Editor's Note: Jim Rasco is a 61 year old CPA and the Historian of the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame. He is an avid collector of sports memorabilia (a topic close to my heart) and had contacted me in reference to an autographed ball. I was unable to find the answer to his question, but his email was so interesting that I decided to post it and see if anyone else may have an idea of where to look. Has anyone ever heard of "Hoot" Larson? He autographed a Yankee baseball in 1940 (or maybe 1939?) that I recently received. His name is the only name (out of 24 signatures) that I don't recognize. Possibly up from the minors during spring training and failed to make the cut? Or maybe just a batboy or umpire or something? Guess I could go to my old guides and check the Yankees top farm clubs of 1939 and 1940 and see if he shows up. It is a very
clear signature, but "Hoot" is not listed as a coach in the
1939 World Series program nor is he listed in the numerical
roster of the 1939 or 1940 Yankees. The reason I think the
season is 1940 is because Paul Schreiber is listed in the
numerical roster with a designation that appears to note his
uniform # was issued during spring training. He, of course,
did not get in a Yankee game until 1945. I first thought it
was a 1939 ball because of the signature of the 3rd string
catcher in 1939, but not 1940. But, I found his name on the
numerical roster for 1940, even though it is noted that he
did not appear in a regular season game in 1940. It is
amazing that every other player played in both 1939 and
1940. Players like Crosetti, Dahlgren, DiMaggio, Dickey,
Gordon, Henrich, Keller, Knickerbocker et al ALL (over
twenty players) played both years. That must be some kind of
a record in lack of turnover.
Years ago another friend of mine gave me autographed balls of the 1942 Yankees and the 1942 St Louis Browns. Don't get me started telling you about my collection, but I do have one more story… Last summer an elderly friend of mine was being moved to a nursing home from his residence. He called me to come get some "stuff". While there he told me to go up in his attic and see if I could find anything else I would like to have. Among other things, such as every daily program from the 1932 Olympics were three old baseball programs. They were from three World Series games he attended in St Louis. You wouldn't be excited about the 1931 Cardinal - A's game, but the other two were Yankee-Cardinal games (1928). He had scored all of them and the first thing I did was see if one was from the game Ruth hit 3 home runs in. YES, IT WAS! Boy, was I excited! What a great addition to my collection of World Series and All-Star game programs.
How ya' doin? Best sites on 'da 'net! New York Yankees Mighty Yanks The Bombers Fast Facts: Betcha' didn't know "The Chairman of the Board" holds the World Series records for most wins (10) and most strikeouts (94). Yogi has won more World Championships than any other player in baseball history (10). "The Yankees don't pay me to win everyday, just 2 out of 3." Casey Stengel Trivia: Who was the last pitcher to throw a no-hitter against the Yankees and what year did it happen? Answer In Next Issue |