Late for a Date part 7
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Late for a date part 7
By Ron J

As I wait at the old subway station, I look at the time,
When the old tower clock in the distance starts to chime.
Walking up and down the platform in a rapid pace,
I finally decide you've got another spanking to face.

You've been good lately with your new work position.
The last spanking did indeed change your disposition.
But as I reflect now I had started to see certain signs.
Another spanking was needed to change those designs.

You arrived in a flurry getting off the very last train.
You immediately tried some excuses to rattle my brain.
I said my dear you've earned yourself a very red hot bum,
But if I hear more, the strap will also make its welcome.

That seemed to squelch another superfluous remark.
Now onward for the rest of our trip we did embark.
It was now instead filled with listening to you plead,
That keeping your bottom white was more to your need.

I whispered as well, as we sat together on the subway train,
"A spanking is coming. No need for me to further explain."
You pouted at that, attracting now an old lady there to stare.
I added then, "Of course, my dear it will be right on the bare."

This announcement never fails to cause you a little shutter.
As always, it was followed by an under the breath mutter.
This time, I decide it's time for me to find out what you said.
"I didn't quite hear that." Your look suddenly turned to dread.

"Ah, it was nothing Ron," I guess you thought that I never knew.
My dear when I pointed it out, that worried look exposed you.
"Okay my dear let's hear what you mumbled. Tell me right now,
Or I find a quiet spot and I'll spank till you tell me somehow."

"You wouldn't" but my look told you not to go there.
A spanking right here, was not worth taking such a dare.
The lady nearby now glared as she heard you shout out.
Now looking at us real curious as to what it was all about.

I smiled at her, but she continued to watch us very close,
As she seemed quite interested in your behavior the most.
Finally she got up and came across, sitting next to our seat.
So you took this major hurdle, to finally conceded defeat

You whispered in my ear, "saying now don't get mad.
I know it's not a nice word and saying it is very bad.
I said "xxxx', a word you don't like to hear out loud.
I know hearing it in public doesn't make you real proud.

"You're right about that," I whispered quietly back,
And normally your rear would get a good smack.
I'll let it slide only this time, cause you did confess,
But you'll get a good smack next time, nothing less.

When we got to the park you're on your toes,
Because if you act up in public, anything goes.
It can result in your bum receiving some blows,
Until it is as red as a summer's setting sun shows.

I'll be discrete as possible to spank you unseen,
But it can happen, someone does come on the scene.
Once a spanking is announced to you as pending,
On guard you'll be, about any message you're sending.

We were to meet some friends today in the quiet park,
But your late arrival must have left them in the dark,
For when we arrived at the spot no one was there.
A rock holding a note was left on the table to share.

I opened it and read it aloud for both of us to hear.
"Hi there folks, I guess a little lady was late I fear.
So after a long wait, we decided to get out of here,
But we will circle back later so please stay near.

But I guess you guys won't mind a little time alone,
Unless you were stupid enough to bring a cell phone.
See you guys a little later." then signed "a timely friend"
"Oh", there is also a P.S. here, I almost missed at the end."

"My pal says, if I was that late I'd know what I'd be getting.
I look right at you, seeing you are now blushing and fretting.
"It looks like my dear, we have more time after all, I find.
In fact there's even enough time to warm that saucy behind."

"Not here, please can't it wait until later, when we get home.
It was then that my left hand reached out to start to roam.
Finding the clasp, I popped it and down came your shorts.
Followed by your panties in spite of your protesting retorts.

Ignoring your bargaining attempts and pleas,
I just plopped you over my awaiting knees.
This picnic bench was in a secluded spot,
So I didn't expect to be disturbed a lot.

With my left hand now resting on your lily white bum,
You shivered, at the nearness of the spanking to come.
I scolded you, stating the reason you're getting a spanking.
In giving you one, I really deserved a heart-felt thanking.

Since I made the time to help you, by spanking your bum,
Rather than going on a walk or something else wholesome.
With my hand on your right cheek, a bee circles and lands.
You complain to me to stop tickling and moving my hands.

"Oh no, my dear", I laugh, "T'is not my fingers at all, you see.
What you feel on your bare bottom is just a big bumble bee."
"Oh no, well please don't smack it for goodness sakes, Ron,
I'll lay completely still and maybe it'll just mosey right along"

"Let me just shoo it away for you, my dear."
"NO!, it might get real mad and sting my rear"
"Well it may anyway if I leave it there, I fear.
But idly watch it patrol about and test it's gear.

I warned you "it looks to me as if its stinger is ready"
But you say "NO, not if I try to remain nice and steady.
However the bee, I guess wanted to claim this soft hump,
Because before I knew it, it had stung your bare rump.

Feeling the sting you shudder and the bee flew away.
As the pain came on, I held you tightly and said, "stay."
I decided right then, that the other white cheek there,
Still needed its hard spanking, plus the other's share.

You complained loudly, "Please Ron, just let me go.
My dear, "if you listened before you wouldn't now show,
That bee sting your sporting, on your lovely bare behind.
A hard spanking your getting, so never you mind.

I held you firmly as you started to squirm,
For a good spanking indeed you did earn.
I spanked that left cheek till it was bright red.
"Now where do you want the rest?" I calmly said.

"THE REST" you shouted, "pleases no more."
"My dear, you still have the other half in store.
So what is your choice my dear, I firmly restate,
Or do I just spank till you determine your fate."

You start to cry as I mention your thigh.
But on top of the bee sting. I can't deny
Would add to its biting sting for sure.
So your red left cheek does have its allure.

But a second spanking on the same cheek,
Was a lot to ask of that red lovely peek.
I listen for an answer, but you just cried,
So one hard spank on the bee sting I tried.

Well I think you decided that wasn't the one,
By all squirming and yelling that was done.
But that single red hand print around the bite,
Was certainly a very interesting visual sight.

As I started to spank your still lily white thighs,
That was also not a good choice, you came to realize.
"My left check, my left cheek, PLEASE " you yelled out.
But when I started to spank there, you squirmed all about.

"Please Ron I've learned my lesson no need for more spanks.
What you've already given me, will serve very nice thanks."
You struggle to get it said, through your sobs and my smacks.
"My dear you got a lot more coming and that's the 'bare' facts."

As I finish the final volley, a shadow appears across your red rear.
"I must say for being late, I'm glad you got spanked my dear."
I looked up hearing your friend but both are sporting a wide smile
You scramble to get off my knee, but still rub your bum for a while.

"My friend", she said, "I think it will be a while before you're late, again,
Because, from what I saw, Ron did a good job of spanking your rear end,
But I couldn't help but notice just the one spank swelled your right cheek.
Come on, tell me or maybe I'll lower those shorts and take another peek."

"Oh no you don't", you shout back "or Ron will spank YOUR fanny."
"Well my dear, I glad you're volunteering my services. It's rather uncanny,
That you starting to take charge even though I just spanked your rear.
But maybe you need to get a lot more spankings I am beginning to fear.

Your friend glows "So there Miss smarty pants, you'd better mind your ways."
Her boyfriend has heard enough, so he marches her to a log lying sideways.
Your friend didn't seem so cocky now that it was her bare bottom being tanned.
In fact we held each other close enjoying the events not going as planned.

She certainly got her bottom roasted royally with tender loving care.
As he didn't leave an area that wasn't a bright red, causing a glare.
She cried loudly and begged him often to stop her spanking right away.
She promised she learned her lesson and she'd be nice the rest of the day.

I looked over at you, catching a few hidden rubs, to your own bum now,
As the attention was focused on your friend's own red bottom and how!
He finally ended her spanking with one final long and hard volley,
That had her jumping and rubbing which was her major folly.

He bellowed "Did I give you permission to rub you sore bum?
For that little lady you got a lot more spanking to come."
He grabbed her and started to spank her bottom hard again.
Later you can rub it, now that it's really worthy of the pain.

He propped her back up on her feet and released her hands.
Now this time she was being very attentive to his demands.
He let her rub her sore swollen red bottom just for a little while
As wasting all this unnecessary time right now, wasn't his style.

I must say for the rest of our long walk that fine day,
Both of our ladies had nothing but nice things to say.
They both walked stiffly. But kept up with us guys,
Jackets tied round their waist hiding those tender red thighs

When we stopped for dinner there was two squirming bums,
As this diner had only stools, but the food was wholesome.
There wasn't much more to tell, as the gals both tried to behave
The direct result of course of the hard bare bum spankings we gave.

So it just goes to show, the worthiness of a well-spanked bum
If you want a very pleasant evening of feeling very welcome.
As I kissed you goodnight, I gave you a little pat on the rear,
Saying, "Don't be late anymore, or it is a spanking my dear."

Ron J