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1903 Official Scoring Card

Team: New York Highlanders


Team: Boston Pilgrims

at: Hilltop Park

Player Name/Pos.













The official newsletter of Baseball-Fever's Yankees Message Board.

Scorecard Edition
The Front Page
The 11 Walk Inning
Harvey Frommer
Peerless (Hal Chase)
Ray Istorico
Michael Aubrecht
Harold Friend
The Top 50
Multiple Sources
Phil Speranza
Pin Stripe Numbers
Sean Holtz
America's Team?
Michael Aubrecht
 Back Issues
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Bombers Bulletin Board
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Marvin Terry is an award
winning cartoonist and
New York Yankees fan.
Order signed prints

Ballpark Blueprints LLC. is a talented graphic arts company specializing in the presentation of ballpark architecture.
BPBP Website
Pinstripe Press Update
Year In Review


August Trivia:
Joe Torre is the 4th man to manage both the Yankees and Mets. Name the other three.

Casey Stengel, Yogi Berra
and Dallas Green.
Fan Feedback
We have received several emails suggesting the addition of jokes and baseball cartoons.
We are looking for a volunteer cartoonist to produce 1 monthly cartoon. Email samples to:


Players Only!
Letter from the Editor
Michael Aubrecht Pinstripe Press

Three years ago, Sean Holtz at gave me my first professional writing assignment and a shot at a second career. Since then, I have been privileged to write and publish several essays along with three online reference books and I want to thank him for giving me a start. As a lifelong baseball fan, I have always been fascinated with the legacy of America's National Pastime and nothing pleases me more than digging through my library of books or surfing the 'net and learning about teams and individuals who played this wonderful sport decades before my parents were even born. However, as I continue to study the past, the MORE respect I have for the players of yesterday and the LESS I have for the players of today. OK, I'll admit it, I'm biased. I'm old-fashioned. I'm a Republican, a conservative, a Christian and a "throw back". Many nights I have laid awake in bed contemplating the state of the world and wishing I had the tools and talent to get my "time-machine project" off the ground. In short, I long for a simpler, safer, time when the country resembled a Norman Rockwell painting and people were actually willing to work for the American Dream. Sports is a perfect example of my "What WAS vs. What IS" Philosophy and provides the basis for my latest rant. READ ON Year In Review

The Pinstripe Press is proud to announce the completion of our third major research/writing project for in providing the introductions for major league baseball: 1876-Present. Baseball Almanac has researched, in a year-by-year format; the hitting and pitching leaders, the team leaders, fabulous feats accomplished, win-loss records for every "official" league, and much more. Here is a breakdown of items found on EACH page: League Leader in Hitting Statistics - Top 25 Players for each Hitting Stat - League Leader in Pitching Statistics - Top 25 Pitchers for each Pitching Stat - Final Standings for every Team - Links to every Team Roster - Team Leader for Hitting & Pitching Stats - Retirements / Final Season Played Lists - Rookies / First Season Played Lists - Links to Seasonal Events (Click Title)

Player Profile
#10 Phil Rizzuto
Born: September 25, 1917, Brooklyn, New York

Phil Rizzuto overcame his diminutive size to anchor a Yankees dynasty, helping them win seven of nine World Series during his 13 seasons, not counting three years lost to World War II. "The Scooter" was a durable and deft shortstop, skilled bunter and enthusiastic base runner who compiled a .273 lifetime batting average. A five-time All-Star, Rizzuto was named the American League's MVP in 1950 when he excelled with a .324 average, 200 hits and .439 slugging percentage. Upon retirement, he spent 40 years as a popular Yankees broadcaster. Source: MLB Hall Of Fame

Did you know ... Rizzuto was the first mystery guest on the television program "What's My Line" when the show premiered February 2, 1950?

Next Issue: 2003 postseason analysis and much more!
RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS! Join the staff of our monthly Internet publication dedicated to baseball's most storied franchise. This is for fun, not work, but only serious parties apply. Write your own column, email it to us and we'll do the rest. Opinionated pieces are very welcome, but please keep it clean. When writing historical or statistical based stories, please include a list of your reference materials. We reserve the right to refuse any that do not meet our standards.

The Pinstripe Press:
The Highlander:
Editor's Email:

Copyright © 2002-2003 Pinstripe Press. All Rights Reserved.
This online newsletter is not affiliated with the New York Yankees.
The opinions expressed solely represent the contributor's and not the Pinstripe Press.

The Highlander
Vol.8 September 2003
Questions or comments in regards to a specific article should be sent directly to that writer's email.

All questions, comments, advertising inquiries etc. should be sent to the Pinstripe Press at

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Web Links:
Yankees Fan Network






Fast Facts:
In Memory Of
Bobby Bonds
Bonds played an All-Star season in right-field for the Yanks in 1975, hitting 32 homers and stealing 30 bases.
"I would rather pitch a double-header against any other club than one game against the Yankees."
St. Louis pitcher
Milt Gaston

"At nighttime, you
just try to keep him
out of jail."

David Cone on
teammate David Wells
What Yankee hit seven more homeruns at Yankee Stadium than Babe Ruth?

Answer In Next Issue
Have a trivia question?
Email it to us and
maybe we'll use it in an
upcoming issue.