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Invertebrates are the most abundant creatures on earth, crawling, flying, floating, or swimming in virtually all of earth's habitats, from townhouses to tropical rainforests. Invertebrates are all creatures without backbones.  They play vital roles in earth's ecosystems. All told, perhaps 99 percent of all known living species are invertebrates. Somewhere around 9 or 10 million species of animals inhabit the earth; the 
exact number is not known and even our estimate are very rough. Animals 
range in size from no more than a few cells to organisms weighing many tons,
such as blue whales and giant squid. Most animals inhabit the seas, with 
fewer in fresh water and even fewer on land. 


Evolutionary Developments

Distinguishing Characteristics


Invertebrate Info Table

Created by Deren Bagsby
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Last updated: 05/30/03
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