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1903 Official Scoring Card

Team: New York Highlanders


Team: Boston Pilgrims

at: Hilltop Park

Player Name/Pos.













The official newsletter of Baseball-Fever's Yankees Message Board.

Scorecard Edition
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The 11 Walk Inning
Harvey Frommer
Peerless (Hal Chase)
Ray Istorico
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Harold Friend
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Phil Speranza
Pin Stripe Numbers
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America's Team?
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August Trivia:
Joe Torre is the 4th man to manage both the Yankees and Mets. Name the other three.

Casey Stengel, Yogi Berra
and Dallas Green.
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IMHO - The ramblings of Phil Speranza
by Phil Speranza
Behind The Bombers

Phil is publisher of the longest running New York Yankees fan site on the Internet and did the 2000 season update of The Yankee Encyclopedia 5th Edition published by Sports Publications LLC.

Greetings Bomber Buddies, I know I am an adult at least by the calendar. Being a baseball fan brings out the kid in all of us. Normally IMHO deals with numerous subjects but this edition is dealing with one subject and one subject only, giveaways. And I am not talking about the bullpen.

The giveaways I am talking about are the promotional gift you receive for attending certain games. Normally the rule of thumb was that the souvenir cost about two dollars. One dollar is the cost to the Yankees and the other is paid for by the sponsor in exchange for getting his name somewhere on your free gift.

It is one thing when Adias sponsors a day then you would get their logo on you cap or sport bag but when it says Hess on the back of your cap it sort of takes away the sports feeling.

I can accept all of this, the thing that irks me is the limitation of the gifts. No I don't need a Yankee lunch box or book bag but I like the CDs and caps and stuff like that. So why must you limit it to the first 18000 fans? If I get to the game after the Frank Sinatra CD is given out, is it too much for them to make enough to give it out to all the adult or all fans?

Bobble Heads? Why are they just for fans 14 and under? I collect them as well and would probably appreciate it more than any 10 year old. And why limit it?

Let take June as an example:

  • 6/10: 100th Anniversary Commemorative Coin
    (All Fans) OK, this is one that they can get away with.
  • 6/11: Yankees Super Six Baseball Card Pack
    (1st 18,000 Fans 14 & Under) How do you tell your kid they don't get a pack of baseball cards?
  • 6/12: CD Holder Day
    (1st 18,000 Fans 21 & Over) Gee I get stuck in traffic and miss my CD holder.
  • 6/13: 100th Anniversary Key Ring Bottle Opener Night
    (1st 18,000 Fans 21 & Over) Wow a keychain and they can't give out them to everyone!
  • 6/15: 1941 World Series Replica Pin Day
    (All Fans) Another OK.
  • RESCHEDULED: Jason Giambi Bobblehead Doll Day
    (1st 10,000 Fans 14 & Under) Why only kids, why not enough for everyone?

Some of the seats go for the better part of $95.00! How can they be chintzy with the gifts?

The insult to injury came against Tampa on the 13th of September. This year like many of you I am collecting the Championship photos from the Daily News, courtesy of Kodak in the Sunday edition. Those photos are not very sharp or have good contrast but nevertheless a nice freebee. That is another story all together.

So we saw that Fan Appreciation Day was not giving out that team photo mug this year again. This year Kodak and the Daily News were giving out a 100th Anniversary Championship Photo Album, for every fan no less.

My first question was wow, will it come with photos or do I put my give away pictures in it? Then I saw this ad:

So then I said wow it comes with photos!! I am picturing a vinyl album similar to the old baseball card folders they use to give out (in unlimited numbers) with pvc pages to insert your photos.

So I got to the stadium on the rainy Saturday for the FA game. My first reaction was that they were giving out coupons to pick up your album in the Stadium somewhere. At a closer look, what I thought was a coupon was actually the photo album!!!!

It wasn't even a full size magazine. It was a mini magazine with close to wallet size renditions of the photos you are getting every Sunday in the Daily News.

This will give you a better idea of the size (Sitting on a keyboard):

What a rip off and disappointment. Come on guys give out gifts like you did in the past. Give them to all the adults or all the kids, never mind the first 18000 or 10000. Tickets go as high as $95+, you can afford the $2 these gifts should cost you.

On a better note, one of the best give aways were in the New York Post for the last two weeks. There were 10 editions of the Yankee Century Magazine collectables in the weekday editions.

Next issue I hope to be talking about our road to #27. Until next time, here's hoping all your hits go for extra bases.

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Copyright © 2002-2003 Pinstripe Press. All Rights Reserved.
This online newsletter is not affiliated with the New York Yankees.
The opinions expressed solely represent the contributor's and not the Pinstripe Press.

The Highlander
Vol.8 September 2003
Questions or comments in regards to a specific article should be sent directly to that writer's email.

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Fast Facts:
In Memory Of
Bobby Bonds
Bonds played an All-Star season in right-field for the Yanks in 1975, hitting 32 homers and stealing 30 bases.
"I would rather pitch a double-header against any other club than one game against the Yankees."
St. Louis pitcher
Milt Gaston

"At nighttime, you
just try to keep him
out of jail."

David Cone on
teammate David Wells
What Yankee hit seven more homeruns at Yankee Stadium than Babe Ruth?

Answer In Next Issue
Have a trivia question?
Email it to us and
maybe we'll use it in an
upcoming issue.