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My Pet Rock!
Julie Brown
Age 9
                                  I love my pet rock. She is a good pet. Her name is Relma. I feed my pet but she does not eat the food i give her, 
and I can't seem to find her little mouth.
My pet just sits there, i think she is lazy. I try to teach her tricks but she just sits there. I try to play ball and she just sits there and bees lazy.
I took her for a walk one day and she just drags along behind me.
She can't even go to the bathroom like me. She smiles but does not talk aloud. She has eyes but she does not blink.
She is a good pet to have. I never have to clean up after her.
And if I forget about her, she is always there waiting for me, just where I put her last.
Everyone should have a Pet rock....

Oliver is a 9 pound Pappillion who 
thinks he is a Great Dane. He is a terrific watchdog,fearless of anyone bigger than him. The bigger dogs look at him and say "Oh boy, Lunch !"
He loves socks, and is always dragging someones around. He plays hide and seek. His favotite toy is his ball.
He understands a lot of words, so many that we have to spell them out. I cannot leave the house until he kisses me good bye, then he is upset until I return. Of course he looks for any goodies I may have brought home for him.
If you would like a loving, faithful, happy dog to spoil, then a Pappillion is for you!

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