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The Prizes

The Game and Prize chairman must be sure that sufficient numbers of prizes are on hand.
Better too many then not enough.
The following general rule should guide purchases:
The value of each prize is related to the value of each carnival ticket.
If each ticket is 25 cents, then the prize should have a retail value in the 25-50 cents range.
A winner presenting two -25 cents ticket at the prize booth would choose from prizes worth
50 cents- $1.00 retail value. The prizes should range in value from 25 cents to $2.50.

Each carnival game should be evaluated in terms of ease-of-winning.
If it appears that players will win one out of three games at a particular booth, one ticket
is given. If the game is difficult two or three tickets may be given for a win.
Consolation prizes may be given to players who fail to win. This item is always given
to the player at the game booth..not the prize booth. In order to keep play moving at a profitable
pace, avoid offering a choice of consolation prizes.
It's excellent strategy to keep samples of each prize permanently displayed at each booth.
The game and Prize chairman can prepare large signs that explain .."This wind-up toy
for only two direct hits " or "Ring the bell once and win this porcelain figurine!"

The central prize booth should be literally overflowing with prizes. This creates strong
incentive to participate. this booth should be centrally located and immediately
visible from the carnival entrance. Samples of each prize are displayed on pegboards, the
back-up stock can be stacked underneath. Items that cannot be shown on pegboards, can
be displayed on tables. each prize sample should be clearly identified with it's ticket redemption value.

When special events are included, such as "Guess Your Weight" booth, or a toddlers only
event, single prizes may be given from these locations. Normal game booths would
continue to use the Central Prize Booth.

See Wholesale Suppliers

In the event of a Church or Club organization, many prizes could be donated by members, and
local businesses.
Special Booths can be set up, such as Quilts, Afghans, pot holders, made by members.
A Food Booth, featuring bags of groceries, homemade jams, pies, cookies, breads, and cakes.
A Plant Booth with items donated by the local nursery and florist.
A White Elephant  sale of various used donated items.
A Doll  Booth  with dolls and clothing, and possibly a doll house for a grand prize.
Share and Care Booth  buy chances for baby-sitting, maid service, car washing, etc, provided by members
of the organization willing to work.
Book Fairs  with new and used books for sale.

There are many things to raffle off:
Money raffles, with a 50-50 split.
Appliances, TV's, Computers...just make sure enough tickets are sold to cover the cost of the item,
and to clear a good profit.