Brownie "8 Outdoor Skills" Programs-We plan to do the Brownie programs again but just focus on the 8 Outdoor Skills for Brownies this time. We will offer 4 sessions, one in November, December, and 2 in April (during RH school break).
Service Projects in Scout Year 2002-2003
RH Cookie Kickoff-In September, we made carnival games for younger Girl Scouts at RH Cookie Kickoff.
Scouting for Food-In October, we collected food from Avon families as part of the Scouting for Food program.
Blankets for U.S. Service Men/Women-In April, we participated in a Girl Scouts of Genesee Valley Council-wide event to sew and decorate fleece blankets for soldiers serving in Iraq.
International Fair-In February, we taught younger Girl Scouts how to make origami fans or kitties at the Ashantee International Fair.
Serving Food to the Homeless-In May, we served meals to the homeless at Asbury Dining Center in Rochester, NY.
Service Projects in Scout Year 2001-2002
Brownie Programs-
We offered 3 programs for Brownies to earn their Genesee Valley 8 Outdoor Skills patch, as well as these Try-its: Animal, Eco-Action, and Water Everywhere. Most of us spent 2 days of our February break from school to do the camp skills classes, which 2 Brownie troops attended. Then in March, we spent 2 Saturday afternoons at Camp Piperwood to help the Brownies earn their try-its.
Pinewood Camp Cleanup WeekendIn April, we helped open Camp Pinewood and get it ready for summer campers. We stayed two nights and ate some meals in the Dining Hall (which is what we were assigned to clean!).
Monroe County Water Watch-We visit our adopted stream "Red Creek" 4 times per year to monitor stream health. We took measurements of the water's depth, temperature, and velocity. We also counted the number and types of critters (bugs!) we collect from the stream. We did this project for 2 years.
The patch pictured here is a Girl Scout patch program created with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). In reviewing the patch requirements, it turns out that we have earned this as part of our participation in the Water Watch service project.
Service Projects in Scout Year 2001 - 2003
ABC Books for kids at local hospitals-We created ABC books to donate to kids at the church wehere we hold our meetings, as well as are shelters. We spent several meetings and one lock-in working on these. The girls also received the materials to create their own ABC books to use for babysitting.
We got our idea for this project from the Victoria's Keepsakes web site.