Baby Syrian Hamsters
Here is a litter of Syrian hamsters at 6 days old. The mother was Patches and the father was Nugget. She had 14 babies in this litter, which is the largest litter that any of my hamsters have ever had!
Here are the same babies at 12 days old. They change quite a bit in just 6 days, don't they?
Here are the babies eating their veggies! They start wandering out of the nest and eating solid food at about 12 days, and they don't even have their eyes open yet!
Here are the baby girls at 21 days old. This is when I seperate the males into their own cage and keep the females with mom. She starts to get pretty worn out by this time, so it helps her to relax some. Males can leave the mother a litter sooner, but females should stay with her for about another week (28 days old).
Here are a few of the males playing in the wheel in their new cage. They look so tiny, but they are old enough to leave mom. The two in the wheel are the two that I ended up keeping. In about another week they will all go off to their new homes!