firewire. But hey can't ask for much. Hope you can tell the difference.



April 25th, 2004 Hey ya'll, nothing much has changed here been very busy with puplic jobs, so i haven't been able to do as much as i wanted this week but hopefully that will all change since I now have the oportunity to enter and leave at my own free will. here are this weeks pics.



April 17th, 2004 I decided to wait one day to take the pic so there would be some difference in the colour of the pot. Nothing much has changed but still hoping for the best



April 10th, 2004 Well i have noticed that some of the white powder like particles over the bonsai soil has decipitaed. I think the reason why it has done so is becaue instead of puring the water onto the plate i have poured/sprayed it over the soil. So i will be doing so more often.



April 3rd, 2004 I am very sorry for the quality of the images for these past few months, but unfortunately you all will have to bear with me until I have obtain enough liquidiable funds to purchase a new Digital Camera. I wish the quality was a lot better so you all can see what i see.



March 27th, 2004 Nothing much has changed but check out these pics



March 20th, 2004 Check out these pics hopefully i get some more info.



March 15th, 2004 Well I am going to purchase a better camera soon, I have been using my USB web cam for all of these pics. I just don't know how to explain some of the images i have taking with this cam. Soon everyone will see what is really going on. LOL don't worry i don't tamper with vital data as such.



March 6th, 2004 The white particles are noe becoming a constant ficture to the soil and i still don't know what they are but i will be figuring it out soon i hope.



February 29th, 2004 I am still in search of data on when i am supposed to see anything growing. But I will be keeping this log for those specific reasons. Here are two more pics. I took the pics before i watered them today, so you can see some definition of the soil/pellet.



February 22nd, 2004 I have noticed some particle on teh soil/ pellet of the tree. I don't know what exactly that means and i am extreamly open to answers. I am also in search of an image of bonsai tree in it's final stages. Just click on E-mail to send me the image and any information you may have to give me.



February 14th, 2004 Well i have notice a few white spots on the top soil of the pot. I don't really know what that is or means. Reqular watering and nothing really has changed. view Images to see the pot.



February 8th, 2004 Nothing much in concerns on the bonsai tree.



January 31st, 2004 I have water this pot about 3times this week. I really haven't seen any changes. I have here the pics. so you can compare them for yourselves. If you have noticed anything just e-mail me and let me know what it is.



January 24th, 2004 Nothing different from the last week but I have been watering the seeds about 3 times this week. It just sucks it all up. the weather again hasn't been favorable for it and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon.



January 17th, 2004 I've had to water the pot about twice this week. The weather hasn't been well but the indoor weather has be acceptable for this seed. I am not exactly sure when the seeds are set to sprout but I am hoping my treatment of the seeds are good enough for it to grow The Pot
The Pot(2)
January 10th, 2004 After 7 days of cold stratification, take the seeds and prepare the pot for the seed to be planted. In this case, The mini Bonsai kit already brought the pot and soil (Pellet). In order to prepare the soil I had to pour 32oz of warm water over it, then i placed the seeds in the pot with the soil. I have provided a low quality video so everyone can see the process i had to do with this KIT.

The Potting: A small Clip

The Pot a day After

January 3rd, 2004 Take Bonsai seeds out of water. Seal damp paper towel and seeds into a plastic bag and cold stratify for 7 days in the refrigerator. Bonsai in Towel
Bonsai in Towel 2
January 2nd, 2004 Place Bonsai Seeds in water and let soak for 24 hours Bonsai in water
Bonsai In Water Close UP