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The official pixel pub
of Baseball-Fever's
Yankees Message Board.

The Front Page

of Riches

Amani Herron

Expressing My
Love for the Yankees

Sal I.

Letter from a Collector
Jim Rasco

Top 10 Best and Worst
Bill Hazell

Phil Speranza

1928 Fall Classic
Harold Friend

How Baseball Passes Time
Dan McNeill

The Iron Horse
Michael Aubrecht  

Back Issues
The Highlander Archives

Bombers Bulletin Board
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Marvin Terry is an award
winning cartoonist and
New York Yankees fan.
Purchase his signed prints

Fan Feedback
What do you like?
What don't you like?
What would you like?

Email your Questions
Comments and Ideas!

I would like to thank all of the
writers that have already joined
the staff of The Highlander for
their outstanding support on this
project. I am looking forward
to reading what they'll have
for us next and hope that
more of you will join them.

I started this eNewsletter with
one goal in mind; to give Yankees
fans an open forum for publishing
their thoughts on their favorite
team and share them with others.

Welcome to our debut edition!

Letter from the Editor
Michael Aubrecht Pinstripe Press

As Baseball-Fever's Message Boards continue to grow in volume and popularity, so has the fan base of true baseball die-hards that frequent them. Our little corner, the Yankees Message Board, features some of the best commentary and analysis that this site has to offer. In an effort to share even more opinions and information with true Yankee die-hards, we have decided to publish this monthly newsletter dedicated to baseball's most storied franchise.

Each issue will feature historical essays, player profiles, season commentary, fanclub info, merchandising classifieds, etc. with links to other related Yankees points of interest on this site or the web. All issues will be archived and posted on the Pinstripe Press website. A true e-fan mag, written BY the fans, FOR the fans. We are always looking for help, whatever you want to contribute, your words, and your ideas!

Website Spotlight

Simply the BEST baseball information source on the Internet. This site is rich with facts, stories, famous firsts, quotes, autographs, stats, records, and other information not readily found on commercial sites. Sean Holtz is the founder of Baseball Almanac and has dedicated countless hours to preserving the history of our National Pastime. His site has rapidly grown into an interactive baseball encyclopedia filled with thousands of pages full of in-depth facts and statistics. Check it out today!

Player Profile
#7 Mickey Mantle

Born: October 20, 1931, Spavinaw, Oklahoma
Died: August 13, 1995, Dallas, Texas
Elected to HOF in 1974 (88.22%)

Mickey Mantle achieved greatness despite an arrested case of osteomyelitis and frequent surgery. The powerful Yankee switch-hitter belted 536 homers, won the AL home run and slugging titles four times, collected 2,415 hits, and batted .300 or more 10 times. The three-time MVP was named to 20 All-Star teams. He holds numerous WS records, including most home runs (18). Source: MLB Hall Of Fame

Coming Next Issue: 2003 season analysis, commentary and predictions, greetings from Scotland, 1927 Yankees tribute, Munson profile, and more!

RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS! Join the staff of our monthly Internet publication dedicated to baseball's most storied franchise. This is for fun, not work, but only serious parties apply. Write your own column, email it to us and we'll do the rest. Opinionated pieces are very welcome, but please keep it clean. When writing historical or statistical based stories, please include a list of your reference materials. We reserve the right to refuse any that do not meet our standards. Apply now

The Pinstripe Press:
The Highlander:
Editor's Email:

Copyright © 2002-2003 Pinstripe Press. All Rights Reserved.
This online newsletter is not affiliated with the New York Yankees.
The opinions expressed solely represent the contributor's and not the Pinstripe Press.

The Highlander
Vol.1 January 2003
Questions or comments in regards to a specific article should be sent directly to that writer's email.

All questions, comments, advertising inquiries etc. should be sent to the Pinstripe Press at

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Baseball Fever

Brad's Ultimate
New York Yankees

Land of the
Mighty Yanks


The Bombers

Fast Facts:
Betcha' didn't know

Whitey Ford
"The Chairman of the Board" holds the World Series records for most wins (10) and most strikeouts (94).

Yogi Berra
Yogi has won more World Championships than any other player in baseball history (10).
"The Yankees
don't pay me to
win everyday,
just 2 out of 3."

Casey Stengel
Who was the last
pitcher to throw a
no-hitter against the
Yankees and what year
did it happen?

Answer In Next Issue