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Troop 40 Camp Notes

We love to camp! And take trips! A trip we're looking forward to this year is visiting Cedar Point Amusement Park...

Campouts in the 2003-2004 Scout Year

We plan to camp at Piperwood in November this year along with Cadette troop 647. Our Saturday will be busy as we will be helping around 30 Brownies to earn their Genesee Valley "8 Outdoor Skills" patch. Swaps, s'mores and singing also will be part of the weekend.

One possibility for June is a survival camp weekend at Pinewood. Details will be forthcoming. Attendees for this camp weekend will earn a patch.

Campouts in the 2002-2003 Scout Year

We camped at Camp Cutler in February - it was a really cold weekend. Saturday morning we went to Swain for snow tubing/boarding. We got to know boys from a scout troop in Greece and hope to meet up with them at a future camp trip.

In April, our troop joined up with Girl Scouts from other Service Units to take a bus trip to New York City. We saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway, visited Staten Island/Statue of Liberty, NBC Studios, the Empire State Building, Little Italy and Chinatown. We also visited Ground Zero - the site of the 9/11 tragedy. It was a memorable trip.

In June, we participated in the Ashantee Camporee - it was a pioneer theme and held at Camp Wyomoco. The weekend was really rainy. Our RH girls made a tremendous effort to get to camp and convinced parents to drive them to Warsaw at 11:00 PM on Friday Night just to be at camp!!

Campouts in the 2001-2002 Scout Year

We just got back from the Rush Henrietta Girl Scout Camporee at Camp Pinewood. It rained all weekend but we still had fun. We sponsored the Scout's Own ceremony on Sunday and gave out bookmarks with this blessing on them:

Wood and water,
Wind and Tree
Wisdom, strength and courtesy,
Scoutings spirit go with thee.

Mmmmmmmm! Chocolate heaven! 10 girls and 4 adults made the trip to Hershey Park for the Girl Scout camporee. The weather was mostly good, it only rained a little Friday night. Saturday was sunny and in the high 80's all day. We went on rides all day Saturday after touring Chocolate World. Swaps on Sunday were awesome! Some of us are already planning to go again next year!

Oh yeah, the new rule at camp... "Whatever you hear at camp - stays at camp!"

We camped in frigid temperatures at Pinewood in April for Camp cleanup weekend. Our job was to clean the dishes in the Dining Hall and get the kitchen ready for resident camp. The 2nd night, we stayed in the Infirmary. We made our SWAPs for the RH camporee and planned a project to make tie-dye shirts for Hershey Park and even make new curtains for the Infirmary.

In October 2001, we camped at Piperwood Lodge. We made jewelry and tin punch luminaries. We also read from the GS handbook about leadership skills for the leadership award.

Campouts in the 2000-2001 Scout Year

In June 2001, we camped at Letchworth State Park . It was a rainy weekend. We learned some orienteering, made s'mores, and learned a few knots. We had to contend with interesting surprises (wildlife) both nights of the camping trip. We toured the Mt. Morris Dam at the end of the weekend.

At Camp Cutler's Eastman Castle in February 2001, we met 4 ladies from the middle ages! They shared with us what life was like in that time period - the clothes, food, crafts and pastimes like dancing. We also enjoyed ice cream and sledding with the Boy Scouts from the Fort. Other crafts/activities included: macrame and braided friendship bracelets, bead necklaces, and patrol banners. Each of us also picked a name from the Middle Ages.

Campouts in the 1999-2000 Scout Year

In August 2000, we went to Wild & Wacky Camp at Pinewood. This was a theme camp put on by the Girl Scout Council in our area. It rained all weekend and we enjoyed meeting a 1st year Junior troop. We also got our Polar Bear Club patches. Way to go Troop 40!!!

In June 2000, we went to Camp Piperwood. We spent Friday night there with just our troop and then on Saturday, we were joined by Brownie Troop 412 - who then spent the night there. We showed them some camping skills, made a scavenger hunt for them, and also exchanged SWAPs. This helped us earn the Junior Aide patch.

In December 1999, we had our first camping trip as a newly formed troop. We stayed in the lodge at Camp Piperwood . We played a healthy choices game, hiked and fed the birds, and planned badgework for the rest of the year. We had a great time.

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