spankable offenses
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Article A: Humorous Version : 

Top Ten Spankable offences
by Ron J

1 Not cleaning the TV screen during every commercial break in any sport
match on TV.

2. Touching the remote control during a sport's event on TV

3. Allowing the ice to melt in any refreshment glasses

4. Walking in front of the TV while  anyone else is watching it

5. Not keeping the glass of refreshments always more than half full

6. Not phoning all your husband's (boyfriend's) friends to come over any time there is
a sport's event live on TV.

7.Talking during any sporting event on TV except during commercials

8. Leaving the toilet seat down when the guys are over watching the game

9. Asking how long a sixty minute game takes till its over, and why

10 Giving away all your husband's (boyfriend's) sports equipment and clothes to
charity (and worse not mentioning it till he can't find his stuff and the guys
are waiting for him)


Article B
My first reaction is every one needs a chance or way to vent.
Obviously there are frustrating circumstances for everyone. However; that said, the
reaction should be controlled. To let it progress or escalate or involve
others is something that should be considered an area in need of
improvement. There also must be a willingness on both sides before and
after, outside "the heat of battle." That this is that is an agreed upon trait that needs
Preface to list of offences
My list, when I think about it, revolves around whether the prospective
spankee herself wants to correct the habits and is displeased at herself
for letting it happen. In that case the spanking is a positive thing that
releases and "clear the air" of feelings of guilt that can inwardly fester.
Unlike most, however; I also believe that whether it is an erotic or a
punishment spanking, afterwards a forgiveness stage is required to seal the
incident as closed. Both sides are sorry it happened and the true tenderness
of caring is shared.
List of Spankable Offenses
1. Not living up to the standards you want for yourself and feel disappointment within yourself afterwards (Also a magnification factor on conduct is whether others (kids, relatives,
friends etc.) are present as witnesses or innocently involved when the event
occurs or are resultantly affected by it.

2. Unnecessary and excessive jealousy- "the green eyed monster"

3. Not being kind and considerate to others
(Behavior or actions that hurt others) or endangering others unnecessarily.

4. Actions that are unbecoming of the person you want to be, even if the actions don't affect others.

5. Smoking or smoking in the house

6. Just down and feeling guilty or self-condemning about something and a spanking is needed to clear the air.

7. Not taking proper care of yourself or endangering yourself unnecessarily

8. Irresponsibility: fines, procrastination, lateness to excess. Beyond
reasonable conditions that can lead to negative impacts (loss of a job,
friends or significant money.) Gross negligence in performing one's duties
and obligations that span a period of time.

9. Not being honest with each other and sharing (the exception being the white
lies where your motives are honorable and you are doing it solely for the
other person benefit and not for your own self interest (should rarely if ever
be used though.)

10. Bratiness. Purposely irritating your partner excessively (no matter
what the motive real or playful.) When you partner exhibits the key signs
you know she wants one but coming out and asking just ruins the effect.

Ron J