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V.C. Andrews

Back to the Future

Tounge Piercing

Buddy Icons

My Web Cam




Just too much guard

You walk on step to all music you hear.

You spin pencils and pens.

You spin mops and brooms.

You spin pool cues.

You have a drawer full of flag T-shirts.

When you hear a song you've done a routine to you get ecstatic.

Your priorities are a bit askew.

You can smile genuinely on command.

You have an excuse for everything.

You can catch anything thrown at you.

Every song becomes a possible flag routine.

You know the perfect spot for a toss in most of your favorite songs.

Your classes are less stressful than practice.

You know that "1 more time" never means 1 more time.

You can do your hair and make-up anywhere.

You can change into a uniform anywhere.

You count all music out to beats of 6 or 8.

You constantly watch T.V. dance shows for a new good move. You become your own pharmacist.

Anyone who carries feminine products becomes your best friend.

You've spent more money on flags than has gone toward your college education.

You've never worked so hard for a chunk of wood with some metal on it (trophy) in your life.

Your team has developed it's own language.

You know that if you try something weird it might end up in your next routine.

You try more stunts than the cheerleaders.

You learn to love your advisor by seeing other teams shows and uniforms.

Your nails have never extended beyond your fingertips.

You know what's significant about June 14th. (Flag Day)

You have electrical tape in your backpack.

You have stoppers in your backpack.

You have hit yourself in the head more times than you like to think about (or can think about).

You own enough Ace bandages to wrap every one of your joints.

You're a pro at popping those instant ice packs.

You close your eyes to sleep and all you see are spinning flags, rifles, and sabres.