Jesus and Lucifer: Spirit Brothers?Mormons are taught that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers; that Jesus died for Adam's sin only and we must each work out our own salvation for our own sins, (at one time, it was taught that some sins were so heinous that they must be paid for with the sinner’s own blood as Jesus' blood was not sufficient. This is why one of the choices of capital punishment for a prisoner in Utah is still death by a firing squad, so that the blood of the prisoner will fall to the earth as mandated by Brigham Young); there are three heavens and no place of punishment as the Bible describes it, rather a temporary "spirit prison"; the Mormon church is the only true church on the face of the earth and all other churches, clergy, and creeds are apostate and an abomination in God's sight according to Joseph Smith. Mormon theology teaches: God lives on a planet called "Kolob" with his many celestial wives, having sex continually with them all to produce 'spirit children' to populate this planet. Decker's Complete Handbook on Mormonism (p. 227-228) quotes Oscar W. McConkie Jr., a leader of the LDS church at one time where he wrote:
Remember, Mormons look at God as a literal father who was their physical, actual father in the preexistence. They look upon this man/god with love and respect. The term is perhaps the most common name of God used by the LDS people. Joseph Smith regularly used the term as his familiar name for God. His usage instilled in his followers a belief in a special physical relationship with God. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE HERE, PLEASE: PASS THIS SITE ALONG TO A FRIEND OR TO SOMEONE YOU KNOW WHO HAS QUESTIONS OR IS INVOLVED IN ONE OF THESE ORGANIZATIONS! IF YOU HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS, E-MAIL ME AND ASK. I AM AVAILABLE TO YOU FOR THIS PURPOSE. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU IN YOUR SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH! Please leave me your thoughts in my guest book as well as a working email address for my reply. ALL comments are welcome as long as you are not anonymous (If you wish your email address to not be seen by anyone but me, just say so and it will be done). All non-compliant entries in the guest book will not be posted, but will be deleted, so LEAVE your email address so I can respond. |