Teachings Over the YearsWhat is Mormonism's connection to Freemasonry? Why are there occultic symbols on the walls of the temple in Salt Lake City such as pentagrams There are huge sections of the BOM that appear to be plagiarized directly from the 1769 revision of the King James Bible which was translated in 1611. If Smith was simply translating the BOM from the Golden Plates, why would these "ancient" sections have been translated in 1830 into 1769 King James English? What happened to the first 100+ pages of the BOM? This amounts to about 1/6th of the total text of the BOM. The LDS church alleges that these pages were stolen. Since they are missing, doesn't that let the air out of their claim that there are "many plain and precious things" missing from the Bible and the BOM is more reliable? Did you know that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young both taught that the moon was inhabited by humans and that they lived to be approximately 1,000 years old and were dressed in Quaker style clothing? Brigham Young also taught that the sun itself was inhabited.
Also this:
As self-professing prophets of God, shouldn't they have known that the moon has no atmosphere and the sun is like an ocean of fire and they are therefore incapable of supporting human life? An interesting note is that the word 'Mormon' in Chinese means 'gates of Hell' and the LDS missionaries dare not use that word when attempting to proselytize the Chinese. To the Christian: There are serious errors in LDS theology. Do you know how to refute them? The answers are not difficult to find or understand. Educate yourself to help your LDS friends to see through the darkness that is Mormonism. To read more about Joseph Smith, his false prophecies, and the religion he started as well as how you can witness in love to the people trapped in this cult, visit some of the sites listed below and the following URL as well: http://www.mazeministry.com/mormonism/holley/holleymaps.htm. A must see! "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8,9 KJV) Recommended reading: "The Maze of Mormonism" by Dr. Walter Martin. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE HERE, PLEASE: PASS THIS SITE ALONG TO A FRIEND OR TO SOMEONE YOU KNOW WHO HAS QUESTIONS OR IS INVOLVED IN ONE OF THESE ORGANIZATIONS! IF YOU HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS, E-MAIL ME AND ASK. I AM AVAILABLE TO YOU FOR THIS PURPOSE. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU IN YOUR SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH! Please leave me your thoughts in my guest book as well as a working email address for my reply. ALL comments are welcome as long as you are not anonymous (If you wish your email address to not be seen by anyone but me, just say so and it will be done). All non-compliant entries in the guest book will not be posted, but will be deleted, so LEAVE your email address so I can respond. |