The STARS and BARS: A "Civil"
A five-part discussion by Michael
Aubrecht and El Veasey
Quick Links: - INTRO -
1 - PART
2 - PART
3 - PART
4 - PART
El Veasey (E.V.-BLUE) -
Michael Aubrecht
M.A. Once again, you bring
up some very good points El. I guess what it really
comes down to (and I am sure you can understand) is
that it frustrates me that some people seem to
paint an entire group of people with the same
brush. IE. The vast majority of people, who speak
out against things like the Confederate flag, do
not take the time to learn anything about Civil War
history and assume that it "as an entity" stands
for the same thing to everybody. I do not include
you in this group as your points are well written.
Still, you can't make "global" statements and speak
for everybody.
M.A. Please let me explain.
The majority of soldiers (not officers or
politicians) but the everyday "grunts" - the
soldiers that volunteered, and fought, and died by
the thousands, under the C.S.A. flag were not slave
owners, but poor farmers who were not specifically
fighting for a nation of slavery - but more for a
nation that was built on slavery. I believe that
many felt that they were fighting for state's
rights and not for the black man (to be free or not
free.) They had no vested interest in that
E.V. True! And were they
fully aware of that they were "fighting for a
nation built on slavery" and the immorality of
supporting that nation? Did they know they were
fighting for their state's right to continue the
profitable slave trade?
M.A. To them, the U.S.
Government was ultimately acting as a foreign power
themselves by preparing an army (to march against
its own people) in order to enforce the Lincoln
administration's new ideals. The formation of the
first Confederate army was ONLY in direct response
to what they felt was an impending invasion on
their land. Slavery was absolutely an issue, but
also the fear that the direction taken by this "new
country" would be built on a new "Northern
ideology" dominated by big corporations and
industrial commerce - as opposed to the South's
economy that was rooted in agriculture and small
business. We can certainly see today how that has
come true as corporate America has suffocated the
small business and farmers. Therefore the memory of
the "common" soldier and their heritage should not
be tarnished by including them with the wealthy
slave owners or today's "Neo-Nazis".
E.V. As well as the
profitable slave trade, which was the free labor
base supporting "the economy of agriculture and
small business", so, they were inseparably
intertwined. So much so that they were willing to
become a separate nation and fight a war to
preserve that profitable system, weren't they?
Would the "small and local business owners and
farmers" be better off if the slave labor system
had been preserved? If they believed that whites
were inherently superior to African Americans, no
matter how great they're accomplishments, just
because they were white, then I include them with
the neo-Confederate, "Neo-Nazi" types. Are you
suggesting that just because some soldiers didn't
or couldn't afford to own slaves, they were against
slavery? And therefore didn't think
African-Americans were inherently inferior to
whites? Does being one necessarily make you the
other? Speaking of "painting people with a broad
brush" can you say that each and every one of these
average "grunts" weren't racists, bigots, or white
supremacists because they didn't own or couldn't
afford to own slaves? (I realize that some whites
in the North were racist too, but that's not the
bone of contention here.)
M.A. I like to think that I
am as patriotic as anybody, but I can recognize
secession from "their" perspective. For example,
what if the U.S. Government today tried to
institute an anti-Christian, secular, progressive
agenda that went against the ideals of the country?
I would hope its citizens would stand up a fight
against them in order to preserve what they felt
were core ideals. Especially if they attempted to
turn our own people (troops) against us in order to
enforce their ideology. The anti-United States
would certainly be justified. In their minds (the
C.S.A.) that was what was happening. The South was
the "old" U.S. and the North represented the "new".
Certainly war was an extreme response, but I
understand why they felt it necessary (on both
E.V. Christian ideals go
along with the ideals of the country, but does
enslaving others, selling and treating them like
cattle, go along with Christian ideals? They did
stand up and fight! One of those ideals was ending
the practice of enslaving other human beings for
profit or otherwise. "Our" ideologies were
antagonistic to one another. The ideology of
slavery was antagonistic to the ideal of individual
rights. So those parts of "our own people" who
didn't want to honor those rights for
African-Americans, created their own troops to
defend their ideology against those of "our own
people" who supported the ideology of individual
rights. So the U.S. wasn't fighting against its
"own people" because those people gave up their
citizenship and created their own country in
protest against that ideal of the United
M.A. Also, let me add that
we are all better off today that the North
E.V. Correction The U.S.A
M.A. I cannot disagree with
that. I may be considered more of a "Southern"
historian (being in VA), but I believe the right
side won (in the end). I may write books that
glorify Confederate troops and commanders - but NOT
the ideal of slavery as practiced by the C.S.A
government or administration. Still, in my own
research I have found that the Lincoln
administration wasn't much better either
(initially). "Honest" Abe eventually did the right
thing by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation -
but ONLY AFTER they were able to boast a victory at
M.A. Why did he wait?
Because he was first and foremost, a politician. In
retrospect, many historians have proven that he had
no intention of freeing the slaves at the start of
the war, and later did so with little help from his
cabinet - who did not like him very much (which
shows the lack of support he had to deal with.) In
fact, he originally intended to colonize the freed
slaves in Panama. It was, ONLY after he saw the
brilliant and brave service of the Negro-regiments,
that he understood that they should be EQUAL
citizens who contributed to society and deserved
civil and voting rights.
E.V. He was against
slavery, but it was a risky political issue to come
out politically against it at that time, that's why
he was hesitant to do so. And even though he was
against slavery, he said in one of his speeches,
"he didn't want anyone to misconstrue that as
meaning he thought a Black man was equal to a White
man". But that's not the issue under discussion
here. And what does whether his cabinet liked him
or not have to do with the issue? (Others often
dislike those who take an unpopular but morally
righteous stand!) He was human and learned to
change his view over time and did the right thing
in the end, that's what counts! Do you agree with
me that, regardless of his earlier stance, the fact
that he eventually did the right thing, is what
counts in the end?
M.A. Yes, he was a great
president (perhaps one of the best), but not the
"perfect" emancipator that we seem to remember
today. Initially, Lincoln blamed the black man for
coming in between white men and he saw no way to
end the conflict, but to remove them from society.
He later changed his views and eventually became
the man that we see sitting in that chiseled chair
in Washington, but not without leaving behind a few
skeletons of his own.
M.A. Also, you repeatedly
mention the Nazi flag in your argument. Much like
the Confederacy, there were different troops who
fought under that flag in Germany during WW2. Not
all were fighting for the same reasons. You had the
Third Reich, (or Nazis) such as the Gestapo, SS,
Hitler Youth etc. and then the regular enlisted
German army who were fighting under the Nazi's
direction - but more against the Allied Troops and
less (IMO) for the ideology of Adolph Hitler. Many
of the German soldiers had no choice in the matter
but to fulfill their duty - and in many cases they
were probably too afraid of Hitler's madness to
M.A. For example, one of
Hitler's greatest tank commanders, General Erwin
Rommel later turned against him and was forced into
committing suicide by the SS (in order to maintain
his honor). Not all German soldiers or citizens
should be cast in with the same swastika-wearing
evildoers that persecuted the Jews. They should be
remembered simply as German veterans who fulfilled
their duty to their country. I imagine they have
every right to memorialize their WW2 heroes just as
we do. So those flags (strictly in terms of a
banner) mean different things to different people
today - just as it meant different things to the
men who fought and died under it.
E.V. I imagine they do! But
unfortunately, as I suggested about the Confederate
troops, how can we know what the mentality of each
and everyone of those troops were? There were
probably some troops in support of and some troops
not in support of the Nazi government fighting. Can
you tell me how many supported the Nazi ideal of
Aryan supremacy to those who didn't? Regardless of
what it means to any individual, the Nazi flags
stands for Aryan supremacy.
M.A. Obviously there are
those who fought for less-than-commendable reasons,
but many Confederate troops and German troops were
simply fulfilling their duty. General William T.
Sherman said "War is Hell" and it is a terrible
plague that will last on this planet until the end
times. Those that fight it are usually good people
forced into doing morally bad things. Some do it
for the right reasons and some do it for the wrong
reasons - but their memories should not all be
lumped in one big group. Stonewall Jackson said,
"Duty is ours - the consequences are God's." I
agree totally.
E.V. So it appears that the
moral and Christian values issues involved with
what one decides to fight for doesn't seem to carry
much importance with you or Stonewall does it? Just
the glory!