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Congratulations to last year's Silver Award Recipients!!!

Nine girls from our troop earned their Silver Awards last year. The Silver Award is the highest honor a Cadette Girl Scout can earn. Before a girl can begin a Girl Scout Silver Award project, she must earn: 3 Interest Project Patches, the Dreams to Reality Patch, the Cadette Girl Scout Challenge, and the Leadership Award. Based on the girl's interests and talents, she chooses a project that will benefit the community in some way. The project must take at least 30 hours to complete and is approved by the GSGV Council.

Four of the girls (Chaney, Morgan, Michelle and Kristin ) worked on their project together. They collected children's books and videos for Strong Golisano Children's Hospital in Rochester, NY. Each girl also worked independently to create activity/care kits for a specic age group:
-Chaney (key chain kits, small games and bandanas for teen boys)
-Kristin (receiving blankets and small toys/games for infants/toddlers)
-Morgan (handkerchief dolls, beadie animal kits, and paper dolls for school-age children)
-Michelle (key chain kits, small games and bandanas for teen girls)

Liz planned and taught weekly Sunday School classes for pre-teens at Ridgeland Community Church. She prepared the Bible lessons, games and craft activities for 3 to 5 9-10 year old boys and girls.

Heidi organized a Tack Swap for the Genesee Valley Pony Club. This provided a way for kids to buy/sell horse equipment and riding clothes before the start of the new Pony Club year. She also invited a guest speaker to give a talk on tack cleaning and maintenance.

Kelsey collected shoe box gifts for needy children in other countries (Samaritan's Purse). Her tasks included: information sharing, shoebox pickup, wrapping & delivery to distribution center, and working at the center to package the boxes for overseas shipping.

Mackenzie built and hung 24 bluebird houses in the Avon community. She worked closely with DEC Wildlife Specialists to understand the special needs of this species and desired locations that would most benefit the bluebird population.

Mary created a "8 Outdoor Skills Brownie Kit" for the Rush Henrietta Service Unit. Troop leaders can borrow it to teach knots, firecraft, dressing for the outdoors, outdoor etiquette, protecting the natural world, first aid, knife safety and outdoor cooking (plus a whole lot more on the topic of camping!).

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