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Simple Abundance
~Reader Comments~

I gathered these from the internet, and copied them for this page:


This book features 366 essays penned from a woman's perspective.
Sample topics include gratitude, harmony, self-nurturing, positive body image, the importance of scented linen closets, and many others. Each essay sports a pithy quote from (surprise!) the likes of Kahlil Gibran. Viewed uncritically, it's hard to argue with Simple Abundance's earnest admonitions to appreciate life, in all its messy imperfect excellence. And the fact that serenity and happiness are each in dreadfully short supply can excuse some of the treacly writing. But Breathnach sometimes lapses into what can only be described as her "Martha Stewart on Prozac" voice, and the results are aggravating to the extreme: "If you've been hesitant to strike up a reciprocal relationship with your guardian angel, don't be." (What on earth can you do for your guardian angel?) Being acid is so unattractive ... and shooting fish in a barrel besides. Read these feel-good essays every morning with the rising sun, a cup of mint tea, and a bluebird chirping on your windowsill, and you'll be happy.

Quotes, poems, meditations and practical exercises for every day of a woman's year include thought-provoking, inspirational messages, money-saving suggestions, gardening and decorating ideas, and thoughts on personal fulfillment. 30,000 first printing.

Customer Comments
Average Customer Review: Number of Reviews: 42

A reader from Phoenix, AZ, 07/15/98
Required reading for all women, all ages I recieved this book as a gift last year when I was going through a very painful time in my life. Reading a meditation every day gave me a sense of discipline and hope in the midst of chaos. I could do without some of the Marth Stewart-ish decorating ideas, and in many ways this book applies more to women at midlife rather than a "twentysomething" like myself. But Sarah Ban Breathnach's fundamental truths (be true to yourself; listen to your own heart rather than the confusing and contradictory voices of those around you; happiness comes from within, not without) apply to all women of all ages, everywhere. I wish someone would have given me a book of daily meditaitons containing these truths when I was 13 years old; it would have saved me a lot of heartache. Maybe someday we'll see "Simple Abundance for Teenagers and Young Women." I know I'd love to see it...

A reader from GEORGIA,USA, 06/09/98
SIMPLE ABUNDANCE is changing many womens' lives.
SIMPLE ABUNDANCE speaks to the daily world of women. On May 4th at a local book store, our discussion group celebrated a first year anniversary. During the time we have had ideas, thoughts, insights and questions shared by over fifty women. We have laughed, cried, listened, learned and most importantly, grew! The daily readings and spiritual principles empowered, enriched and brought joy. Needless to say, we are all looking forward to another wonderful year of SIMPLE ABUNDANCE! from nassau, bahamas, 03/28/98
This is a life changing book!
Every woman should read this book. Her practical guide to simple living and of expressing gratitude has totally changed me. The best part of my day is writing the gratitude journal. Sarah ban Breathnach is truly gifted and I am truly grateful for her gift to me. We can put purpose back to life by following her suggestions. I love this book. from Falls Church VA, 03/25/98
If you like Simple Abundance, you will enjoy...
I can tell from reading all the other reader comments, that if you enjoyed and are putting into practice Simple Abundance, you will enjoy these books by Alexandra Stoddard: (1) Gracious Living in a New World: Finding Joy in Changing Times (1996), (2) The Art of the Possible, (3) Making Choices: The Joy of a Courageous Life (1994), and (4) her most recent Living in Love (1997). And there are several others as well but these are my favorites. I especially recommend Gracious Living. Stoddard offers useful advice on how to get and stay calm and centered and find joy and grace in the simple every day events of your life. I gave Simple Abundance along with Gracious Living as Christmas gifts to my sister, sister-in-law and best friend -- they *still* haven't stopped thanking me! (And I am grateful to the friend who loaned me my first Alexandra Stoddard book last year -- I immediately went out and purchased them all!) I encourage you to check them out, you will enjoy all of her books! from Winchester, UK, 03/17/98
a valuable companion for morning meditation
I stumbled across this book on a recent visit to the States, and I'm delighted with the freshness and directness of the language, which only occasionally gets bogged down in syrup. She seems to get to the heart of my current preoccupations; is she all-knowing, or am I all too predictable? Whatever, the book makes a satisfying companion to morning quiet-time, and the messages are retained with surprising ease. I do look forward to reading each day's piece, and want to order for sister, friends - a long list. Thank you for a life-enhancing book.

A reader from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 03/13/98
Youthful embrace of life + experience in daily living
Reading this book and following its precepts, has made me feel young again - as though discovering the world for the first time. The journal is a "must" for me each day as well. Please convey to Sarah that I hope she publishes a journal of gratitude for 1999 so that I can keep my record going.

A reader from San Francisco, California, 03/09/98
It's the one book I've stayed with
I've read and purchased many many "self help" books in my 48 years, but this one is by far the best. I read it most mornings and in September of last year began keeping the Gratitude Journal. The author is right: it works. For a long- time pessimist like myself to write these words is amazing but my life has really changed and I've stopped questioning whether it's my imagination or not. (Does it really matter?) Most importantly, I feel better and see most things in an entirely different light. Highly recommended!

Assorted Reader Comments

Simple Abundance. My library does not have it. I just found
"Simple Abundance ~ A Daybook of Comfort and Joy," by Sarah Ban Breathnach,
at Costco. The hardback edition is normally almost $20,
but I was able to purchase it for $10. :)

I think I will definitely get $10 worth of benefit out of it. This book might not show
up at many libraries since it is for reading over the course of a year, one small
reading each day. (Most libraries don't like their patrons checking books out for
52 weeks at a time!) Since I've started the book a month into the New Year, I
have a bit of reading and application to get caught up on, before I can start
reading the correct section for the date on the calendar.

On January 14th, the author suggests (no, "requires" is probably a better word!)
that the reader buy a beautiful blank book that will be used for a daily Gratitude
Journal. At the end of each day, you write down five things from that day that
you are grateful for. (Some days the list will be profound and long..... Other days
it will be difficult to come up with anything, except maybe gratitude that the day
is over!!). Simple things like sunshine breaking through the morning fog can be
the focus of our gratitude and appreciation.

The author says:
"As the months pass and you fill your journal with blessings, an
inner shift in your reality will occur. Soon you will be delighted to
discover how content and hopeful you are feeling. As you focus on
the abundance rather than on the lack in your life, you will be
designing a wonderful new blueprint for the future. This sense of
fulfillment is gratitude at work, transforming your dreams into reality."

Well, yesterday I went out and purchased a beautiful fabric covered blank book
to begin my Gratitude Journal experience. Since my family and I are going through
the difficult process of grief following the loss of my mother, I realized that this
would be a wonderful time in my life to begin looking for the joys and blessings in
life, rather than focusing on the heavy losses and tragedies....

Yesterday was a difficult day, full of personal illness and heartwrenching emotions.
But at the end of the day, as I filled out my Gratitude Journal, I found myself
smiling ..... Filled with the memory of a few simple joys and pleasures...

  • (1) I gave in and purchased the life-changing "Simple Abundance" book.

  • (2) When I went to the gift shop to purchase my blank book
    for the Gratitude Journal, the store smelled heavenly! Candles,
    perfume, potpourri ........Ahhhhhhh...............

  • (3) The fog of the early morning was replaced by a beautiful
    Spring-like day.... Such a rare and wonderful thing in early
    February in the Seattle area.....

  • (4) My dad is doing much better today in his grief over losing
    Mom. They were married for 39 years..... What a lot of love
    and life to share with another person! So happy to see him
    functioning once again, after recovering somewhat from the
    initial shock and grief at her passing so suddenly from his life.......

  • (5) My nine-year-old daughter, after suffering for six months
    with an unexplained illness, is now doing fine. To see a
    healthy child after such a long bout of ill health,
    is a thing of true beauty........
Going to bed after dwelling on the positive aspects of an otherwise dreary and
pain-filled day, changed my entire perspective yesterday. It's almost as if the
simple act of gratitude erased the memory of the harder times. Or at least eased
the negative emotional impact of it all.......

If you don't have access to the book, "Simple Abundance," you can start down
the path of finding joy in everyday things by starting your own Gratitude Journal
..... I even bought one for my nine-year-old, and she loves the idea!
I figure you're never too young to begin the habit of thankfulness......

Simply Yours,

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a
meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes
sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."

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