Preliminary Comments
by Bobbie Sue
To me, the article you are about to read can be "taken" more
than one way. Right away, I found a "spin" on it that I hope
other people find, too. Personally, what I get out of it is that
for many years, many of our European ancestors had one foot in their
ancient so-called "Pagan/Heathen" beliefs, and the other foot in their
newfound Christian beliefs. My guess is that this was true
in later centuries by the original followers of Native American
beliefs (or other "Earth Religions"), as well,
who were also so-called "Pagans/Heathens/Savages,"
and who were hearing their first teachings of Christianity. So,
who knows when it all evolved into being an "all or
nothing" proposition? Why did it then and why does it
now have to be an "all or nothing" proposition?
My question is why can't it ALL be considered truths?
As long as all of us are giving "credit" to a higher power
than us, what difference does it make? And why can't
there be mutual acceptance and mutual respect and even a
certain amount of blending among all belief
systems. Well...if not a blending, which is where I find
spiritual "truths/peace," then at least the acceptance and
respect of the fact that a person found the right spiritual
"connection" for them, even if it isn't exactly the same
"connection" as another person's.