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Home : Recipes : Vegetables : Sarso ka Sag





Sarso ka Sag

Ingredients:(Serves 4)

  • Sarso Sag (Mustard leaves) 500 gm.(18 oz.)
  • Palak (Spinach) 200 gm. (7 oz.)
  • Makai ki Atta (Cornflour) 2 tbsp.
  • Ghee/ Butter 2 ½ tbsp.
  • Green chili 2 nos.
  • Grated onion 1 no.
  • Ginger paste ¹/3 tsp.
  • Salt to taste


Wash the mustard leaves and spinach and put to boil for half hour. After cooling, mix well in a mixer. Add cornflour and chili and mix once again.

Heat the mixture in a kadai (Kadai is a deep hollow version of the frying pan. If you do not have access to one, use a normal frying pan instead). Add salt & ginger paste and stir. Remove from heat when the mix comes to boil. Pour in the serving bowl.

Heat 1 tbsp. ghee/ butter in a frying pan. Add the onion and stir. Before the onion turns golden, remove from heat and pour the fried onion with ghee/ butter on top of the spinach-mustard leaf mixture.

Heat the remaining ghee/ butter and spread on the serving bowl just before serving.

Nanz's Tips:
  • You might like to cut down on chili if you are not too comfortable with the heat.

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