Late for a Date part 5
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Late for a date part 5
Easter Sunday with my little bunny.

On this Easter weekend I guess you wanted to surprise me.
But then, it didn't work out quite as you hoped it would be.
You dressed in a pink skin tight body suit complete with a hood,
With large cute floppy ears dangling and waving as you stood

You painted your face with whiskers to match the effect
Then gathered some painted eggs, as I begin to reflect.
Tracing back in my mind now, how things must have started
And I gather you began your plan, as soon as I had departed.

You decided, I guess, to hide the painted eggs in various spots,
While I took my morning walk, across the nearby vacant lots.
I bumped into an old friend, who was all dressed up for church
Her new Easter bonnet must have presented her quite a search

I didn't think Easter bonnets were that common nowadays,
But it did match her dress perfectly in all the right ways.
I asked her if she had a few minutes to drop by right now.
"Sure", and we walked as fast as her high heels would allow.

I opened the door and we entered our living room to sit down
She sat with an audible crunch, her face contorting to a frown
At that same precise moment out of the kitchen you also bound.
Two shocked faces seemed to be surprised at what each had found.

My friend slowly arose and let me say, she didn't have egg on her face.
But with those real eggs dripping, she stood up in absolute disgrace.
Her dress was a mess. Her face was writhing becoming completely askew,
When you yelled "Ah, so that's where I left those eggs I made for you."

She looked startled also, to see you dressed the way you were
While holding the other decorate eggs confirmed to her for sure,
That you alone were the cause for her present clothing disaster.
As her eyes focused on your outfit, she started to cluck even faster.

Finally to blurt out in a sudden release of her pent up emotion
"If my daughter left eggs on a chair," not lost in all the commotion,
"I'd spank her bare bottom so hard she'd need a full case of lotion.
But if I every caught her dressed like you are, on a religious occasion.

I'd take the strap to her bare behind, right on the spot.
It would then be one royal butt burner she'd have got."
Well you my dear turn red, not knowing where to look,
Deciding slowly to peak, over to see whose side I took.

Then my livid old friend said, as she walked away to leave
(hoping by going home, her ruined dress somehow to reprieve)
"Well you'd better, Ron, take matters into your own hands
Or I will be back myself after church with my own demands."

At the door, she turned about to give you a long cold stare,
"You better hope Ron comes up with something that's fair."
As soon as she leaves, I crook my finger, while you find your reverse gear.
"My dear, I think my little pink Easter bunny is going to get a red rear.

Here, you are dressed up as a cute bunny, and not preparing for church
Or were you planning on wearing that outfit to cause everyone to lurch.
"Please Ron, you don't have to spank me, and then we'll still not be late."
"By now, I am sure you know what happens, when we're late, at any rate."

"But your getting your bottom tanned and for that, I certainly won't have to wait.
"What for, Ron?" you whined, "Cause your uninvited friend is too old to see straight."
"Those eggs should never have been left on the seat of a living room chair.
But I'll cut you a break, just to save time, I wont spank you on the bare."

"Please not a spanking. Let me get ready. I did forget about us going today."
I'll change right now into a nice dress, so you won't have much of a delay.
You did look cute in your bunny skin hopping gently in your anticipation
As you tried every angle, to convince me, to give things more deliberation.

But all the while you tried to squirm your way out of a spanking,
I just continued to crook by finger, to which you weren't thanking.
You always seemed to hope, that by your desperate attempts at pleading,
You'd save your bottom from a spanking that I considered it needing.

Finally sensing that my patience is waning and I am about to get up,
You shuffle over, but your hands fly back in reflex, each cheek to cup.
With your sad eyes and head down, you make it to my left side at last
I lift your chin up, pointing at the eggs, giving you a real verbal blast.

Before I lever you properly over my knees, you are almost already in tears,
I can't help see that the suit fits you very beautifully, in spite of the years
The soft material over your rump, expands fully when your bottom's where I want.
I see the skin suit has no creases at all, with your cute bottom held very taunt.

With your bottom so firmly held, I had a feeling each spank would sting
And that pink skin tight suit will not in itself have any relief to bring.
In fact, I have never spanked you over anything, so thin and skin tight
So I suspect this impending spanking will then be anything but light.

Without further ado, I start with a few firm spanks to each cheek.
I know for sure now the skin tight material holds the sting to a peak,
As you yell out real loud "Hey Ron, Don't I get a warm up at all."
"Well young lady I, it's your suit that's doing it, I say during the loll"

As I'm spanking again and you're yelling "owww" so loud at each spank,
We fail to hear the door open, until the screen door makes a loud clank
By then my old friend is standing right there next to us in our living room
My hand being stopped in mid air over you bum left her nothing to assume.

You groaned and hid your face as your saw her shoes in your view.
Time stopped it seemed for no one knew exactly what to do.
Then she said to you "I just came back to pick up my Easter hat.
But oh my! Don't you think my dear you're a little too old for that"

I could feel the shudder go through you and I bet your face was red.
As you reacted very visibly to what my old friend had just said.
She picked up her Easter bonnet and walked out the door with a big grin.
I'm sure she's thinking what she'd have to tell at church, as friends came in.

I yelled to her "Don't you tell a soul or your bottom will next."
I then saw her body shudder, as if she was just been hexed.
She went out the open door, not saying another word more
I 'd know she knew I wasn't kidding about what would be in store.

But I still wasn't sure she couldn't resist a little tongue wagging,
For she had a streak in her, that she couldn't resist some bragging.
With my hand still poised, you said "please no more Ron,
I'm embarrassed enough now that she has come and gone."

Well as I pat the seat of your bunny suit making your cheeks bounce,
I remind you, "You've got a pound worth coming and you got but an ounce."
Without further ado, I begin to spank those tightly encased tender orbs.
I spank hard, from experience, knowing how much spanking your bum absorbs.

So I tan the seat of that pink bunny suit, till I sure its lined red underneath,
And your bottom has taken a lot of really hard spanks with any time out relief.
As your soft sniffles finally gave way, to you balling your pretty eyes out,
Your legs now thrash as well, as your "hot pink" bunny bum bounces all about.

With a final volley, I smack all over both cheeks for a whole minute
Then planting you on your feet, I told you "Okay go ahead and rub it."
I did try hard to restraint my laughter, at the site you were making.
A pink bunny with floppy ears hopping all about the room and shaking.

With your furious rubbing, to squelch the "bum fire" trapped inside your suit
It seems you were oblivious to my saying "Hey! We're nearly late to boot."
"So get your little bunny suit off, with the shiny rear end added to the fabric.
If we arrive late for the Easter service today, you know that would be tragic."

"For being late, after church, you'll earn yourself another spanking date.
Well it seems in a flash, you were gone and back with very little wait.
So we headed for our church, with you applying your make up in the car.
We really didn't have much time, but then again, we didn't live too far.

We were almost there, when a young lady cut in front of us then stopped.
I pulled around but the train light turned red. As the car lurched, an ear flopped.
Under that coat, it was quite apparent now, that you had never even changed at all.
I looked over. You glared saying "I didn't want to be late so I just grabbed this shawl."

"Well keep your coat on and tuck down the hood with the ears well inside.
But your pink legs will still show, so you better be quick in your stride."
As the light stays red, you yell out your window something like "you stupid itch"
To the girl in the next car, when the church bell gongs. Your body starts to twitch.

For now we are late, and it was the young ladies fault as the train slowly passes.
Finally there at the church we squeeze into the only seats in front of the masses
Boy it was crowded and we attracted a lot of stares making our way to the front
As unfortunately for us, even to find those lousy two seats, we really had to hunt.

Well the preacher took extra delight in his captive full house that Easter Sunday
And that hard wooden pew, was exacting a price that your bum didn't want to pay.
As the sermon dragged on to twice the normal length and still seemed no nearer to the end
Your squirming around in your seat was drawing notice and starting for some to offend.

The fellow behind whispered "Sit still! I can't concentrate at all on the minister
So I leaned over and whispered, "If you don't stop that squirming, i'll administer
Something when I get you home, that will give your pert bottom a very worthy reason.
After all, I only spanked your bottom with my hand, with your bunny suit still on."

Well I guess my voice was a little louder than I thought it was that Sunday
Because whispers continued all around us, with plenty of looks coming our way.
Mercifully, the preacher finally ended and a faint sigh was heard from all.
We scurried to the back, quickly through the crowd and out of the main hall.

However who should we run into again, but my old friend in the parking lot.
One look at your legs told her more facts than from any words she'd have got.
Her knowing smile causes you to blush, not knowing where now to look
Knowing she had the advantage, she wasn't about to let you off the hook.

Since she used to be a much closer friend, she felt you'd taken her place,
So she seemed now to take secret delight in your current fall from grace.
"Ahhh, did Ron spank your cute little bottom so hard you could sit still,
Or were there ants in your pants as you seemed to be squirming about at will."

You scurried into the car, but you sat down too quickly in a panic to get away
But the loud "OUCH, you shouted as you bum hits the seat, was a dead giveaway.
If they had not overheard any of the telltale remarks from my old cheeky chum
Your scream "ouch", left little doubt, as your hands fled as well to your tender bum

Jumping back up by reflex with your hands coddling your sore cheeks.
Caused a story for everyone, who was in that parking area, to last for weeks.
For you see when you jumped back up out of the car in front of them all.
Your haste to bounce back up off that hard seat, had relieved you of your shawl.

There you were in your pink skin tight bunny suit rubbing your obviously sore rear.
Until the sound of everyone's gasp, made you sense at once your own worst fear.
Well in a flash this time you were in the car and the door was nearly slammed off
But as we took off from the lot, there was still not a breath heard or a cough.

When we got home at last, I marched you from the door to the straight back chair.
Tossing your shawl to the couch, I turned you around, while I sat down right there
"Ron, please", you pleaded, "It wasn't ALL my fault, we were late. This isn't fair."
Ignoring you complaint, I lifted you right up off your feet and into the mid air.

I then flip you across my knee adjusting you till you bum was position just right.
"Ron please don't spank me now, I know if you listen, you'll understand my plight."
"NO, my dear, I not falling for your trick of stalling by going to the washroom.
No tricks today. You've cried wolf too often. So no more tales of doom and gloom

I start spanking your pert bottom hard, all over you pink bunny suit again.
Till it's all you can do to hold back your hand to stop that butt-burning pain.
Then I pause to reach to the drawer for a paddle, while your crying too hard to see.
With a surprised volley of five stinging paddles swats, you try to get off my knee.

Getting yourself back in position quickly realizing your huge mistake,
You look at me with pleading eyes, "Please Ron, please give me a break"
"Okay my dear, I forgive you this time. I guess. I did catch you off guard."
"Thanks Ron", you say sweetly, "I know I shouldn't, but you spank so hard."

"Ron why did you paddle me with five on each cheek, I didn't do anything bad."
Well my dear, I recalled a five-letter BAD word, you said, when you were mad.
Remember the young lady in the car on the way to church that you shouted at.
"Oh Ron, hmmmmmmm, I thought with the church bells ringing, you would hear that"

"My dear, you have to learn that you can't say those things, whether I hear it or not
That is the exact reason your cheeks were given the five spanks each that they got.
Looking down at your suit, after I have let you settle down and seem to be back in line,
I suddenly realized that on both cheeks I have worn the material well past a nice shine.

I have worn a hole right through the thin material encasing each cheek I see.
"My dear, I think from now on this suit is going to have a trap door for free
Reaching for the scissors, from the holes I cut a flap, as you look back and glare
"Ron's you've ruined the seat of my good bunny suit by spanking me so hard back there."

Lowering the flap, I am greeted by two very red cheeks, exploding from their captivity
With my hand on your bottom, I announce, "Now they're ready for some more activity.
"I know they can take a lot more hard spanking than they've gotten so far, so here goes."
My little bunny's bum bounced and squirmed around as her bare bottom received the blows.

I stopped when my little bunny had a bright red bottom that was her deserved fate.
"Now my dear, Are you going to make sure, you don't make us even a second late?
You may recall a famous bunny that ran all around a place called "Wonderland" saying
'I'm late, I late for a very important date', while poor Alice was all by playing."

"Well if this pink bunny here, was to play a female version in that wonderful story,
You can bet you'd see one red bottomed bunny, that was saying, 'I'm sorry' 'I'm sorry'"

(With one hard smack to each cheek to accompany my verbally EMPHASIZED words,
I start my final scolding that brings a fresh rush of tears to my little bunny's eyes)

So remember, from NOW on don't EVER be LATE
Or your BARE bottom will PAY at the NEW going rate

Five SPANKS a minute after this Easter day is gone
Since I get your best ATTENTION by what you sit upon
So this Easter INCENTIVE, I hope will "EGG" you on.

For its seems as soon as your BOTTOM is able to sit
You start being LATE and I'M NOT PUTTING UP WITH IT.
So LOOK at your schedule and PLAN your own day
Or you'll have a HARD SPANKING coming your way.

As I let you up to cry and hop about the room, to rub your freshly spanked bum,
I announce that for the rest of the day, you're staying in this costume, you so become.
What's an Easter, without having a little bunny to hop about because of some "Bad" eggs.
The added flap is my Easter present to you. It's so cute there, hanging down your legs.

Needless to say, for the rest of the day, with your red bottom on total display,
You were very careful to do all the right things to make this Easter a great day
There is something about having your bare spanked cheeks hanging out of a trap door,
Making their easy access, produce exemplary behavior, for fear of getting them spanked more.

Ron J