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The Teams

(click on the flags)

Unofficially EURO 2000
Fixtures and MATCH REPORTSVenuesStatisticsSurvey
Message BoardEurobarGuestbookEmail
Please visitanisoc4girl.gif - 20362 Bytesmy Home Site!
Group A
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Group B
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Group C
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Group D
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Check out all the statistics (OPTA) at Planet Football

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Chill out at the EUROBAR!
Visit the psychic rabbit!!

Play it today!!!

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Make Victoria eat cake!!!
(2 min download)

My Survey

Daftest haircut?

Worst team?

and more ....
Current Results

Please sign my
Unofficially Euro 2000 GuestBook
SIGN it!
READ it!
Be kind!

* * * * *
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Official Euro 2000 souvenirs can be purchased online from this Dutch store. They will deliver throughout Europe.

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Highly recommended if you plan to go to Holland/Belgium during Euro 2000. Accommodation availability , guides etc.
* * * * *

A "Various Artists" CD, entitled "Euro 2000" is out now, available from Amazon

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Or how about some footie books??

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In Association with

In Association with

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In Partnerschaft mit

Do you know that I have another football site? It's HERE!!! :)

NEW! Mailing List! I am experiencing problems with the Message Board, so have hastily set up a mailing list for the duration of Euro 2000 ONLY! Polls, chat - the lot though!! :) (This list is continuing, should you with to join.)

Subscribe to funeuro2000
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5th July

Well, today I have done my last pieces to this site. Thanks to everybody who has visited; it made the effort (which was great at times!) worthwhile. Of course, I shall not be dismantling the site. I shall keep it, as it holds all the memories of this wonderful tournament. Feel free therefore to come back whenever you like, to look anything up or whatever! Today I have added a load of statistics (courtesy of Sportinglife) and also there are statistics about every player in every team. Just click on the flags! Don't forget to look through the "Fixtures" too for match reports!!. Also, today, I have done a page to kinda finish off the tournament. 365's End of Term Report can be found HERE. I've added my own remarks - and it would be great if you could send me yours by filling in the form at the bottom of the page!! I'll chuck all the comments on that page (anonymously if you like!) Well, time now to go off and get ready for the new seasons all over Europe. Check out my Home Page sometime and see what's happening to Parma and Everton!!



eurcup.jpg - 2439 BytesThe Cup Runneth Over

(Dramatic?? Sure is! :))


Sunday 2nd July, France v Italy, 7.00pm, Rotterdam

Gli azzurri vincono 3 a 1 ai calci di rigore...

World champions reach finals, btw

Agggghhhhhhh! Raooooooool!

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Wednesday 28th June, Portugal v France, 7.45pm, Brussels

Thursday 29th June, Netherlands v Italy, 5.00pm, Amsterdam

Who do you want to win NOW!

Current Results


Saturday 24 June - Portugal v Turkey, 17.00, Amsterdam

Saturday 24 June - Italy v Romania, 19.45, Brussels

Sunday 25 June - Netherlands v Yugoslavia, 17.00, Rotterdam

Sunday 25 June - Spain v France, 19.45, Bruges

Groups at a glance

Group A P W D L F A Gd Pts
Portugal 3 3 0 0 7 2 +5 9
Romania 3 1 1 1 4 3 +1 4
England 3 1 0 2 5 6 -1 3
Germany 3 0 1 2 1 5 -4 1
Group B P W D L F A Gd Pts
Italy 3 3 0 0 6 2 +4 9
Turkey 3 1 1 1 3 2 +1 4
Belgium 3 1 0 2 2 5 -3 3
Sweden 3 0 1 2 2 4 -2 1
Group C P W D L F A Gd Pts
Spain 3 2 0 1 6 5 +1 6
Yug'via 3 1 1 1 7 7 0 4
Norway 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 4
Slovenia 3 0 2 1 4 5 -1 2
Group D P W D L F A Gd Pts
Holland 3 3 0 0 7 2 +5 9
France 3 2 0 1 7 4 +3 6
Czech 3 1 0 2 3 4 +1 3
Denmark 3 0 0 3 0 8 -8 0


(Courtesy of the The Sunday Times)

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Abel Xavier and Samuel L Jackson

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Fredrik Ljunberg and Sid Vicious

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Edgar Davids and Dame Edna Everage

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David Seaman and Mr Pringle

Any others (better)??

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Thank you "365"!!

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Welcome to my Euro 2000 pages. I hope you will find something here to interest you. However, anybody who knows me or who has ever read any of my football pages, will know that I am not EVER an unbiased person - and I have my likes, quite likes, dislikes and hates in this tournament and I have no intentions of hiding them! Anyway, you've come to the right place if you want that something "different" - slanted and unfair!! If you want facts, statistics, how the teams qualified and truths - best go to one of the official sites, which are excellent - but lacking in the common touch you will find here! We're a bit heavy on graphics and banners and Java and such - but, heck, it's only once every 4 years, huh?!?!

22nd June. Hello again! Today has been the first day since the tournament started that I have been able to look around at the world again! Apologies for these pages not being updated immediately after games, but I'm sure you appreciate the amount of work involved. Anyway, thanks to all those who keep popping by - don't send me your doctor's bill!! :) Great tournament so far, wouldn't you agree? All is just about perfect right now. Thugs have gone home; England; Germany; Norway . . . and we witnessed THE most remarkable game yesterday (Yug v Spain). If the remainder of the tournament can continue like that - then, wowsers!! Today I'll update the polls I have on this page. Have a look also on HERE and come back later to have your say!!

26th June

At least no need for the overhead shirt celebration then!! Phew!! :)

For your information, I would like SPAIN to win the Championship! If they can't, then I would be happy with either the Czech Republic or Italy! Teams I hope do well are: Yugoslavia, Sweden, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia. The teams I don't like are Germany, France and Holland. The rest I have no opinions of right now, but that might change!

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So, if I don't have great stats or facts, what do I have?? Well, actually, this is just a place for me to put my personal writings - but feel free to join in if you wish! Check out the individual "Team" pages by clicking on the flags on the left. There you will find gossip, news and squads and you'll be able to vote for your favourite and least favourite players etc. Once the tournament is underway, you will be able to click on any game on the Fixtures page to read a match report done by myself! Feel free to comment! There is also a page on Venues and my own personal views on them (as my fam and I have just returned from a trip, taking in all eight!!) Lastly, there is a Message Board where you can talk about anything Euro 2000 related, both before and during the Championships. There are also loads of really good (hand picked) links; up-to-the-minute news - and, please, don't forget to visit the Eurobar!!!!!!!!!

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Enjoy and Viva España!!

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Click HERE to view the RESULT of who you wanted to win Euro 2000 at the start of the tournament. Thanks for voting! Time to do it all again now though!!

NEW POLL! Who's got the best kit?!? Please click here!!

(Don't forget to also vote in my Survey! (up on the left, under the flags!)

Also, if you want to vote on the individual group winners - polls can be found on the bottom of this page. Thanks!
Spooky!! (And totally irrelevant!)

We have been going daft with our STICKER ALBUM! Some pages are already complete! The first page to be completed with the Euro '96 album, was Germany and look what happened! This time, pages were finished in the following orders. Ouch!! :

2. Italy
3. Denmark
4. England

It WAS rubbish then, huh?!?

FixturesVenuesMessage BoardGuestbookEurobarEmailMy Home Site

Thanks I'd like to just point out that the idea for the streaming news from, came from Chin Ukachuku at Euro 2000 Paradise. I might have found it by myself, but I doubt it! Thanks!! :)
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download for free!

Euro 2000: Group A
Who will win?
Germany Romania Portugal England

Current Results
Group B
Who will win it?

Group C
Who will win it?

Group D
Who will win it?
Czech Rep

Current Results

News and Links

Sorry -- you need Java for this ticker to work.

CLICK HERE!! More Euro 2000 news at the bottom of the page

CONGRATULATIONS to Real Madrid (thanx for the signed pic, Macca! :)) Commiserations to Valencia - but you boys done real good!!
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Click here for details of the sticker album!

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(wonderful video clips of the goals!)


Patrik Berger's Official Page! :)

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Euro 2000 Paradise

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(in Dutch and English)

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Euro 2000 Internet Competition
(Fantasy Football)

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EM 2000
(in German)

Euro 2000 - Belgium - The Netherlands
(A Dutch site in English :))

Bart's Euro 2000
(Belgian, but in English.:))

Sebastian's EM2000

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Goodness! These people really BELIEVE! But a nice site!

EURO Football Mall

A site in Spanish - from Lima, Peru I think!

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Soccer URL's

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Would you like a link here?? Just email me!
Links to sites from fans from other countries would be most welcome! (Especially Spain, Italy, Czech Rep - where are you all???)

Do you like this mess??
Wanna tell somebody else?? :)

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