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Sephiroth's Story



JOB: Top ranking SOLDIER officer
AGE: unknown
WEAPON: Long Sword
BIRTHDATE: unknown
BLOOD TYPE: unknown

Even amongst the elite troops of SOLDIER, Sephiroth is known to be the best. His past is locked away in a confidential file held by Shinra, Inc. His giant sword, which only he can handle, has extremely destructive power. Said to have disappeared in a battle years ago, his current whereabouts are unknown.

His Story

Sephiroth went on a mission to Nibelheim, because of a report of increased monster activity, with a first class SOLDIER named Zack and two guards, one named Cloud. He found that Professor Hojo of Shinra Inc. was producing monsters, in the Nibelheim reactor, by exposing them to extreme amounts of Mako energy. Then he disappeared from the reactor, later to be found in the secret basement of Shinra Mansion, the biggest building in Nibelheim, reading the reports left behind by Professor Gast.

" organism that was apparently dead, was found in a 2000 year old geological stratum. Professor Gast named that organism, Jenova..... X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova confirmed to be an ancient.... X Year, X Month, X Day. The use of Mako Reactor 1 approved for use......"

Sephiroth had been told that his mother's name was Jenova. Was this just a coincidence? "Professor Gast... Why didn't you tell me anything?.... why did you die?" Sephiroth stayed in the mansion all night continuing to read as if possessed by something. After reading all of the books in the lab, Sephiroth succumed to madness. "Ha, ha, ha......"
The Planet had originally belonged to the Cetra. Cetra was a intinerant race. They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on. At the end of their long, harsh journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness. But, those that disliked the journey appeared. Those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an easier life. They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without giving back one whit in return!

"Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped.... They survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all thats left of the Cetra is in these reports."

He put the pieces, left behind, together... The Jenova project, the Jenova project wanted to produce people with the powers of the ancients... the Cetra, he was "produced" by Professor Gast, leader of the Jenova project and genius scientist.

"Out of my way. I'm going to see my mother."

Sephiroth went back to the reactor, after totally destroying Nibelheim, to the Jenova room. Strangely enough, he tears her head off and keeps it! He decided that he had been chosen to be the leader of the planet and had orders to take the planet back for the Cetra.

Out of his anger of losing his family and hometown, Cloud chases Sephiroth out of the reactor. Sephiroth stabs Cloud but, fueled by his rage, Cloud picks up Sephiroth by his sword and flings him over the edge. After that no one knew what happened to Sephiroth. Shinra stated that he was killed in action.
Five years later he returns, kills President Shinra and steals the rest of Jenova's body. Cloud chases after him wanting to settle the score.

Even though Sephiroth's body was apparently dead and sealed away in the Northern Crater, his spirit was roaming the land in search of the black materia. When he finally finds it, having tricked Cloud into giving it to him, he summons a great meteor to destroy the planet. The meteor wouldn't come, however, because of the last ancient, Aeris. Aeris was using the white materia to pray for Holy in the Ancient (Forbidden) City. Knowing that she was doing this, Sephiroth killed Aeris.

What he didn't know was that he was a little late. Holy had been summoned... but so had the meteor. The only was to stop the meteor was to give the Holy the power to unleash itself. The only way to do that was to go through Sephiroth and Jenova.
Jenova fell from the sky and wounded the planet. The Cetra called Jenova 'the crisis from the sky'. Jenova made the crater when it fell and then infected the Cetra with a virus, causing them to go mad. As long as Jenova is around then the planet could never fully heal itself.
Cloud followed Sephiroth to the crater to battle him and stop the meteor from destroying the planet.

Sephiroth never found out what the real truth of his past was. He was the biological son of Lucritia and Professor Hojo. Hojo offered up the unborn baby to use in the Jenova Project. The child was exposed to Jenova's cells while it was still in the womb! Sadly, at his birth, they took the child from Lucritia without even letting her see it. Thus, in her sorrow, she too lost her sanity. This is the ULTIMATE tragedy........

My Thoughts

Sephiroth was normal in the beginning. He was nice and a role model for young men everywhere. Not to mention a war hero. Kind like his mother and intellegent like his father.
My belief is that Jenova used her cells, that were in Sephiroth's body, to control him. I quote.... "No, you're not the Sephiroth I used to know!"~Cloud. There was even a small amount of evidence of this at Aeris's death. Even though he looked as though he was loving every minuite of it and reveling in Aeris's easy defeat he seemed, just for a second, to become his old self again.
When Cloud was grieving for Aeris.... "....what about us..... what are WE supposed to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!" .......Sephiroth looked down at him, coming out of his glory, looking even a tiny bit sad. "What are you saying? Are you trying to tell me you have feelings too?"
Sephiroth was possessed! Being controlled!! He couldn't help any of it! Jenova was a virus of madness, he was not to blame, Jenova was. The pain, the fear, the sadness, the sorrow that was there in his eyes at his death. No evil thing could feel those emotions. Evil feels no regret.

So...... at the end of the game my heart broke! I wrote a VERY long fanfic to stop the death of Sephiroth.... and to explain to you what REALLY happened at the end of the game, before the game, and even durring the game! I couldn't let the great Sephiroth perish so easily under Cloud's sword. He lives on in my heart!

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