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Concept Sketch by J.Riley

This concept sketch of a house was the inspiration to bring life to SMUMPY's brand new home. Though the house in this sketch has a somewhat southwestern flavour, our new building will be constructed in a very Japanese style to promote relaxation and artistic inspiration.

The Interior

The interior of the building will look somewhat like this sketch, with plenty of ventilation and all the natural light you can shake a stick at. Say goodbye to that phosphorescent glow and with it, incessant headaches!



Our writers will find everything convenient and comfortable with this desk in our colour scheme of natural wood and black.


Perhaps the most essential peice of furniture in the office, these heavy-duty drawing desks will provide a surface on which to churn out our comics.


These are the various chairs we've purchased to assure the complete comfort of our artists and writiers.


This is what our conference tables will look like, just a comfortable surface on which to lay out ideas, plan and discuss.


Our colorists will be receiving these roomy holding places for their massive workstations and graphics tablets.




Filtered light is important for the artists' eye. A glaring computer screen or shimmering peice of paper can make the drawing skewed without the artist intending to make it that way. Natural light will be a huge resource, but these little shoji lamps will provide extra lumination towards evening.




These are some examples of what our exterior walls will look like. The shoji screens, as you can see, will let in a lot of natural light.



Noone at SMUMPY can live without a PC, and our power-packed workstations will satisfy their every need. With the new Pentium 4 processor at 1.5Ghz and almost a Gig of RAM, these machines are already fast, but this is a visual industry. We'll need high-end 64MB Graphics cards as well as networking capabilities. To top it off, were going with 17" LCD Flatscreen High-Resolution monitors to save space and make our images come to life!


These printers are what's going to make our high quality proofs to send to the printing company. They're commercial quality and highly expensive but highly worth the cost. We could publish comics without them!


Every emerging artist out there is lusting after one of these - a 12x18 Wacom Graphics Tablet. They're Essential to our colorists and just plain fun to have around!



Here are some of the graphics titles SMUMPY will be using to produce more high-quality books:

Adobe Photoshop 6.0

Adobe Illustrator 8.0

Corel Draw



Quark XPress


.-=• PET ALIEN LAND •=-.

All artwork ©1997-2000 J.Riley & SMUMPY.COM
Some ideas may have been stolen from Allen Riley and/or Patrick May, but they don't mind.
Please don't steal artwork and/or graphics. It's mean.
Pet Alien is mine, don't take him either. And, finally...