Theistic Satanism: Home > Links - miscellaneous

Miscellaneous links

  1. A few select LaVeyan and LaVeyan-leaning symbolic Satanists
  2. Some of the more interesting non-LaVeyan symbolic Satanists (and Luciferians)
  3. Other sites with info or writings on Satanism
  4. Chaos magic
  5. A few select Pagan/occult sites
  6. Other interesting stuff
  7. Other links pages here on this site

  1. A few select LaVeyan and LaVeyan-leaning symbolic Satanists

    The following is by no means a comprehensive list of LaVeyan-oriented websites, just a few that I personally find interesting for whatever reason.

  2. Some of the more interesting non-LaVeyan symbolic Satanists (and Luciferians)

  3. Other sites with info or writings on Satanism

    • International Satanism Meetup Day - looks like a great way to meet Satanists offline. Unfortunately, it's probably dominated by atheistic/symbolic Satanists, but that may change if enough theistic Satanist sites link to them. (The Meetup site itself does not impose any particular viewpoint.) So, if you're a theistic Satanist with a website, please link to them too.

    • alt.satanism FAQ files, including the original alt.satanism FAQ, which seems not to have been substantially updated since the mid-1990's C.E.  (Note:  The alt.satanism newsgroup itself is notoriously flame-ridden, Christian-evangelist-ridden, and generally noisy. For more productive online dialogue among Satanists, I recommend moderated email groups such as my own.)
    • Satanism Archive on Dated, but an interesting historical snapshot from the early-to-mid-1990's.
    • on Satanism
    • -- lots of reviews of relevant books, with links to so you can buy them.
    • Black Lotus Monastery

  4. Chaos magick

    Although not specifically Satanic, Chaos mages generally do tend to classify themselves as "Left-Hand Path."

    My collection of Chaos magick links has been moved to the ceremonial magick page in my collection of Information about various religions

  5. A few select Pagan/occult sites

  6. Other interesting stuff

  7. Other links pages here on this site

    There are many, many links pages in various places on this site. Here's a concise listing of a few (but by no means all) of them:

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