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A "Bobbie Sue's Grooves" Page
The Magician's

List of Tools

Excerpts from literature provided by
"Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts," of Ponca City, OK
#1=To KNOW. . . .#2=To DARE. . . .#3=To WILL. . . .#4=To BE SILENT
To "know" means to gain the knowledge to do ritual magic,
to "dare" to practice it, to "will" the manifestation, and
to keep "silent" about what you are doing.
The last part is especially important.
Talking about magic diffuses the energy flow. Silence also keeps
unsympathetic people from directing negative thoughts toward your
efforts. People who talk about their magical operations,
never achieve real magic.

Creating An Altar
Please bear with me while I get just slightly off subject here
to tell you something that just might interest you.

It wasn't, actually, through the things I'm learning about Magic that prompted me to create an altar in my
home. The truth is, I got the idea from the book called "Simple Abundance, A Daybook of Comfort and Joy,"
by Sarah Ban Brethnach. You've probably heard of it. I have a website based on my love for that book,
incidentally, called "Simple Abundance," which you can access from the main page. In the book, the
author talks about how wierd her family thought she was when she created what she called her "sacred space,"
later referred to as her "meditation table." She had gotten the idea from reading about women writers that
she admires who all had something like that in their homes. She dug up a little blue bench from someplace,
placed it in a small area of her bedroom, covered it with a crocheted lace cloth, and placed on it some
candles, incense burner, a special little vase, small spiritual-related objects, other special objects. She can
see it from her bed when she props up there to relax and meditate. I really liked the idea of having a
special spot like that in my house! So, I created ME one from an interesting (to me) old painted wooden shelf,
which I now have at a small area of wall in my dining room. I use the top shelf as my "altar," and the other
shelves to store assorted colors and scents of candles, candle holders, incense, my special stones and rocks,
my Medicine Wheel-related smudge pot, bundle, Medicine Cards, etc., etc. There truly is something very
centering about having a special "spiritual spot" like that in my house. Just the act of standing there at it to
light a candle for no specific reason, gives me a feeling of spiritual peace. And it's comforting to have a
special, Sacred spot in my house to go to for ANY of my spiritual work. I used to just move stuff from out of a
cabinet onto the dining table for that, but NOW I have an altar!
but I just had to throw that in here! Now, back to creating an altar for Magical work.

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

It can be as simple as a coffee table or chest, or as elaborate as a specific table that is used only for spellwork.
Narrow scarves of various colors can be draped across the altar, the colors coordinated to the spellworking.
The altar is the "Earth" connected with "Spirit," and is a grounding stationto bring your spells into reality on
this plane of existence. Place your altar or table to face the East. When you become more acquainted with
magic, you can turn the altar to face a different direction, if you choose. When you become a more
accomplished magician, you will face the altar the appropriate direction for more advanced work.

Accumulating Tools
The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, Ok
The best way to assemble your magical tools is by a slow, steady process.
You must never haggle over the price of any ritual object.
Everything does not have to be found or purchased at once.
There is a special joy in discovering the right stone or tool,
sometimes quite unexpectedly in the most unusual place.

A Magical Name
The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, Ok
Something you should choose for yourself (unless it has been given to you),
which is not really a tool in the physical sense, is a magical name. This
name should be personal and private, never revealed to anyone, unless you
are working with another respected magician. By assuming the magical name
when you enter the circle, you are presenting yourself to the God-powers
as a different person, one who is qualified to approach them and work magic.

An Amulet
The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK
An amulet or piece of pagan jewelry can be helpful to the magician, both
as protection and as a stimulus for the magical transformation which takes
place when performing rituals. Chanting over this jewelry will "charm" it,
thus making it also a luck bringer. Acquiring an amulet (which should be
concealed if worn every day) can restore a person's self-confidence. And
by restoring that confidence, the luck is changed. There are several
ancient symbols known for their protection and powers: the pentagram, the
ankh cross, and the 6-point star or Solomon's Seal. Although an amulet is
not a ritual tool, most magicians consider it a valuable asset.

Robe & Bands
The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK
A robe that is saved only for spell-working is a fundamental part of
your magical paraphernalia. It can be plain, decorated and of any color
that appeals to you as long as it makes you feel "magical."
It is nice to have more than one robe, each in a different color.
The colors can be matched to the candle colors.

Men's should be of gold or goldtoned metal, with a sun in the center. The
sun may be represented by a simple circle or a circle with radiating
flares around it. Women most commonly wear silver or silvertoned metal.
A crescent moon is set in the middle with the horns pointed upward.

Is the same as the headband, but with a 5-point star with the center
point upwards (never down).

The headband and armband are of the element, "Spirit."

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

Any shape, size, or material. They hold water or wine, but are occasionally
used empty. If planning to use a goblet to hold wine, do not use one of
brass or pewter unless lined with silver. There is a dangerous poisonous
reaction between wine and these metals. Wood, ceramic, stone, glass, or
silver are all quite acceptable.

The goblet, like the cauldron, is of the element, "Water."

Incense Burner
The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK
It is essential, use the better incenses that are burnt on charcoal.
Choose a burner that has some sort of foot or stand under it. Fill it
with a layer of sand, which makes it easier to clean and cuts down on
the heat that will pass into the altar. Chains are a necessity for
moving it while hot. If the burner doesn't have chains, an easy addition
can be made. A metal ring just smaller than the base of the bowl of the
burner can be attached to four lengths of small chain, which are fastened
to a smaller ring. Representative of the element of "Fire," the incense
burner may also be used for spells requiring burning of paper.

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

Should be new and always shining. It can be whatever size and shape that
appeals to you, however, the blade should be no longer than your palm
and fingers and should be sharpened, for it will be used to cut herbs
and to incise candles.

If you acquire a used dagger, make sure it has no negative vibrations.
If such vibrations are present, cleanse it within your circle by sprinkling
it with consecrated water and passing it through incense smoke

The dagger is of the element, "Fire,"

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

A sword, like the staff, is a tool of command. It isn't used often, but
is necessary for certain spell workings. Its size, style, and length
are a personal choice, just be careful that you can easily handle the sword
you choose. The weight and length are important, because sometimes they
are held for several minutes.

The sword is of the element, "Fire."

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

Candles are used for everything from lighting the altar to specifics in spells.
Colors needed are:
white, black, red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue,
purple, brown, magenta, indigo, gold, silver, gray.

Candles are representative of both the elements, "Air," and "Fire."

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

Herbs are best gathered by the magician using his or her own ritual dagger.
This is not always possible, so if you buy more than you need,
store them in sealed glass or ceramic containers away from heat and sunlight.

Herbs are of the element, "Earth."

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

Colorful stones of various shapes and sizes are used in some spell works.
Whether you purchase them or find them yourself, be certain that their
vibrations feel comfortable to you. There are no set numbers of stones,
but never more than 13 will be used at one time. An "Earth" element,
they play an important part in spellworkings. Crystals and other stones
are good conductors of magical energy in their natural state and need not
be polished to be of use.
Stones of the following colors are useful
(stones listed are a representation of the colors only):
PINK (rose quartz), RED (red jasper, carnelian),
YELLOW (amber, topaz, citrine), ORANGE (carnelian, jacinth),
BLUE (lapis, lazuli, labradorite), GREEN (jade, malachite, amazonite),
WHITE (moonstone, quartz, rock crystal), BROWN (tigereye, smokey quartz),
BLACK (onyx, obsidian), PURPLE or LAVENDER (amethyst, quartz, lapidolite, beryl).
Your collection of stones doesn't have to be any of these, they can be
stones that you find simply when you are out walking. The only thing
that matters is that they are the right colors and that they feel right
to you. However, these four stones are essential for certain spellwork:

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

A cauldron or a small kettle with a bail handle is essential. It is
connected with magical happenings. Black cast iron is the best and most
traditional material for the cauldron, although it can be of other
metals. Filled with water, the cauldron can be used as a scying apparatus,
similar to a black mirror or crystal ball. During certain spells, candles
are set in it and allowed to burn out. It is an all-purpose tool, a
vital part of your spellworkings.

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

Pentagram, a five-point star with one upward point, is a spirit symbol.
A potent form of the pentagram is the fossilized stem of a sea lily or
a star fish. A pentagram is often engraved or painted on a wooden or
metal disk (sometimes set with semi-precious gemstones). Also known as a
pentacle, this disk is used as a power-point for consecrating ritual
objects, such as water or wine in a chalice, amulets and tools. It can
also be used to control wayward elementals.

Satanists have corrupted this sacred symbol
by using it with one point in the downward position.

Wand and Staff

The following is excerpts from literature provided to me by
Dragon Wings Metaphysical Gifts, Ponca City, OK

Wand and staff should be of wood, made by the person who will use them.
If you purchase these or have them made, you should fill them with your
own vibrations before using them. This is easily done by handling them
often and deliberately sending your own positive thoughts into the object.
The wand and staff can be naturally-formed tree branches or made of dowels
ornamented with crystals and wooden beads. The length of the wand depends
upon what feels comfortable to you, but should be no longer than your
forearm, the staff should be at least shoulder high. Sometimes men
fasten a small cone to the tip of their wand (like a pinecone), and
women a crystal and/or a crescent moon. The wand is a charming tool, the
staff is a symbol of both magical knowledge and the right to petition
deities or archetypal powers. They are both of the element of "Air."

These are webpages I found that are just loaded with detailed info.
Clicking on a "subject" will open a separate browser window.
The above three sites are by "Joelle," whose homepage is at
Sites left and right
are by "Cougarshaman,"
whose homepage is at
The above meanings prepared by "Lionel Pepper,"
whose profile is at

Magickal Herbs
Essential Oils
Candle Magick
Stone Magick
The above four sites are by "Sarah's Arch Angels," whose homepage is at

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