Late for a Date 10
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Late for a date part 10
the Lion and the Puddycat continues

Ron J

When my puddycat awoke in the middle of the day
I had my lion costume back on for my role to play
It was the weekend, and time for us to have fun
I brought your lunch as your eyes relaxed to the sun

I held my little puddycat as she sat on the bed eating.
This would be a tough day though as I had a meeting.
So I said I'd be free in the 2 hours if you wanted to meet.
I'd throw the lion's costume in the car on the back seat

We decided on a place and my last words were, at the front door
"Don't be late or you'll be spending tonight looking at a floor".
You gave me a look that didn't auger well for bottom tonight
But we exchanged hugs and I was soon gone and out of your sight.

A Saturday meeting at work was never going to be much of a treat
But I got through it, then headed for the place we selected to meet
It was at a pro golf tournament, but I decided to let the lion roar
So I got in costume and tucked my regular clothes on the car floor

I looked at my watch not believing the time. You were late,
In spite of my warning earlier when I spelled out your fate.
But finally my puddycat came scampering down the walk.
'I hope I'm not too late , I got a call and mum started to talk"

You look then towards my eyes hoping it would somehow sell.
But my look told you, for excuses, you weren't doing too well
I landed two spanks to each cheek of your white covered bum.
Then whispered my dear, "later you'll have a lot more to come".

My little puddycat pouted and rubbed her lightly stinging bum
I looked in her eyes, "that was just a taste of what's to come."
The pout got worse as my little puddycat wilted in my arms
Hoping to dissipate my resolve by relying on her charms.

We walked to the main gate but the guard created a din
My plan was unsuccessful. They would not let us in
Our costumes they felt were demeaning to the game
Even if we acted politely, it would still be the same

So we left the golf tournament and didn't get to see
The golfer's reaction to the little puddycat and me
We glumly headed back to the car when an idea struck
It would be fun to walk outside and we'd see with luck

I looked for an area outside the course's domain
An area where the lion could still show his main
So the lion and the puddycat headed for the trees
You looked nervous but it wasn't to displease

You were worried about the footing with your paws
So I offered to carry you if you had reason to pause
You were in favor then, so we followed the creek
We were soon close to the course to take a peek

We came out of the woods and progressed to a nearby hole
Where the green was near and we had a good view on the whole
I dragged a log close and we sat down to enjoy the scene
With my little puddycat huddled, on my shoulder to lean

I not sure you fully understood the decorum of the game
For when you started to boo, people there took dead aim
They spotted us creatures sitting on the log and grinned
But booing to people in pro golf was as if we had sinned

I hushed you, quickly trying to show you were tame
And a little misunderstanding was only the blame
The golfers and the crowd looked to find a marshal
But I got up and waved "no need for that at all."

I took my little puddycat who had been bad
Over my knee but in her costume, fully clad.
That seemed to settle the crowd right down
And my puddycat pouted with a big frown

For the big lion smacked her bum twice
And she didn't think that was very nice.
For they weren't soften by a paw on my hand
I had altered it to a removable glove, I planned

So the smacks you felt were genuinely real
Which surprised you by their smarting feel
But I could tell for real you were excited
We'd started something that got you ignited

In costumes our identities were protected
So my puddycat's bratiness was resurrected
For the next set of golfers she again teased
And as a result was again across my knees

As time went on, people stopped following the pros
And collected at our hole for our extra side shows
As each group went by, more were added to the scene
So we both hammed it up, if you know what I mean

You commented to the golfers about their dress
Until I remarked again, about your lack of finesse
With some scolding at first with my finger waggling
Your paws on your hips still continuing the haggling

Till inevitably the puddycat got taken over the lion's knee
Then 2 hard spanks were landed to effect the needed remedy
It always ended in a little pout after from my little puddycat
But very soon the puddycat was back at being a real brat

I knew stronger measures were needed as I played along
There had gathered at our local green a very large throng
I decided to project my voice, loud enough to be heard
Making sure, in my scolding, no one was missing a word

The next one will be bare bottomed unless you learn.
My puddycat must behave herself. I look very stern
Poor puddycat shuddered at the hearing the word 'bare'
Immediately promising to more fair, to the golfer's there

Well as the next group went through you just clapped
And thus avoided your bare bottom getting slapped
The crowd held it's breathe but finally uttered a groan
For as the golfer's passed by, you left them alone

The last group of the day arrived, hitting to our hole
My puddycat still behaved and kept up her new role
Till the large crowd moved in and blocked her view
Then she seemed beside herself as to what to do

Suddenly she shouted and a bad word came out
The people you addressed were startled, and turned about
A hush went over the crowd, but no one made a move
Only their eyes turned ,their body's stuck in a groove

I had threatened the next spanking was to be
A bare bottomed spanking over my knee.
So I flipped a mildly protesting little puddycat
Over the big lion's lap holding her down flat

The flap was loosened as you struggled with me
Trying right now to get yourself completely free
A hush again fell as your bare bottom was exposed
But as I reached into my pocket your eyes closed

For you had seen me before we left, place a bar of soap there
And had questioned me on why I needed the soap, with a glare
I politely said, "I let you away with one swear word last night
But if I hear that word again, you have this bar of soap to bite

My dear little puddycat has got to be more lady-like tonight
That word you uttered is only fit for alley cats in a fight
So you've known, as we traveled, what my pocket contained
Which I hoped would've helped keep your tongue better trained

With your bare bottom poised right up in the air
I place the bar of soap in your mouth right there
No one breathed as they witnessed the puddycat
About to learn her lesson for being such a brat

I plunged the soap in and out till it was foaming
And held your hands back from doing any roaming
When you mouth was all washed out with the soap
It was the puddycat bare bum that became my scope

I delivered two spanks as I had each time before
You started to get up expecting there was no more
But I said to the crowd 'do you think more would help?'
They're 'YES,' was so loud in response, you let out a yelp

I said "a guess a proper spanking is what's really needed
"Ohh noooo! Please, not that, not now ",you pleaded
I took no heed as the listened to your numerous pleas
But let the crowd hear, as I held you over my knees.

I then started a real spanking that made your bottom very red
The crowd was now in total silence, not even a whisper was said
I spanked each cheek even more to a glorious deep red glow
You kicked your legs and wiggled, which added to the show

But when puddycat's paw came back in my hand's way
I treated your thighs to some spanks without delay
Till your paws moved away and right back to the ground
Did your thighs get relief, as in the past, you've found

The bar of soap remained clenched in your teeth
The suds were puddling on the ground beneath
But it help squelch the sound, if you yelled too loud
And making too much of a fuss in front of the crowd

After I finished your spanking, I stood you up on your feet
Letting you rub your red hot bottom without missing a beat
The crowd applauded for the most part at the spanking's end
But I still wanted us to hurry off, case a few we did offend

As the last golfer past and the crowd had dispersed
We left our perch on the log, but you feared the worst
But I explained that the interested folks on the green
Wouldn't beat the us back, and we'd make it unseen

That is if you hurry and get moving right away
Unless you really want to meet your fans today
We hustled and I lifted you over here and there
The lion and the puddycat were quite again a pair.

We made it right back to the car, without much of a fuss
My little puddycat hugged me, "I won't ever again cuss."
We got into the car, and didn't bother to eve change
Just to get a head start, case others did come in range

On the whole trip back all you could do was thrill
At the fun you had back there being such a pill
I agreed it was fun to play along for a crowd
Especially when we started to talk extra loud

I think we gave them all there quite a lot of fun
With our identities, still unknown when we were done
It was different experience to have a crowd around for sure
You were a bad puddycat to ask for a real spanking to endure

Ohh she laughed," I didn't do it on purpose", she said
It just came out accidentally, I turned bright red
With my help all your cheeks were soon blushing
And then it was the golf crowd that was hushing

The drive went fast as we replayed the events
Without any regrets or fear of a consequence
Our trust in each other to do the right things
Imbedded in love and all the effects it brings

When we entered the house it was time to eat
But before we changed clothes, and missed a beat
I reminded you that my puddycat was again late
And my puddycat's bottom must 'pay the freight'

You groaned and pouted as I tapped my knee
I crooked my finger to come right over to me
Soon the bad little puddycat's bottom was bare
With each pink cheek stuck proudly up in the air

The big lion was ready to help the puddycat learn
For being late, always meant a spanking in turn
When my little puddycat was a bad little puddycat
The big lion had to spank her bottom hard for that

Well my little puddycat pleaded "not to hard"
But as usual at this stage I gave it no regard
I just started to spank till a bright red bum
Was staring up at me with more to come

I spanked until my puddycat started to cry
And then spanked harder still, I won't deny
For at this point my puddycat though in tears
Was learning lateness was now one of her fears

The big lion held his sobbing little puddycat real still
Even after the spanking, the puddycat cried at will
Till the nice lion lifted his puddycat into his arms
And held puddycat real close, using all of his charms

For soon puddycat felt very happy, being nicely cared for
Even if it took a firm hand and her staring at the floor
We stopped to get food after our long loving embrace
And look to the kitchen to see if we could find a trace.

It was time for some supper for the us tonight
So we changed from our costumes to eat alright
It made sense to just gather something quick
For after dinner I promised you your pick

Well usually you chose your favorite cream rub
Tonight however you didn't want just a sub
You muttered you were out of your favorite stuff
So I offered to take a truck to the store to get enough

When I returned you were back as the puddycat
Laying on the bed, with the back flap rolled flat
Your red bottom was already exposed for the cream
And I rub it in many times till you were lost in a dream

I finally stopped, giving my dear little puddycat a chance to rest
For even though my puddycat was bad, she still was the very best
I laid down beside her just holding her in my arms as she purred
Our love was just in being together, in all of life's time that we served

Ron J