
Height: 5'4''

Weight: 150 lbs.

Finishing Move: STF

Titles Held: 2x WWE Women's Champ

Manager/valet(s): Theodore Long

Other Aliases: Jazzmine

Real Name: Charlene Moore

After spending her career in ECW, competing with the men, Jazz came to the WWF at Survivor Series 2001 in a Six Pack Challenge for the Women's Title, but came up short. Unfortunately, she debuted as part of the WCW/ECW Alliance, who lost a winner-take-all match to the WWF wrestlers later on, forcing them out of the WWF. She was hired back a few weeks later and attacked Women's Champ Trish Stratus. She got a title shot at Royal Rumble 2002, but Trish managed to beat her. Jazz won the title in a rematch a few weeks later. She successfully defended the belt against Trish and Lita at WrestleMania X-8. Since she was the Women's Champ when the roster split in two a couple of weeks later, she was allowed to be on both Raw and Smackdown to defend her title. She formed an alliance with Raw wrestler Steven Richards and helped him win the Hardcore Title, but soon lost the Women's Title back to Stratus. However, she suffered a torn ACL and was put out of action for a few months.

She returned in 2002, and won the Women's Title from Trish Stratus at Backlash. She joined the cause of Theodore Long and Rodney Mack, who felt that the black wrestlers were being discriminated against. She continued to repel the challenges of Trish and Ivory, and decided to defend her title in a battle royal. Jazz ended up being knocked out shortly into the match, and was never officially eliminated. The title was then won by Gail Kim, a newcomer.