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M/K Christmas Zine stories
Every year, Lynda and Ursula get together, round up some amazing talent, and put together beautiful online 'zines for Christmas, featuring Alex Krycek and a host of others in art and story. I've been fortunate enough to be part of their good work a few times, and here are the results. I only hope there'll be more to come. Thank you ladies!
This page is dedicated to Mick and Jaxon, who will be forever missed.

The Obligatories:M/K if you can believe it, with minimal angst. Written for Ursula's Krycek Zine Dec. 2005. Blame this one on Whitney and Jason!  

The Christmas Wish: More M/K for the Krycek Xmas Zine Dec. 2006  

We Need A Little Christmas: Christmas is what you make it. M/K, Dec. 2008, written for the Krycek Xmas Zine.  

Confetti On The Floor: M/K, Dec. 2009

What If...? M/K, Dec. 2010 Long live the Krycek Xmas Zine!
 Copyright 2000-10 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.