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Troop 40 SWAPs

Troop 40 loves SWAPs. At the start of the current Girl Scout year, troop 40 got involved with a SWAP group on the Internet called "TROOPSWAPBOX". We send items to another troop and they in turn send things to us. The contents are:

  • troop picture
  • letter from troop telling what they're doing in Girl Scouting
  • troop crest (or other patch)
  • area postcards
  • SWAPs for all in troop
  • gift for the leader
  • favorite craft idea
  • favorite recipe

We have SWAP'd with 6 different troops so far - in Florida, Pennsylvania, England, Arizona, Canada, and Maryland. It's been a lot of fun - you just have to keep making SWAPs at 1 meeting per month.

You can get in on these SWAPS too at this web URL.

Contact Troop 40.
Copyright © 2001 GSGV Troop # 40