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A New Hamster

So, you just got a new hamster?

Hopefully you will have already gotten all the supplies you will need. If you haven't, please read the sections on Housing, Bedding, Feeding, and Other Supplies.

Once you get your hamster home you'll want to get it used to it's new cage. Put him (or her) in the cage and let him explore the new surroundings. Leave the hamster alone for at least a day, but talk softly to him every once in a while so that he gets used to your voice and your smell. After he has adjusted, you will want to hold him for a few minutes, a few times a day. This will get him tame and used to being handled.

On occasion, you may get a hamster that bites. None of my hamsters have ever been biters, and I believe that this is due to the way I have raised them. I always buy my hamsters young, 4 - 6 weeks is a good age. Hamsters will bite if they are startled or scared, so remember to move slowly and talk softly to your hamster. And always scoop them up in your hand from underneath, never pick him up from above, or corner him, this will only scare him. Also, never take a hamster out of his nest. He will be scared if he has just woken up, and you need to let him come out of his nest before you pick him up out of the cage.

Now get ready to enjoy your new pet! You will have fun watching, handling, and playing with your new little friend if you follow the instructions that I have provided above. Good luck!

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A New Hamster
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This page created and maintained by Jillian Cutright. Comments, questions, or suggestions, please e-mail