....in real life....


"Dies by an alien fart"
(on the death of Ianto Jones)

Alrite? Currently Rhys is lubing up kitchen utensils and seeing how far they will go up Gareths arse, ready for the gig in TJ's tomorrow, listening to tool, drinking jack and punch fucking. . .

Yeah! Just remember, plenty of lube on the arse and cock! Que Gemma . . . . . .

I think the character's name was originally Idris Hopper. Yeah. Thank fuck that didn't take flight.

Luckily that footage has been destroyed. Gang Bang it is, then.

 I don't look online anymore, to be honest with you. It started to affect me mentally.

I get quite, you know, um territorial about the stage, so I want to do most of it.

"You can make Ianto a Time Lord, which is what I want,"

"Strap one on love!"

"A lot of men like to do their girlfriends up the bum."

"I play Brian Jones, the host who's trying to fix the contest for the tranny he's sleeping with. I'm very orange wearing lots of gold and a white suit with a pink shirt - I look like David Dickinson's love child!"

He's sexy and stunningly good looking. He's strong, protective, a hero... he accepts and inspires Ianto."-on Jack

"Yes, he loves getting his cock out. There's a scene where Jack is naked in a big quarry and the workmen who normally work there all brought down their kids because they though it'd be fun to watch the show being filmed. It ended up with lots of horrified children taking photos of him stark bollock naked. It all went a bit wrong."-on John Barrowman

Um yeah. Ianto feels betrayed in some way, perhaps he's feeling left out, um on one of the mission maybe, or maybe they didn't agree with one of his ideas, and it all goes wrong. So, in, in, his spite he, he...you know the new greenhouse room they've got from season two, they've got all the plants there, something from there that's hallucinogenic, that he discovers, and he spikes their coffee. He spikes all their coffee. Now the whole episode is, and, and the viewers wouldn't know either whether, whether it was um, a dream or not, but they um...all the characters would start having these mad hallucinations like uh, the dragon on the wall coming to life and trying to get them, and things like that, and they'd all just go topsy turvy and then at the end of the episode they find out it's just a trick that Ianto had played on everyone and ...the never know...they never know it was him -writing a Torchwood episode

‘There are a couple more snogging scenes, but most of our time is spent saving the world’-on Series 3

QUESTION: The Torchwood Hub set is right next to the Tardis set. Do you guys ever kind of run....?
 Kick it and things? Yeah. When you're walking past..."Oh look, it's Doctor Poo and the Turdis."...We have a friendly rivalry. But it's, it's it is...ve, ve very friendly. Um, yeah, whenever we walk past the Tardis set and there's no one there, I always jump upon...jump up on to the metal grate and press buttons and like jump around and go *mimicking David* "WOO...WOO...Oh,"..alright yeah...Next question.

QUESTION: Where does Ianto live?
 Uh... I think, I think Ianto lives in the hub.Yeah. I think he lives down Jack's manhole.

Question:  Is Ianto a top or a bottom?
 Top or a bottom. Well, I should imagine a bit of both. It's always nice to mix things up, isn't it? I think Ianto's probably the more dominant most of the time because Jack's in charge all day and everything. He'd go for a bit of role reversal when anything happens in the bedroom.

Question:  What are the rules for Naked Hide & Seek?
 What are the rules for Naked Hide and Seek? Well, if you ...you catch the other one, you can fuck him. Quite simple.

QUESTION:  How many outtakes doe we not get to see of you and John?
 Fuckin' loads. And you never will.


"When you watch Torchwood there is a warning at the very beginning that some scenes may offend or disturb people, so if you allow your children to sit and watch it with you that’s your responsibility, it’s not ours anymore. We kissed, we held each other, we lay on top of each other in bed… and there were lots of complaints about that. Nobody complained that I was shot in the head four times, there we’re burning people in ovens, that I was stabbed by a mob of 50 people hundreds of times, and I was hanging dripping my blood in a pit. So that’s what confuses me, because you’re not complaining about gay sex, you’re complaining about two men kissing. And it’s 2011. And people say, “Well why should we have that on television?” Because the BBC have to represent the greater public — and there are gay people out there who pay their television license. For people to complain, that’s your prerogative — but you know what, none of them turned it off! They were just embarrassed because it put them in a position where they had to explain things to their kids or their family which probably should have been explained a long time ago."

"Sit between us, we'll spit roast ya,"

"It's never too early in the morning,"

Go figure - women wanting to see two men cop off!

" They've had to pixelate out my nuts."

"There's a lot of straight men who like it up the bum."

"We've reached the up-the-bum-stage!"


"I wouldn't want to say that he was just gay, I've seen people doing the coming out scenes sitting there crying a million times. I was writing that 15 years ago. Bollocks to that. It's time to move on. It's much more interesting to see Ianto not know himself. He doesn't have a category and it makes it a bit more modern, a bit more real."

‘He’s been my long time lover for years, that’s why we’ve given him more lines.’-on Gareth

‘It’s in John’s contract that we all look at him with doe-y eyes’


BARROWMAN: "The relationship's reached a new level. There have been some rough scenes with Jack and Ianto in the past. There's that one where we were up in the greenhouse... They're basically having a wank together and Gwen catches them. I was doing it on Gareth's thigh because obviously we're not going to do the real thing..."
GDL: "I was quite nervous because that was the first time I'd taken my top off on television,"
BARROWMAN: "And your pants were down."
GDL: "And my pants were down.

GDL: My nuts have stayed securely in my pants."
BARROWMAN: "...on camera, anyway! We're a family, put it that way... We're very comfortable with each other."

KAI:  Two beers please. Two large, cold...
GARETH:  Large, cold beers.

BARROWMAN:  Yeah. No, but it’s funny because a lot of people always say to me about Capt. Jack, you know he’s... he's...sex...he’s always doing things with other people...Jack doesn’t really do anything...
JULIE:  No. He keeps his coat on.
BARROWMAN:  Coat sex: Safe Sex.

GDL:  What was the question again?
BARROWMAN:  How would you describe your character and what do you like about.....Ianto
GDL: Um... Ianto, that’s right...that’s who I play in Torchwood. Um...I like he has mysterious elements to his character and the fact you don’t really know a hell of a lot about him, the fact you haven’t seen his flat, or where he lives, or any of his background, and that sort of makes him a bit more mysterious, a bit more interesting, and a bit more fun to play...And he gets to shag the leading man, so that’s good isn’t it?

BARROWMAN:  There’s a lot of John Barrowman in Captain Jack,...and there’s a lot of Captain Jack...(laughs)...I just realized what I said...
GDL: There’s a lot of Ianto in there as well

BARROWMAN:  We do get the work done, but I like to have a good time when I’m working...Don’t I, Gareth...?
NAOKO MORI:  It’s amazing what you get used to.
JULIE:  It really, really is.

GDL:  Lisa?
BARROWMAN:  No. Lisa’s gone. Lisa’s dead!
GDL: Lisa?...Lisa?
JULIE:  I thought that was jealousy. I thought Captain Jack was being jealous of Lisa.
BARROWMAN:  A little bit, yeah. You’ll have to just watch and see because a lot of dynamics will change...That’s all I’ll say. But, but um now Jack...that’s a funny thing cause every time we used to uh,...that was one of the jokes on set...Gareth...We’d like pop a picture every so often, like many episodes after the Lisa episode, he would...and he would just...like this...I’d go “Who’s that over there?”
GDL:  Lisa?

JULIE: And in our studio in Cardiff, the Tardis and the Torchwood hub are next to each other. They’re neighbors.
BARROWMAN:  They’re separated by a curtain. So we can go from one to the other...When I want a little Doctor, I go that way...When I want a little Ianto I go that way...

GARETH:  Does Rhys have a thing for sheep?
KAI:  Yeah, he's Welsh, of course he does. We shag 'em, you eat 'em.

QUESTION: What's the one thing you haven't gotten a chance to do as your character that you would like to do in a future episode?
GARETH:  Ride a panda.
KAI: uh...Have sex with Capt. Jack.
GARETH:  Ride a Yankee.

BARROWMAN:  Under the table. Uh...Eve, Eve Myles who, uh, Eve who plays Gwen, uh and plays it wonderfully...Eve is a...Eve will just look at me sometimes...because I call...We have nicknames. And uh Eve's breasts are called "the Girls" and mine are called "the Boys"...and she will say things..."Oh, put the Boys away." Yeah. And, uh...I won't say what Naoko's is called...and Gareth's? Gareth's is just called "Big." ...Anyway...You so owe me. You don't know how much I'm building you up here.
GDL:  I'm gonna be tired out in San Diego.
BARROWMAN:  Yes, my dear.

TOBY: I do have to ask...What sort of future were you and a Cyberwoman...seriously going to have? 'Cause all her important bits were metal anyway.
GARETH:  Which means they don't stop until you turn them off.
Toby:  I'll feed them in, you...
GARETH:  Flick of a switch.

TOBY: But the question I think the entire world was asking last year, that obviously you're close and will be able to answer is, when does John Barrowman sleep? Because he seems to be on everything, doing everything.
GARETH:   Well......He drinks such good coffee...and he, he lives forever, doesn't need sleep does he really? Um, I mean he's not going to die from exhaustion, if he does, he'll just wake up again...completely awake. That's probably what he does. He probably just works constantly, dies from exhaustion, and then -GASP- "I'm ready to go!...Whoo!...<sings>Anything Goes!"

Audience:  I have a question from the episode ADAM.
GARETH:  Yep...Episode ADAM.
Audience:  As soon as we see Adam come in and--
GARETH:  Adam comes in and fucks everyone's minds up...yep.
Audience:  Does he do anything to the relationship between Jack and Ianto?
GARETH:  I don't think so. I, I think the whole, I think the re...one of the things I like about ADAM episode is he ma...Adam makes such an effort to change everybody else's minds because he identifies them as, as the stronger members of the team...so, but he doesn't do that much to Ianto because he doesn't see him as a threat. Whereas Ianto is the one who then discovers, by reading his diary, that, uh...so I don't think anything, um with um regards to the relationship between Ianto and Jack, or any of Ianto's things...Before he gets..you know, the memories of the murders put into his mind. Um, I think Ianto is um the character uh, that Adam overlooks, which is why, you know, sort of Ianto saves the day really. Doesn't he?

TOBY:  Did you feel that you needed to explain to your family that, you know, you're going to be watching a program about an alien sex cloud that kills people when they have an orgasm? How was it bringing that up?
GARETH:  I, I didn't actually. I just let them watch it and I, I remember my auntie Doris, then my auntie who um, who helped start my career, who sadly isn't with us anymore, but um she managed to watch the first series of TORCHWOOD and she was like "Umm, I'm not sure if I like all the kissing...but you were very good." So even though the subject matter might have taken them a bit by surprise, they were all still very supportive.

TOBY: The stopwatch...What? Explain it.
GARETH:  I'm as bemused as you. We've had discussions, within the cast, of, you know, what that could possibly be and we still haven't decided what it is yet, but I think it's one of those, you have to use your imagination. It's one of those things that uh, lets you decide. So have fun with it, enjoy it, and whatever you decide is the stopwatch scenario, is the truth.
Toby:  It will be one of the great unanswered mysteries of 21st century drama. We'll never know.
GARETH:  Absolutely.

TOBY: Tell us something we don't know about Russell T. Davies, because all we see of him...He can't surely walk around all day going "Hoorah! Marvelous!" or does he?
GARETH:  He does. Any time of the day at all. I mean I've, I've um...because my friend Lisa lives quite near him, and sometimes and he walks in, "Gareth...How's it going? Lovely..." I've got a huge hangover... and you've got this huge man looming toward you, big smile on his face, ready to grip you right in the middle, and yeah, he's always that exuberant, and that happy, and that, and that lovely, and...

TOBY: Do tell... tell us something that we hitherto would not know about Gareth David-Lloyd. Astonish us with a fact.
GARETH:  That's a little bit on the spot, isn't it? Um....Jesus....Um...I've got one testicle lower than the other?
