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How to Beat Sephiroth

Four words for you.... KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND!!! This is for an easy win for both stages of the fight. The quest for this awesome summon materia is long and definately nerve racking but well worth it!
There are actually two ways to get your hands on the KOTR materia...
The first, and most difficult way, is to defeat the Ruby Weapon. If you defeat him you will receive the "Desert Rose", you will want to take this to the Kalm Traveler. He will trade you for a Gold Chocobo! The gold chocobo is the ONLY way to get to the materia! The Kalm Traveler is in the rightmost building in Kalm.
The second way, the easiest and looongest way, is to raise your own Gold Chocobo! First mate a Great or a Good chocobo using a Carob nut and you get a green (mountain) or a blue (river) chocobo. Second... Green chocobo + Blue Chocobo + Carob Nut= Black (mountain & river) chocobo. Finally... Black + Wonderful Chocobo + Zeio Nut= GOLD CHOCOBO!!!; the Carob nut can be found at the Gold Saucer, wonder square, for 500GP or from Vlakorados, near bone villiage. The Zeio nut can only be found at Goblin Forest from a Goblin.

Okay, now onto the subject at hand... defeating the Great Sephiroth. This was the worst part of the game for me. Not that it was hard, it was easy because I had KOTR and very high HP. It was beating Sephiroth that I hated!! I actually cried! And I wore black all day for him. (Pretty silly, huh?) Much, much worse than Aeris dieing...

In case you don't want to or don't have the patience to find KOTR then here is how you can defeat him without it. Please note that your party will be split into one, two or three groups to fight Bizarro-Sephiroth but the main party will go on to fight Safer Sephiroth! If either group dies the game is over.

BIZARRO-SEPHIROTH There are five parts to Bizarro-Sephiroth: the head(A), Torso(B), Core)C), Left Magic(D) and Right Magic(E). The head, left magic and right magic is easy to get rid of but he can quickly regenerate them. The torso is healed by the core every turn so this is what keeps him strong. If you defeat the torso then its all over for him. But... you should defeat the core first then the torso is easy to defeat.
It is recommended that you use the WALL and alot of Cure spells. You will also be hit with status attacks so equip yourself with items that protect against negative statuses. The "ribbon" works the best! Sephiroth's strongest attack is the Fallen Angel which will leave you with one HP. This is where you should use REGEN and/or CURE 3, but it can be a deadly blow if you aren't equipped properly. The core also uses an attact that causes alot of damage and delivers multiple negative status effects.
One team... concentrate on the Left and Right magics. This will drop the core's defensives once they are destroied. Destroy the core next then attact the torso to finish him off.
Two teams... have team one destroy the head and the left magic, then switch to the second team. Have them destroy the right magic and head (you may have to get rid of the left magic again) then the Core's right defence drops. Have the second team destroy the right side of the core then switch back to the other team. Attack the left side of the core until its destroyed then go for the torso.
Three teams... have the first team destroy a part of Sephiroth then switch to the left team. Follow the two team instuctions until you have destroyed both sides of the core then switch back to the middle team and have them destroy the core and then the torso to finish him off.

SAFER SEPHIROTH First thing, you should put up WALL then cast HASTE and REGEN on everyone and finally restore the HP and MP to your party. Throughout the battle make sure that you keep the WALL up and use the DeBarrier on Sephiroth to strengthen your attacks. Use limit breaks when possible, the 2xCut also helps. Use anything you can on him, move quickly and keep your characters alive! If you can do that then this shouldn't be too hard of a battle.
The Pale Horse will not do alot of damage but it will hit you with every negative status imaginable so be sure to have Esuna or Remedy ready to use. It helps alot if you are equipped with a ribbon. The Shadow Flare takes off alot of HP so you should equip the HP PLUS materia and this won't be a problem. Deen is a fairly weak attack that takes off 1000 to 1500 points. Lastly there is Sephiroth's very own summon spell, the SUPER NOVA. This one does a wopper of damage of 3000 to 5000 points! Be sure to use CURE 3 after this one!
Keep everyone alive, hit him with all you've got and do it quickly. Theres not much more stratedgy than that!

With Sephiroth now gone Holy is free but what happens next? Did you work fast enough? Is the threat of meteor gone? Ha, ha, ha! Sephiroth says that you have to find this one out on your own!!

Do you have any questions about this or about any other part of the game?
Well feel free to e-mail to ask!!

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