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You Don't Know What You've Got 'Til It's Gone

Chapter 4

Taylor was giving me some lecture about being nicer to the fans. I suppose he was referring the girl who had asked me why I was so serious. I'm not sorry though, I hate that question. I hate it almost as much as the girlfriend question. It's not that either of those questions are really bad, I've just heard them so much I can't stand it.

"Zac are you listening to me?"

"Yes." What makes you think I would actually listen to you in the first place?

"Fine. So is it a deal?"

Deal? What deal? "Refresh me."

"I'll hook you up with Aimee's cousin and you just get out of this 'I hate the world' phase."

"I don't want to date Aimee's cousin." I hate the world? What made him think I hate the world? I just hate him! I hate being in his shadow! I hate being alone! I hate being left out! I hate having to be quiet! I hate having to let Taylor and Isaac discredit me and outshine me! I hate my life! I hate my brothers! I hate the world!

"Fine, whatever. I was just trying to be nice."

Sure you were Taylor. That's right, now go run to your precious telephone and tell Aimee all about your problems.

"Hey Zac?" Ike wants to talk to me does he?

"What?" Isaac is Taylor's best friend, not mine. I'm the third wheel.

"I'm worried about you."

I look away from him. "Don't be."

"You've changed so much."

I'm getting the 'you're not crazy anymore' speech from Isaac? I guess it's better than hearing it from Tay. But they both have always told me I was too hyper. "How have I changed?"

"You just don't seem the same anymore."

Maybe that's because I'm not the same anymore. I shrug at him.

"I don't understand why."

Ike you try, but no cigar. The key is I'm tired of being alone. We used to be so close and then I got left behind, and I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be unloved anymore. "There's nothing to understand. Sometimes people just change as they grow up."

Isaac gave up. I kinda wish he would have stayed just a little bit longer. I want a friend right now. The thing is I have no one to turn to. Isaac has this girlfriend in Tulsa, and Taylor. Taylor has Aimee, and Isaac. Who do I have? Mac? Yeah, my four year old brother is my only friend. My life is such a pathetic existence.



Chapter 3

The End

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