April 5th, 2005: Books are in the shops, 'Making Of's are out there, still waiting on the soundtrack but everything else is now finally available - except the film. I'm pretty spoilered out, thanks to MF.com and Star Wars Union. Trailers are out there, including TV spots (not yet on British TV); there are not as many as Attack of the Clones, but they say pretty much everything. One of the darkest looking moments is when a cloaked Anakin - or should I say 'Vader' at this point? I think so - is leading an army of stormtroopin' clones up the steps of the Jedi Temple to commit atrocities.
In the meantime I've been making animated gifs...
February 13th, 2005: There's a hell of a lot out there now, many many pictures and spoilers; Millennium Falcon is a pretty good site, but I'm checking the German site every day, that is the best place. The opening crawl has been released also, setting the scene with "WAR!".
January 21st, 2005: The Year of the Sith is upon us... Plenty of pics and info out there in the web world now... is it really Anakin who will tell Mace Windu that Palpy is Sid? I don't know. And Yoda cutting his way through floors in the Senate to escape the Emperor? Hmmm. I learn today that the next Trailer will be out in March - why the wait? They gave us loads of trailers for Attack of the Clones. Anticipation is high, I am shaking with it. The last Star Wars! Though I hear thye will change the Originals AGAIN - they should call that the REQUEL Trilogy. Leave it be!
November 8th, 2004: The TEASER TRAILER is out, and it looks dirty!! Anakin's evil yellow eyes and terrifying anger, Sidious wielding a crimson sabre, Yoda on the warpath, Mace on the defensive, Chewie and his Wookiee pals growling away, lots of explosions... it's what we wanted. Oh, and Darth Vader, locked onto an ascending operating table, being commanded to 'Riiiiise' by the Emperor. Wow!
I went to a Hallowe'en party last week dressed as Anakin - I made the costume - and Angela went as Padme, and she looked great! Of course, we are now married, but I don't have the bionic arm...
August 13th, 2004: REVENGE OF THE SITH... as hoped for! So waht are we looking at here? The ancient Sith Order will finally emerge from the shadows and wreak an epic revenge on their hated enemies the Jedi. According to Lucas, the Sith ruled the universe until the Jedi came along and got rid of them. "Is the Dark Side stronger?" Luke once asked. You bet yo ass it is, from the evidence of RotS. Palpatine will emerge as victor - maybe Yoda will 'underestimate his powers', as he warned Luke in RotJ.
I want to see a ruck between Palp/Sidious and Yoda. I have seen a picture of Palp's little lightsabre. Anakin and Obi-Wan have it out, we know that, but what really happens with Windu? I've heard that he confronts Palpatine (but not alone), and that Anakin is forced to choose between them. He chooses the Chancellor, so we are led to believe. But maybe he doesn't...maybe he switches sides when he discovers the true nature of the Dark Side... Nah, he's had it in for Mace ever since that dirty look he gave him in Phantom Menace.
So, Yoda will be on Kashyyyk - Chewie's planet - when he discovers something about the Force and the Sith. This is rumoured to be around the time when Sidious orders the Clones (the 'weak-minded', as Kenobi once put it) to turn on the Jedi. This is the biggest Sith mind-trick of all time.
I'm gonna write some thoughts on this and post them here. Maybe.
September 21, 2003: So the filming is complete. Vader should be ready to hit our screens in 2005 as planned. Chewie is in . Tarkin is in. Anakin's hair is longer. Obi-Wan has the brown tunic. Padme is gonna have kids. The Emperor is gonna take over. The Jedi are gonna vanish, their fire gone from the galaxy forever.
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Revenge of the Sith -
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